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Jason enters the cave, which became like a second home, with the rest of the search party. It's been almost a week since Milak took Melissa from them.

Only returning to the cave to sleep left their group depleted of energy, but no one wanted to take a break. Finding Melissa is all that matters.

Although Jason never admitted his true feelings towards Melissa, he knew it was clear to see how he felt about her.

Jason sinks down against the cold cave wall. He rests his head back and welcome the cold to seep into his muscles.

At least for a second, Jason will feel something other than guilt. Jason opens his tired eyes when he becomes aware of someone's presence next to him.Cassandra sits beside him and hands him a bottle of cold water.

"You should stop blaming yourself," she says softly.

Jason looks at her without answering. He cannot remember how often people told him to stop blaming himself because Milak took Melissa from under his nose.

None of their words matter. Jason was responsible for her. He let his guard down. He was supposed to protect her.

He will never be able to forget that moment. They came in fast. Bartholomew carried two wolf warriors, himself and Melissa.

Jason ensured that Melissa was covered between himself and the warriors as they flew He worried that they would be shot out of the air by archers or, worse, snipers.

No one knew what to expect from the enemy line. When they touched down, they were immediately thrown into the raging battle.

There was no time to assess the situation, but he stayed by Melissa's side. Jason knew Melissa could take care of herself.

He saw her in training, and sparred with her many times. Jason knew she was stronger, faster, and in general just more than anyone ever gave her credit for, but she carried his heart. She was, is and always will be the most imortant person in his life, he has and will always want to keep her safe.

He was aware of her fighting next to him during the whole battle. Carrying her own. He still remembers seeing her attacking two fighters at once with her whip.

A whip does not sound dangerous to anyone, and the fighters thought that she would have been an easy target, but Jason was not worried.

He knew what she could do with that whip, and Melissa infused the whip with magic and poison.

He got distracted by an attack from the other side, and he knew he sliced into two fighters at once with his axes when the lighting wolf appeared.

Everyone's attention was on the magnificent beast, including his. The Queen's warriors rejoiced, knowing that the battle just turned in their favour.Milak's people started running, retreating, knowing they had lost the battle when the beast appeared.

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