An Interesting child!

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Dear diary,
my father came to visit us again, he knocked one time on the door which is odd and calling our names to indicate that it's actually our father. we were excited  and well our phones it has  low battery the other was 8% then it stopped going down while my phone is on 5% or something it won't charge.Then the next thing I knew me and my sis is locked up on the bedroom doing YouTube videos about slime... Bedroom is the only place we're allowed to go in.. The room looks like my past apartment we live in... The bedroom.. It's the same-I...i tried to escape two times one was the door when dad is away... I can't open it at first.. But When I finnaly did opened it father was already there smiling at us in a creepy way... It goes black.. Second time was I tried to call on my phone.. . My dad was probably editing videos somewhere in the house not in the bedroom tho.. I called someone I whispered in my lowest voice help.. Saying my city, the country, I forgot the address so I tried to search my address in one of my notebook inside the bag... Which is sitting on the table where we do videos while Im searching of it out of the corner of my eye I saw my father peaking into me... He a unsettling way.. It goes black once again and I woke up..

Dear diary,
The next day started and look who visited, it was my dad giving us a warm smile and hugs. It was a very cheerful day I almost forgot the nightmare I had. Just before my dad left he told the words that made my throats dry, my body stiffened, and my feet stuck on the ground. He came forward passing the door and before he close it he said "this was a much more fun day than yesterday, farewell. See you next week" he left... Making me speechless. I closed the door calmly and even bid him goodbye before doing it. I looked at my sister who's playing, closing the blinds in the window and locking the door. I brought my sister with me upstairs going to my mom's room. I locked the door behind us. I told my sister to message mom while I walk towards the desk. In that desk there's a calendar. I check that up and there's a circle on every Tuesday... It was the days my father to visit, yesterday was Monday.. It can't be. That wasn't a dream?

Dear diary,
....... This can't be happening...theres no way..! I'm overthinking these kind of things maybe I'm just stressed. . Yes! that is the reason isn't it?!.....i need to calm down.

Thursday Dear diary,It was a normal day, my sister is playing like the usual, we finished our assignments

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Dear diary,
It was a normal day, my sister is playing like the usual, we finished our assignments. In fact we even had the time to play together with her new brought toys. It was peaceful, too peaceful for my liking..

Dear diary,
Someone knocked.. I ask who's there but no one answered. The unknown person called my name but the voice was something..... I am not familiar with. Who's that? The person left afterwards.. . Or should I say... It left?

SaturdayDear diary,They keep knocking I looked at the window and just saw that no one is there

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Dear diary,
They keep knocking I looked at the window and just saw that no one is there. I looked at My sister... Oh good she's playing just like normal. We went up upstairs once again and look at the message that was sent yesterday by our mother saying "Never open the door. I'm coming there. No matter what tricks they used, never be fooled by them..". Me and my sister slept in a quiet night... Is it just me or did it got colder?

Dear diary,
Someone knocked.. I'm guessing it was my mother. Those footsteps that I heard going near the door, the familiar knock she always did and the sound of extra keys that was always with her if ever we lost the original one.... But I can't be sure.. No, not this time. I cannot be fooled. I was about to open the window when I suddenly felt a buzz going from my phone. It was my mother again. She messaged me that she's on the door. I was about to open it when my sister stopped me. She looked scared and that made me stop from reaching the doorknob. I peek in the window..... IT WAS MOM! my sister opened the door my mom was in she hugged us with tears on her face. I locked the door quickly just after our mom got inside we really missed her. She looks very worried and exhausted might be because she was on a hurry going back here. Our mother led us upstairs to go to bed but before I left I checked the door to see if it's locked and it does. I heard another knock, and another and another. It was loud needy and... What is that? I'm guessing I'm the only one who can hear it... Why..? Is that Screams..? My mother escorted me upstairs making me rest beside my sister before my eyes completely closed I saw my mother going on her desk scribbling on something.

I can't calm down my mother was here. She said that we will have to run away before tommorow comes. It is too dangerous to stay here. Other than that it was a great day. But ofcource I noticed something strange throughout the week. What happened on Monday last week. I can't remember. All I can think about is the dream, the smile, the knocks, the visit, me and mom and sister... But something is missing. Wait where is my diary?

3:47 pm
I can't find it, I asked my mom and she said that she knows but she can't say where it is yet. She was busy preparing for us to escape. On what I have observed since the dream happened. The knocks were usually morning until 11 pm. But when my mom came, the knocks is very rare now. Is it because there are more people on the house? Now that just doesn't make any sense.

5 pm
It's time for dinner until we go escape this horrible place. But why do I felt like waking up? Huh? What did I just say?...

7:28 pm
I felt strange, I feel like I'm tired, I feel like I want to wake up my body is uncomfortable. I keep hearing knocks.. Not on this house.. But on my head. There knocking.. Knock.. Knock.. Knock.. And knock...

8:58 pm
Dear da..y..
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

9 pm
De...r D... a.. Ry??
Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up whake up!

10:56 pm
I was more than ready. The time we open the doorknobs there should be no monster or entity-! .... Entity? Monsters? What did I just say.. How would I know not even sure but... Those words just sounds so right and fitting but then again why do I feel like opening my eyes? What did... I just say..? No not again.. How does this keep happening. This should stop. The Time!!! MY DIARY!!!!!!

My mother opened the door and we escaped, got into the car and left the household. Now we are living in a peaceful neighborhood, we are happy, living with with the fresh air and well and...

Where's my diary?

Where's my diary?

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Wake up?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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