Chapter 2

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Beep beep beep
Lexie's pov
I groaned and turned off my alarm which I must have forgotten to take off because we aren't on tour anymore so I quickly turned them off and then pulled the sheets over my head again and fell back asleep. Which didn't last very long because a few minutes later my door was opened and I groaned again.
End of pov
Lexie: (mumbles) whoever came in go away
Josh: sorry lex time to get up
Lexie: (whines and takes off the sheets) whyyy
Josh: we are going out for breakfast come on
Lexie: i am good just bring me something back (pulls the sheets over her head again)
Josh: haha nice try (pulls the sheets off of her) you are staying over Clare's tonight so I would like to at least have breakfast with you come on
Lexie: is gabi joining us?
Josh: yeah
Lexie: then go on a breakfast date without me (tries to pull the sheets over her head again)
Josh: no I want you to come with us come on (takes the sheets away from her grasp)
Lexie: Ughh fine okay get out so I can get ready
Josh: thirty minutes and I want you downstairs (walks out of the room)
Lexie: (mocks josh) thirty minutes and I want you downstairs Ughh first day back and I can't even sleep in
(Lexie stands up from her bed and walks over to her duffel bag and pulls out a black rhinestone winged heart dagger tank top with matching arm warmers and black ripped jeans and paired that with stud high heeled booties and left her hair down)
Twenty minutes later
Josh: Lexie Marie are you ready!!
Lexie: yeah yeah I am coming (walks downstairs)
Gabi: you look cute I love those boots
Lexie: thank you, so where are we going?
Josh: it's this new place that just opened up called the grain cafe
Lexie: sounds healthy
Josh: they have French toast so you are fine
Lexie: good
Josh: now let's go
(Josh opens the front door and the three of them walk to the car, get inside and josh starts driving)
Scene change
Jaden's pov
I woke up with stass in my arms and I am not going to lie after months of sleeping on the tour bus alone it felt good to wake up with someone next to me and I know I just met her last night but she's genuinely a cool girl that I could see myself falling for so maybe carter and Quinton are right I should give myself the chance to move on but I also want to be honest with her so that we are all on the same page. I stayed in bed for a couple minutes longer before I decided to get up and go into the kitchen which was pretty much empty since we literally moved in yesterday so I decided to just Uber us breakfast. I wasn't sure what she liked so I kept it simple and got coffee with eggs, bacon and pancakes. Thirty minutes later it was here so I opened the door and grabbed our food and walked back upstairs to see stassie was already up.
End of pov
Jaden: good morning (smiles)
Stassie: (smiles) morning
Jaden: I got us breakfast (holds up the bag) and coffee I wasn't sure how you liked it so I just got you a regular and then a bunch of sugar packets
Stassie: aww that was sweet thank you are we going to have breakfast In bed or downstairs?
Jaden: breakfast in bed sounds good to me (walks over to her and sits the food down) I hope you like pancakes
Stassie: I love pancakes
Jaden: (sighs in relief) thank god
Stassie: (laughs) were you nervous or something?
Jaden: a little just because I wasn't sure what you liked
Stassie: well pancakes is a definite yes from me
Jaden: good (sits next to her)
Scene change
Lexie: I'll have the French toast with powdered sugar on top please and a hot chocolate
Waitress: alright coming right up and for you two
Josh: I am going to have the eggs and bacon bagel breakfast with a coffee please
Gabi: and I'll have the veggie omelette breakfast with a berry antioxidant smoothie
Waitress: alright I'll be back with your drinks (writes down their order and walks away)
Gabi: so Lexie josh tells me you have an EP coming out soon?
Lexie: well I am working on it.. it's still kind of in the beginning stages I have a few songs that I have written but I haven't recorded them yet
Gabi: that's exciting I saw a couple of your performances when you were on tour with kells and you are a great performer
Lexie: thank you that means a lot but tell me how are liking LA?
Gabi: I love it, it's a lot different than Brazil but ever since I was a little girl I wanted to move out here so I am very excited to get my visa
Lexie: what was Brazil like?
