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I wish.....

I stared that myself as I walked by the school mirrors and then she appeared the angelic girl of the school Aimi.. She was laughing and jumping around with no care in the world...yet why couldn't that be me? I looked up to compare her with me.. yeah Mary just keep dreaming you could never be like her not in a million years.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going.." I looked up to see the person who bumped into me.
It was her... the goddess I would never be.

"Hey Aimi don't apologize to a freak like her I mean look that her... she isn't half as beautiful as you!"
One of her friends laughed.

"Hey stop that! What makes you think that!" She helped me get up. "I'm so sorry!" She bowed and smiled. She really was an angel.

"It's fine it was my fault I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." I bowed and left why would I stay just so her minions would eat me alive yea no thank you.

I entered the school building like always... that was until one of those immature boys had to say something about me. "Look that her...she looks just like trash!" He chuckled "I know ew Aimi could never.." I heard what they said but just moved on and went to class I was used to it... it's not like I could do anything I would get in trouble if I slap them or even if i did anything so it's better to stay quiet..

"Mary welcome!" I heard my teacher tell me which i returned the greeting.

I sat in the very back by the window, it was the best spot for me..it was even my favorite class since I would be able to sit next to him.

"Morning Gojo!" I heard his voice the only voice that wouldn't say anything bad about me.. he was the only one.

"Morning Yuji!"

Yet I couldn't even speak to him...why would I? I would just ruin his reputation. So whenever we did partner work I would just help and stay quiet.

"Morning Mary!" I looked that him with my eyes wide open.. why would he even bother they were already looking that him weirdly. "Morning Itadori.."
he smiled and sat down not noticing the stares they were giving him all because of me.

"Hey Mary do you have a pencil?" He tapped my shoulder.
I nodded and gave him a red pencil. "Woah this pencil is cool! I'll make sure to return it to you!" I looked that him... he was amazing just for a pencil he got happy for no reason.

"Okay students settled down! Let's start today's class."


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