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Judged by the rocking motion, Mel assumes her body is moving, but she is lying on her side. The sun is burning down on her face.

"No, that is wrong; it should be raining or at least cold," she thinks.

Keeping her breathing as even as she can, Mel tries to assess what is going on. The last thing she remembers is Carmen and Blake's lighting wolf appearing out of nowhere.

She still remembers how delighted she felt, knowing the battle had turned in their favour. The enemy started running away from the fight.

She took a second to admire her lifelong crush, Jason, as he chased after the people running away when she felt a slight burn on her neck.

Without making a move, she searched her body. She cannot find any injuries, only a terrible headache and her head feeling fuzzy.

"Tranquilliser ," she thinks to herself.

The burn on her neck must have been from a tranquilliser dart. Her heart rate picks up when she remembers how Blake and the other wolf almost died after tranquilliser darts shot them.

She blows out the breath she held softly, to not let her captors know she is awake. The more she can learn before they realise she is no longer unconscious, the better she can plan her escape.

Stabilising her breathing again, Mel tries to catch as much conversation as possible with the people around her.

“This one does not look much like a warrior, does she?” a male voice asks

"I don't care what she looks like. Milak's orders were to capture the warrior, which I have done." Another answered

"You do know that there are two of them? This one has a twin sister." the first male voice answered.

"Shit! I only saw one. What will happen if this is the wrong sister?" came the answer.

"Then you are both dead. Milak will not waste his time with the weak sister, and you know the punishment for that kind of mistake is death." the first answered again.

Hearing this conversation causes Mel almost to give herself away. Just believing someone wanted to harm Mia makes Mel's blood boil.

Most people are under the impression that Mia is always the one looking out for Mel, but truthfully, it goes both ways.

Mel doesn't care what people think. She is okay with being strong without anyone knowing. Mel knows her sister well enough to be able to pretend to be Mia to keep herself alive and protect her sister.

The first thing she has to do is warn Mia that her life is in danger.

“Hermana?” she reaches out to Mia through their mind link.

Usually, Mia would answer immediately, no matter what was happening with either of them. It is a promised they made while still only little girls, to respond immediately, even if it was only to ask the other to give them a second if they were busy.

The fact that Mel does not receive an answer from her sister causes her heart rate to pick up again.

"You have to stay calm," she scolds herself, knowing that the slight change in her body posture can alert her captors that she is awake.

Tentatively, she reaches out to Carmen, their princess and her star-bound sister. "Car?"

Once again, nothing happens.

“Say Jack, how long do you think this stuff you shot her with lasts?” a female voice asks close to Mel

"Not sure. The stuff Theo used almost killed the other two. Not that I would have minded killing this one, but Milak wanted her alive. We adjusted the dosage, so we must wait and see." Jack answers

STRONGER-BOOK 2- (GUARDIANS OF LA REINA) Where stories live. Discover now