Morning Rituals and New Bonds

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Lily stirred from sleep, her eyes squinting against the brightness of the morning sun peeking through the tent. Yawning widely, she stretched her arms above her head, feeling the soft fabric of her pajamas against her skin. She glanced over at Daryl, her makeshift guardian, and felt a sense of comfort seeing him sleeping peacefully nearby.

Curiosity sparked in her young mind as she studied his face, noting the scratchy texture of his unshaven cheeks and the way his chest rose and fell with each breath. She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against his stubbly chin before she pulled back, giggling softly at the ticklish sensation.

But her attention quickly shifted to more immediate needs as her stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her of the hunger gnawing at her belly. With a small frown, she glanced around the tent, wondering if there was anything she could eat. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, Lily felt a sense of trust in Daryl and the other lady, knowing that they would take care of her.

Having her stomach rumble again, she shook Daryls arm, hoping he would wake up soon. She watched his eyes flutter and his fingers twitched, but his eyes still remained closed. Lily's thoughts drifted to the delicious warmth of the thick drink Maggie had given her the day before. She didn't know what it was called, but it had filled her belly and made her feel cozy inside. The memory of its creamy texture and sweet flavor made her mouth water, and she longed for another taste.

With her stomach rumbling louder now, Lily grew more determined to wake Daryl. Not seeing the response she wanted, she brought her head closer to Daryl and reached forward again, her little fingers poking Daryl right in the eye.

"Ow!" Daryl exclaimed, blinking in surprise. "What the-?!" Lily recoiled, her hand flying to her mouth to stifle a giggle. It was the first time she had made such a sound since they found her, a small spark of her playful nature emerging.

Lily's heart raced as Daryl's eyes snapped open, his expression a mix of confusion and mild pain. She bit her lip, wondering if she had gone too far with her playful poke. But then she saw the corners of his lips twitching, and she couldn't help but giggle in response.

"Mornin'," Daryl muttered, his voice still heavy with sleep but softened by a hint of amusement.

Embarrassment mixed with her amusement, and Lily felt a warm flush creep up her cheeks. She hadn't meant to poke him so hard, but she couldn't deny the mischievous thrill that bubbled within her.

Hungry pangs interrupted the moment, as Lily's stomach rumbled loudly once more. Daryl's gaze softened as he reached over, brushing a strand of hair from her face, his voice gentle.


Lily's tummy growling once again.

Daryl got to his feet, reaching out a hand to help her up. "Let's go see if Maggie can make ya some breakfast, huh?"

Lily took his hand, her small fingers grasping his own. He felt a surge of affection for the little wild child, and he couldn't help but smile.

As they exited the tent, the sun was shining, and the air was filled with the sounds of birdsong. Lily's eyes darted around, taking in the new day with a mixture of wonder and apprehension.

Maggie and Beth were already up and about in the camp, and others seemed to be slowly rising. Daryl noted the subtle tension between Maggie and Beth, but shrugged it off as the thought of Otis crossed his mind.

"Morning," Maggie greeted, her voice cheerful. "Sleep well?"

Little wild did not respond, her blue eyes fixed on Maggie and Beth.

Daryl nodded, his voice rough, "I think we both did."

As they discussed breakfast plans, Daryl made a decision to search for Sophia, feeling the weight of responsibility for both Lily and the missing girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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