Gabi: Brazil is beautiful, I think you would really like it
Josh: you are going to have to come with us the next time we take a trip
Lexie: yeah that sounds like fun, how are things going with the production company josh?
Josh: so we just got greenlit for a new comedy sketch series I am going to be acting and producing in called read the room which I am so excited to start doing and I would love for you and gabi to be part of it
Lexie: when do you start filming it?
Josh: in a few weeks
Lexie: cool I'll definitely come on set.. speaking of acting there's something I have to tell you
Josh: what's up?
Lexie: you can't get mad though
Josh: why would I get mad?
Lexie: because the decision was kind of already made..
Josh: what decision?
Lexie: Shannon booked me to Audition for the shameless reboot and it's on Thursday
Josh: shameless as in one of the best shows of all time but completely inappropriate shameless?
Lexie: yeah..
Josh: why didn't I know about this?
Lexie: you were in Brazil when the opportunity came up and we didn't get a chance to tell you
Josh: really or is it that Jaden just didn't want to tell me even though we both agreed that when it comes to your career those decisions had to be made together
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) look it's not that big of a deal I haven't even had the audition yet so who knows if I'll even get the part
Josh: that's not the point lex what if I don't want you doing that kind of show because you are only sixteen I can't believe Jaden would even agree to this audition
Lexie: he knows how much I love the show and he knows that this is a great opportunity for me please joshy (gives him the puppy dog eyes)
Josh: stop stop okay fine you can do the audition but I am not happy about it
Lexie: I love you! (Smiles and side hugs him)
Josh: yeah yeah I love you too but I will be talking to Jaden about it I don't care if I am in a different time zone we need to talk about these things
Lexie: okay
Scene change
Stassie: that was so good thank you for breakfast (looks at him)
Jaden: your welcome but I do want to talk to you about something
Stassie: okay
Jaden: I really had fun last night and I am not just talking about the sex even though that was fun to I am talking about the conversations we had and I want you to know that I do feel some type of connection and I think with time it can grow but I also want you to know that I want to take it slow, I am still letting go of feelings for my ex so could you just be patient with me?
Stassie: I can do that (smiles and pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: also I want to wait a little while before introducing you to my sister only because she's just getting used to josh being with someone and I don't want to be the kind of guy that introduces her to a girl unless we are serious
Stassie: i understand for now we are just getting to know each other
Jaden: I like that
Stassie: good now I would love to hang out some more but I have a photoshoot today but uh maybe we can grab dinner?
Jaden: I'd love that just let me know when you are done with the shoot
Stassie: okay put your number in (hands him her phone while she gets out of the bed and gets dressed and after Jaden hands the phone back to her)
Jaden: I'll see you later then (pecks her on the lips)
Stassie: yes you will rockstar
(She walks out of the bedroom and leaves the house while jaden pulls out his phone)
Text convo
Jaden: Carter I owe you one
Carter: I told you so, how was last night?
Jaden: amazing, thanks for introducing her to me
Carter: your welcome are you two going to have a second date?
Jaden: having dinner with her tonight
Carter: damn I really should start up a match making service
Jaden: lol anyways I am going to let you go I am going to the gym
Carter: okay byeee
Jaden: later
End of text convo
(Jaden gets out of bed and walks over to his closet to get dressed)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We all finished breakfast and for a healthier type of restaurant I have to admit it was pretty good. We got back in the car and I pulled out my phone to text Clare.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: hey josh said it was cool for me to stay over yours tonight
Clare: awesome! What time should I pick you up? I was going to show Alena and Valentina around LA
Lexie: hmm pick me up on your way out of your house?
Clare: okay we'll get ready and head to yours, josh didn't move did he?
Lexie: no same house
Clare: alright I'll let you know when I am close
Lexie: okayyy
End of text convo
Josh: lexieee you there?
