We need to talk.

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A/N: Formatting is a little different but not much lol.

Stiles screamed out in panic as Scott and Deaton ran into the room. "What's going on!? Where is he!?" Stiles screams out looking around confused. He's more confused as to why he's even here. He tries to stand up but Issac holds him down along with Peter.

Everybody's voices mangle in confusion but Scott's voice echos above all. "Guys!" He yells as everybody quiets down and stares at him then back to Stiles. "Let him go." Scott says softly as Issac throws his hands up and backs away slowly. While Peter removes his hands from him and scoffs and he walks over to a wall on the opposite side on the room. Stiles breathes heavily as he looks around the room. Scott can hear his heartbeat it's fast with anxiety. He stares at Scott in confusion, his eyes are just the same as before. No sign of any sort of gleam just dead. Scott can't differentiate between Stiles and The Nogitsune...especially now. Since they both said that 'they were becoming one' their subconscious's were slowly fading into one another. So although this was mainly Stiles, parts or even chunks of The Nogitsune were there. "Stiles is that...you?" What a stupid question to ask. Scott mentally facepalmed at the question itself. Stiles just stared at him. How the hell was Stiles supposed to know? He felt like himself but he was unsure why he even was the one mainly in control right now. Stiles nodded slowly and hesitantly as he sat with his elbows on his knees his hands intertwined together covering his mouth. His leg shook as his eyes reflected tears. Scott began to speak once more,"When we were in you mind what did you mean by 'he's doing this to me?'" Stiles looked up annoyed at the fact that he even remembered what happened in there.

His hands shook as he scoffed in anger and muttered,"You know going into my mind was pretty bold." He said clearly unamused. He kept the same posture as before as he glared down at the floor.

Scott heard him clearly but decided to play it dumb as he held his arms around his stomach as if he was protecting it from him. Scott stepped slightly closer to Stiles. "What did you say?" He said like he was genuinely asking for Stiles's well being.

"Oh nothing, I just meant it seems like a little invasion of my privacy." He glares over at Lydia who just stares at him in disbelief. So he remembered everything that happened as well. Stiles stared at his hands as they shook. His behavior seemed to be like normal Stiles but his personality wasn't. He was short-tempered and hostile, not exactly like The Nogitsune but close. Stiles looked around the room at everyone just staring at him. His breath quickened as he couldn't handle the glares from around the room anymore. "WILL EVERYONE JUST LEAVE!" Stiles screamed out in pure anger. He clutched onto his shirt with his right hand as his other hand was clutching the seat next to him on the couch he was still sitting on. That was definitely Stiles behavior, but not how Stiles would deliver it. He took deep breathes regaining his somewhat composure. Everyone stared at Scott with questioning eyes, curious if they should leave. Scott nodded and motioned to the entry to the kitchen and everyone followed his direction and left to the kitchen.

Scott looked at everyone who just smiled from the open area between the kitchen and the living room. He sighed and looked back to meet Stiles and his dead eyes. "They're gone, okay?" Scott smiled trying to be genuine but that just pissed off Stiles even more. He was talking to him like some sort of child who didn't understand any of the supernatural world, But guess what? Stiles knew it better then anyone.

Stiles just looked at him and scoffed a bit. He crossed his arms as he relaxed back into the couch. "Scott stop treating us like some sort of charity case." Stiles smiled slightly as he glared at him. Scott was taken back by his remark.

Scott just looked confused, again with the 'us' thing. He knew that more and more he was loosing Stiles to The Nogitsune's subconscious. "Stiles stop referring to yourself as an 'us'. Your Stiles and he's someone completely different from you and you of all people should know that." Scott had a desperate yet stern tone. He wanted to sound serious but Stiles could sense he was desperate. He sat on the couch, keeping his distance from Stiles.

Stiles looked straight ahead of him at a wall not acknowledging Scott at all. Not wanting to hear him out...not wanting to hear the truth. Stiles's mind was way to clouded by The Nogitsune's subconscious and his own combining. "You know exactly why we're referring to us that way." He said those words harshly as he looked at some of the people in the kitchen who were bold enough to look at him.

"Stiles- you understand that we're trying to help you out right? You've been manipulated for so long by The Nogitsune that you can't think straight anymore. You need to understand that-" Stiles tuned the rest of what he had said out. Did he just call him crazy...? Stiles was thinking clearly and Scott just made it worse than it already was. Scott thought talking to Stiles was going to work but it just felt like somebody with poking his brain with a needle each time he spoke.

"Scott would you please shut it!? I'm not going crazy but you have to be!" Stiles smiled and began to chuckle. Scott stared at him wide eyed in disbelief, his eyebrows curled in sadness and confusion. What did he mean? "You keep trying to think of ways to save us yet nothing works! Do you realize how much that must hurt to know every idea you have fails...? You're just weak, even as an Alpha." He keeps snickering as he looks over at Scott who just looks furious. Strife. That's what Scott radiated right now. The Nogitsune is begging to just take ahold of him and take it but he can't...not here, not now.

Scott looked at him painfully. The worst part was that he was right. Nothing he'd suggested had worked, but he couldn't think about that right now. "Stiles we can help you! You just have to hear me out!" Scott said as he stood up from the couch angrily exaggerating his arm movements.

Stiles immediately stood up as well. "You know what Scott!? You can't solve everything just by talking! You act like everything's the same but it's not! I'm not the same Stiles I was a month ago!" Stiles looks at Scott furiously as he screams. But one word sticks out to Scott out of the whole thing...'I'm'. For once he was talking about himself.

Scott slightly smiled at this small detail which made Stiles appalled. "You said 'I'm'. I thought you guys were one?" He said with a hint of sarcasm to his words. Stiles couldn't think straight right now. Him and The Nogitsune were becoming one so why did he say 'I'm' like they were separate.

Stiles didn't want to stress the small details as he just shook his head and scoffed. "We don't have to entertain your silly ideas anymore." Stiles said with s slight edge in his tone. Although it had mainly been Stiles these past few minutes it was becoming more apparent that The Nogitsune's side was taking over. He got up and began to walk to the door but suddenly someone had grabbed him by the shoulders and stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere." A stern, yet familiar voice said.

Stiles looked up to see who had stopped him.

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