The Quest for the Nether Star

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The classroom that was making noise a second ago now was seated quietly as the headmaster Mr. Dregan walked into the classroom.

Mr Dregan was a teacher feared by most students, having a history of caning a child extremely fiercely once. He had a very short temper... one that was slightly shorter than his own physical stature.

He cleared his throat. "Master Miyazaki Achi wishes for this classroom to be trained by him in mixed martial arts, we have already informed your parents and they think it's a good idea," he paused, "Questions?"

A student raised his hand up, "Is it obligatory?" He asked, the headmaster nodded his head, "as long as your parent has consented you are obliged to go," another student raised her hand up, "How much will it be and will it be on or off campus?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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