Lexie: yeah sorry I was texting Clare she's going to pick me up and then we are going to show her cousins LA
Josh: oh okay that will be fun but with you two please on your best behavior
Lexie: we aren't like that anymore joshy, we are more mature now
Josh: hmm I'll believe that when I see it
Lexie: don't you trust me? (says in a fake sweet voice)
Josh: a little more than last year but not a hundred percent yet
Lexie: okay fair
Lexie's pov
The rest of the car ride to the house was pretty quiet except for the radio playing as background noise until we pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. I went upstairs to pack a duffel bag with the clothes I was going to wear tomorrow for Cosmo along with some makeup stuff and finally a bikini in case we go to the beach later or the pool. Once I had everything done I watched an episode of shameless when my phone vibrated indicating that Clare was outside, I stood up from couch and walked over to Josh's room before knocking on the door.
End of pov
Josh: (stops kissing gabi and opens the door) hey princess what's up?
Lexie: Clare is here so I am heading out
Josh: okay do you have everything?
Lexie: yeah
Josh: what about your little stuff in case you go into little space?
Lexie: I'll be fine
Josh: (walks over to his nightstand and pulls out a white case holding a pink pacifier and then grabs a matching bottle) just take these two things
Lexie: (groans) seriously?
Josh: yeah seriously
Lexie: fine (takes the paci and bottle and put it in the zipper of her duffel bag)
Josh: alright have fun (hugs her) behave and I'll see you tomorrow okay and I will be talking to Jaden about your audition
Lexie: ugh can you just let me do it please?
Josh: I don't know and we aren't having this conversation right now because you have to go
Lexie: Ughh fine bye (hugs him again) bye gabi
Gabi: bye Lexie have fun!
(Lexie walks down the stairs and opens the front door and walks to Clare's car who's standing outside and pulls her in for a hug)
Clare: ahhh I have missed you!!
Lexie: (smiles) I have missed you too
Clare: we have so much to catch up on
Lexie: absolutely are your cousins with you yet?
Clare: no we are going to pick them up they were house hunting with uncle Kevin and aunt Dani
Lexie: oh okay well then let's go, demi had the baby already right?
Clare: (laughs and gets in the drivers side) yeah and you aren't going to believe what they named him
Lexie: not a camp rock reference
Clare: Nate Elijah Jonas
Lexie: okay I like Elijah but Nate seriously (laughs and gets in the passenger side)
Clare: I know right but demi and my dad actually liked it and so it stuck
Lexie: well I can't wait to meet him
(Clare puts the car in drive and pulls out of the driveway and starts driving to her house)
Clare: want the aux?
Lexie: sure (grabs chord and plugs In her phone) what are you in the mood for?
Clare: anything
Lexie: Kells?
Clare: sure
(Lexie goes to Spotify and clicks on Kells and the first song that comes on is die in California which Lexie quickly skips and ex's best friend starts playing)
Lexie: (mutters) your kidding me (skips again and it plays love race) finally
Clare: okay I know it's a sore subject but please tell me you have song that will absolutely destroy him
Lexie: Clare!
Clare: what? He deserves it after what he did
Lexie: I might have something.. but I specifically said he didn't cheat on the song
Clare: but he did..
Lexie: I know that but the public doesn't and I want to keep it that way
Clare: can I hear what you have so far?
Lexie: yeah but it stays between us
Clare: deal
Lexie: green guilty eyes and little white lies, yeah I played dumb but I always knew that you'd talk to her maybe did even worse but I kept quiet so I could keep you and ain't if funny how you ran to her the second we called it quits
Clare: for someone who's saying you weren't going to say he cheated you definitively are insinuating it
Lexie: it's up to their interpretation (shrugs her shoulders)
Clare: have you talked to chase at all?
Lexie: I haven't just because we never really were that close but I know Jaden has and he seems to be okay..I think
Clare: well you know I am here for you no matter what
Lexie: I know (smiles)
Scene change
(Josh and gabi are sitting on the couch and josh has his phone in his hands)
Gabi: you know if you don't want Lexie to the audition you are going to have to talk to him right?
