Self love<3(NSFW)

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TW: mentions of SH scars,past mentions of abuse,smut,poor body image

Quackity looked in the mirror with nothing but disgust on his face. He hated his body. He was fat in all the wrong place and skinny in even worse places. He couldn't understand how Karl even wanted to be with him. He stares at the scars from his past relationship and some self made. He hated himself for them. He knew they made Karl sad too. He was so distracting with criticizing himself he didn't hear the older man walk in.

Karl had gotten home early and decided to surprise his fiancé only to find him crying infront of their bedroom mirror. He sighed walking over to the saddened male and bringing him into a hug. "What's wrong ducky?" The ravenette stayed quiet for a bit. He didn't want to upset his fiancé by lying but he didn't want to tell the truth. Finally,though he gave in. "I hate my body. I'm a disgusting ugly thing covered in scars." Karl sighs taking the younger's hands into his own. "Baby you're absolutely fucking gorgeous. Your scars mean that you went through something and you came out even stronger. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is something people would kill to have ducky."

Quackity's tears only got worse when his fiancé spoke. How did Karl think he was so pretty? It didn't make sense to him. Schlatt never called him pretty. He always called him ugly or fat but here Karl was praising every part of him.He freezes when Karl speaks again. "You know baby I can always show you how much I love your body~" The younger boy goes beet red. He can feel a familiar heat growing inbetween his legs. "I-I wouldn't mind T-that" he manages to get out.


  Before he can even fully process what's happening he's in Karl's lap whimpering as his thighs are massaged and his neck is drowned in kisses. "Mm~ Karlos~" The older boy chuckles bringing his hands to Q's inner thighs the younger boy had always been sensitive when they did these kinds of things and it always made Karl laugh. "You want more baby?" Quackity was a red whimpering mess. He hated how sensitive he was but it felt so good when Karl took care of him like this. "mm~ please~" Karl chuckles he loved when his fiancé begged for him like this. "Hmmm how bad~" Quackity whined moving his hips trying to get more "so bad!!!~" Karl smirks and bites down on the younger's neck eliciting a loud moan. "Hm fine only cause you've been good" Karl moves his hands up rubbing the boy through his boxers causing him to squirm.

   After a few more minutes of rubbing Karl finally removes both their clothes and lays Quackity down. "Okay baby you tell me if you need to stop okay?" the younger nods being a bit impatient. "Good boy you want prep?" Quackity shakes his head he was wet enough to the point where he probably didn't need it anyway. "Okay ducky" Karl grabs a condom slipping it onto his member. He then grabs a bottle of lube from their nightstand squirting it into his hand and stroking himself a bit causing him to groan.

   After the older boy lubes himself up he lines his member up with Quackity's entrance."you ready baby?" Quackity quickly nods spreading his legs. "good boy." Karl praises as he pushes in. Quackity's eyes roll back as he lets out a loud moan. Karl gives the smaller time to adjust before thrusting and watching his fiancé turn into a moaning drooling mess. "You're doing so good ducky~" Karl praises going a bit faster and letting out a few groans. "M-More Karlos~ p-please~" Karl chuckles who was he to deny such an adorable boy? He picked up the pace slamming into his fiancés sweet spot making him see stars. "AH~ KARL~ CLOSE~" Karl chuckles still going at it letting out some rather loud groans "cum for me baby~" and with that they both finsh together as Karl pulls out and flops down beside him.


  Karl throws away the used condom and gently picks up his fiancé bringing him to the bathroom and running him a warm bath. "You did so good ducky" The younger boy gives a tired smile as he's lowered into the bath. Karl gently cleans the ravenette whose body shakes with every touch making Karl chuckle. After he's done washing him he drains the bath and gets him out getting him dressed into comfy clothing. "Thank you mi amor" Quackity speaks softly yawning as he leans onto Karl. "Anytime ducky" Karl replies with a smile.

   The two lay down in their bed snuggling close together. Karl pulls the younger boy who is already almost asleep close to his chest. "Good night sweetheart" Quackity yawns and snuggles into Karl. "Good night amor" They both fall asleep peacefully holding eachother both feeling safe and loved.

((Woah that was a lot ummm that was my first ever try at smut so sorry if it's bad but I TRIED okayyyy anygays see you in the next one :3))
(Also I don't really proof read so there are typos)

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