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What the meaning of being beautiful the truth is that there no meaning because you can be beautiful in different ways it doesn't have to be by looks

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What the meaning of being beautiful the truth is that there no meaning because you can be beautiful in different ways it doesn't have to be by looks. The mirror doesn't always say the truth.





I walked with Yuji to meet he's friends he told me he promised to introduce me to. That would be my biggest regret of all not by the people but by one of them being Her.

"Hello guys!" Yuji waved that the group of people in one table.

"MARY!" Nobara shouted and smiled.

"Oh hey Mary.." I heard a small voice behind me and it was Aimi.

"Oh hey Aimi.. are you having lunch here to..?" I awkward smiled.

"Yeah! I want to hang out with Yuji more! Can I whisper something to you ..?" I nodded

"Yuji is the boy I was talking about.."

I felt as my world fell down why did the universes have to give me false hopes... why out of all the boys it had to be Yuji. There was no way I could win this war not against Aimi. To make matters worse Aimi is my friend I couldn't possibly tell her I like Yuji to.

"Hey Mary are you alright..?" Aimi placed her hand on my back and looked that me with concern.

"I'm fine.." I smiled but really I was dying in the inside. She was an angle and I didn't want to be the one to mess up that friendship we had.

I sat next to Nobara since I didn't want to sit next to Yuji when Aimi liked him...if I sat next to him I would just ruin something special.

"Hey Mary can I sit next to you?" It was Yuji and then Aimi came and sat next to me.

"Yuji.. can I please sit next to Mary I have something I need to tell her.. you can always sit next to me." She smiled the smiled that  would bring boys to their knees every time they saw it.

"Sure.." he sat down next to her my heart felt as if it was about to shatter, what can I say i am that soft hearted.

I cleared my mind by meeting new people Yuji was friends with. I became friends with Maki and panda.
(Let's pretend panda is normal)

"Hey so how come you became friends with Yuji?" Panda asked me.

"We have the same class for first period." I was placed in an awkward position since Aimi was next to me.

"How about you Aimi how did you become friends with Yuji." Nobara asked as she ate a piece of my candy Bar.

"Oh me and Yuji became friends when we saw each other that a karaoke place that me and my friends were going to.¨ she ate her noodles so elegantly it almost felt like she was born to became a queen.

"You must be really rich huh!" Maki smirked.

"Well I'm not that rich I mean my parents are tho they are both doctors." she was obviously rich her sweater was GUCCI.

"Woah lets be friends!" Maki basically launched herself that Aimi.

I watched silently as I saw how everyone in our lunch table was talking and smiling that her. It was almost as if she was the brightest star...meanwhile I was here feeling jealous that I wasn't the girl that got Yuji's attention. I mean every time I turned around I would see him looking that her it broke me into pieces.. I almost felt the pool of tears coming but it all stopped when I felt a tap to my shoulder.

"Yuta.." I saw him smile and made me get up from my chair.

"Hey Mary want to go somewhere else?" He rubbed his neck and looked away breaking eye contact.

"Sure..I'm hey guys I gotta go but it was nice meeting you all! Hope to have lunch with you guys again!" I bowed before I left with Yuta.

I followed him as we headed to the schools roof top, the whole walk there was silent..we didn't speak but it was a comfortable silence. Yuta open the door for the roof top and let me in first, when I entered I saw something that would make any girl heart skip, but for me it didn't..I didn't feel nothing.

"Yuta..I thank you.." i smiled what else could I do or say? I didn't know what to feel I didn't have feelings for Yuta I had feelings for Yuji.

"Do you like it? I skip my third period to do this for you."

I felt guilt, he loved me but I didn't. How could I not love a boy that is giving he's all to make me his? I looked that Yuta and couldn't help but just feel guilty he was smiling while I was only putting a fake smile.

"Yuta you didn't have to! You should  have just stayed in class you shouldn't have waisted your time on me. I am not worth your time."

"It's fine I wanted to and you aren't a waist of time you're worth my time." He stepped closer and place his  palm  in my cheek but even tho I still didn't feel a Thing






After I had left the roof top with Yuta I headed to the nurse. I wasn't sick but I was sick of myself. I just couldn't handle saying those words to Yuta I was being selfish why didn't I just say no why had I said yes when I didn't love him I loved someone else.

"I have a headache." The headache of a selfish person.

"Okay darling you can go home hope you feel better."  Yeah I would just go home to drown in my thoughts and no I wouldn't feel better because this headache wasn't a normal one.

I left the nurses office and head to the school gate. If things couldn't even get worst I passed by some girls who were talking about her and him.

"Did you see how Itadori helped Aimi!" She giggled

"I know I didn't they would make a great couple." They giggled and continued saying sweet stuff about them, I knew that I had already lost because

I'm not her





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