Josh: I know but talking to him yesterday was just so awkward (pulls on his hair)
Gabi: just do it and get it over with babe, you guys are co parents
Josh: yeah you know what your right (stands up) I am going to the balcony to call him
Gabi: okay
(Josh walks outside and dials jaden's number)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey josh
Josh: hey.. are you busy?
Jaden: uh not right now just left the gym why?
Josh: because I wanted to talk to you about Lexie's audition for shameless
Jaden: okay.. what about it?
Josh: do you really feel comfortable with her doing a show that's about a dysfunctional family that focus on drinking and drugs
Jaden: I wouldn't say it just focuses on that because I think it deals with other issues
Josh: like teen pregnancy
Jaden: this is a reboot I don't think they'll have the same story lines as they did when it was on
Josh: well what do we know about her character specifically?
Jaden: I don't know Shannon's giving her the script tomorrow so she can start memorizing her lines
Josh: okay
Jaden: what are you worried about?
Josh: I just don't want her to portray some reckless teenager we just moved past that stage
Jaden: if she did portray that it's just a role she's been doing good josh but if that's what you are worried about I'll ask Shannon if I can see the script and I'll send it to you okay?
Josh: okay thanks also I know I was in Brazil but can we still agree that decisions about her career should be a mutual agreement?
Jaden: yeah I am sorry I didn't call you I kind of let her excitement cloud that judgement
Josh: it's okay
Jaden: alright I am heading to the studio and I'll send you the script later
Josh: okay thanks
Jaden: later
End of phone convo
Scene change
(Clare pulls into the driveway of her house, the girls get out and walk to the front door where Clare grabs her key and opens the door and they walk inside)
Clare: dad, demi I am home!!
Demi: shhh I just got Nate down for a nap (walks over to the girls) hi Lexie
Lexie: hi demi congratulations (walks over and hugs her)
Demi: aww thanks you'll get to meet him later okay?
Lexie: okay
Clare: are Tina and Vale here yet?
Nick: (walks over to them) they should be here in five minutes, hi Lexie how are you?
Lexie: I am good how are you?
Nick: good it feels nice to be on break for few months
Lexie: yeah I feel that
Clare: well I am going to go show lex where to put her stuff
Nick: okay
(Lexie and Clare walk upstairs and Clare takes her to her bedroom)
Clare: since my cousins are here now we have converted my bedroom into the hangout area so you can just pick which bunk you want
Lexie: uh the bottom (puts her duffel bag on the bed)
Clare: okay
(Then they hear the front door open so the girls walk downstairs again)
Kevin: Lexie nice to see you again (pulls her in for a hug)
Lexie: you too (smiles), Hi Dani (hugs her)
Dani: hey sweetheart how are you?
Lexie: I am good how are you?
Dani: good
Kevin: so where are you girls off to?
Clare: Malibu and then probably Beverly Hills shopping center oh lex meet my cousins Alena she's the oldest out of us
Alena: I am literally a year older than you
Lexie: so seventeen
Alena: yeah and this is my little sister Valentina but you can just call her Tina and she's fourteen
Tina: hi it's nice to finally meet you (hugs her)
Alena: careful she has the biggest crush on your brother
Valentina: I do not! Don't listen to her
Lexie: (laughs) it's okay you should have seen Clare when she met josh
Clare: okayyy let's get going yeah?
Valentina: why? Don't want to talk about how star struck you were (teases)
Clare: hush child
Alena: alright but for real are we heading out?
Clare: yeah bye dad, bye demi and aunt Dani
Nick: have fun
Kevin: behave! I don't want to get another call like last time
Alena: technically we called Joey..
Lexie: what happened last time?
Tina: I'll tell you in the car you are going to laugh
Nick: I didn't find it so funny (crosses his arms)
Dani: alright alright leave the girls alone go have fun
Tina: thanks mama
(The girls finally leave the house and get back in Clare's car and they start driving to Malibu with Taylor swift playing on the radio)
Scene change
(At the studio)
Travis: so how does it feel to be back home?
