Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Tonight is the night I meet up with Matt. Meeting up with a vine star isn't new to me I've done it before but tonight must be a lot different since Matt has a lot of protective fans obviously. I started to get ready I took my shower and let my hair dry naturally while I pick out something nice to wear. I decided to where a black pencil skirt that really complements my butt, I put on a black crop top that says "WILD LIFE" in white capitol letters and I put on my black heels I usually never wear heels but since it's going to be a nice dinner why not where heels? I put on a black smoky eye look with a nude lipstick and I curled my hair. The door bell rang and I quickly grabbed my bag and ran down stairs since no one was home I left a note saying where I was;

"Hi mom I left with Matt he's taking me to a surprise dinner so I'll text you when I get there! I will tell you everything that happened! Love you xx"

I opened the door and Matt's jaw dropped, "Wow Eva, you look stunning!" "Aw thanks this was just something laying in my closet!" I laughed. He guided me to car when I was about to open my door he stopped me and opened it for me. "Wow such a gentlemen!" I got into the car with a small giggle. Now Matt's car was a little too high for me to get in so wearing heels made it a lot harder to get in. He saw me struggling and just laughed, "Do you need help?" I looked up at him, "No I'm fine I got this." "Well you certainly haven't changed!" I got in and sat in the passenger side, I took a deep breath because well obviously it wasn't that easy to get in "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing it's just you never needed my help..." I buckled my seatbelt, "Well because you were a douche and I knew you wouldn't want to help me anyway so why even ask right?" I smirked knowing I just burned like I burned my potato in the microwave so burned it started a fire. He turned on the radio and Jack and Jack Wild Life came on, "Oh my god this is my favorite song!" He looked at my shirt and laughed, "I can see... so you're a fan of Jack and Jack? I am too surprisingly." He laughed... "You like Jack and Jack?!" He nodded yes, "In fact I actually talk to them" he smiled. "YOU KNOW THE JACKS?!" He knows the Jacks like in a fan way but he actually knows them personally oh my god! "We're here." He laughed. He got out of the car and opened my door and since he knew I had a hard time to get in the car he helped me out of the car. When I got out I noticed he took me to Olive Garden which is my favorite place, "You knew this was my favorite place?" He looked into my eyes, "Eva I know I was jerk but just because it seemed I didn't care doesn't mean I didn't pay attention." I smiled and he took my hand and we walked into the place. We saw a few people taking pictures and recording. We took a seat in a single room that was just for us. I saw a little girl walking up towards us with her older sister. "So do you actually take the time to sign and meet some fans during dinners like this?" I asked, "Actually yes I do but usually they aren't in fancy places." He laughed. A little girl with her big sister came up to us, "Oh my god Eva! Can we have a picture with you?!" I laughed and winked at Matt. "Of course!" We posed for a picture, "What are you guys' name?" I noticed the girls were really nervous, "I-I'm Ally and this is my sister May" I gave them a hug, "Those are beautiful names!" Before I turned back around to order the older sister, Ally asked a question, "Can I ask you a question?" I smiled, "Of course you can." She hesitated, "How are you doing? You know since today 6 months ago Brennen passed...?" I smiled and looked down then looked at Matt. I took a deep breath, "I'm doing fine... You know missing him I'm trying my best to stay strong for him you know?" Ally nodded and gave me a hug. When she left I continued to look at the menu in silence. "Eva... Who's Brennen?" I closed my eyes, "He's my boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend whatever you want to call it..." My eyes stayed on the menu. "Eva look at me." I looked up with a few tears coming down, "What happened 6 months ago?" "You want to know everything?" He took my hand and nodded yes, "Well a year ago..."

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