Jaden: I have only been back for a day but I am happy to be back
Travis: yeah how's Lexie doing?
Jaden: she's okay I think.. you know her talking about her feelings is like pulling teeth
Travis: yeah..
Jaden: what is it? I know you want to tell me something so what is it?
Travis: so I don't know what terms you are on with Landon but he's being signed onto the label
Jaden: (groans) Travis didn't he already have a label?
Travis: yeah but they aren't doing a good job so he wants to switch to DTA
Jaden: well it's not me you need to worry about
Travis: I know which is why I want you to break the news to her
Jaden: (shakes his head) she's not going to be happy
Travis: I know but maybe we can coordinate their schedules so they don't run into each other
Jaden: yeah because that's not complicated at all
Travis: have they talked at all?
Jaden: not since the day she told him to go to hell, she blocked him everywhere after that
Travis: damn do you think you could get her to sit down and talk to him?
Jaden: it's only been eight weeks I don't think she's ready to sit and talk to him any time soon
Travis: okay fair I just hope they can be civil with each other
Jaden: that and I highly advise you tell Landon to keep Charli far away from the studio for the time being
Travis: (sighs) I'll talk to him
(Shannon walks into the office)
Shannon: I got the script for Lexie
Jaden: and?
Shannon: you aren't going to like it
Jaden: don't tell me reckless teenager
Shannon: and then some
Jaden: Ughh I hate when josh is right hand me the script (holds out his hand and Shannon passes it to him and he reads over it) you have got to be joking
Travis: it can't be that bad
Jaden: Jenna a foster kid who finds herself in Trevor's group home who introduces her to Ian and Mickey who become her new foster parents and help her with self esteem issues which she copes by drinking, drugs, self harm and starving herself
Travis: well shit
Jaden: she's going to hate me but she's not doing it, it's to close to home and she could relapse
Travis: yeah I think that's best
Jaden: Shannon call the director and tell her your sorry but Lexie won't be able to audition
Shannon: you don't want to talk to her about it first?
Jaden: josh and I will talk to her but she's not doing it regardless
Shannon: alright I'll call the director (takes the script back and walks out of the office)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
We got ice cream at Malibu and ate it by the beach as we walked around the skate park and watched the surfers out on the water since the waves were decent today, and when we were done in Malibu we went back to the car and Clare started driving to Beverly Hills where we probably spent at least two hundred dollars on clothes. But we had fun, I got to know Alena and Valentina more and Tina definitely has more mine and Clare's personality whereas Alena is more laid back and on the calmer side she's also responsible too which is a good balance in the group for sure. Finally around sunset we made it back to the house and Nick ordered pizza for dinner. After dinner we ate and each took a shower and decided to marathon twilight. Half way through new moon my phone started ringing and I saw it was Jaden calling me.
End of pov
Phone convo
Lexie: hey bubba
Jaden: hey baby how are you?
Lexie: good I am at Clare's we are watching twilight
Jaden: (laughs) are you staying there tonight?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay so I'll pick you up there tomorrow morning
Lexie: what time do we have to be at Cosmo?
Jaden: nine so I'll be there at eight which means be ready at seven
Lexie: ughhh so early but okay I'll set the alarm
Jaden: alright sounds good
Lexie: did Shannon give you the script for Thursday, I want to start memorizing them tomorrow
Jaden: (sighs) yeah about that we have to talk about the audition and the show
Lexie: oh come on don't tell me you caved when you talked to josh? You were supposed to convince him
Jaden: yeah I know but then I read the script, look I don't want to get into it right now just have fun with the girls okay?
Lexie: okay I love you
Jaden: love you too princess, goodnight
Lexie: night
End of phone convo
Clare: I am going to make popcorn be right back
Valentina: okay
Lexie's pov
Three minutes later clare came back with the popcorn and we ate it and finished new moon and eclipse before i decided to call it a night since I had to get up in the morning.
End of pov

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