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𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙞 ❥

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𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙞 ❥

i laid in zarynn's bed as we finished our first blunt, "i wanna take you out." she spoke and i looked up at her, "mhm? where?" i questioned softly sitting up to fully see her face.

"ionk.. you ever been on a real date?" she asked and i shrugged, "i don't know.. what do you consider a real date?" i asked softly.

"corset top, mini skirt, heels designer purse.. dinner at valentines tomorrow at 8." she explained blinking softly, "you just told me the moves didn't you" i giggled.

"yes mama i did" she said and i nodded, it was 8:07 am, the morning after the whole altercation between rynn and khyia.

"breakfast?" she asked softly and i nodded swinging my feet over to hang over her bed, "you always look this good when you first get up?" she asked again and i shrugged.

"you hyping my head up a bit much" i said, "do you have a toothbrush, and a washcloth too..?" i shyly asked and she nodded.

"the closet behind the door my love." she intructed and i walked behind and got the things i needed before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

"you done yet ma?!" she yelled from the kitchen and i walked out, my feet hitting the warm carpet in her room.

"yes im done, whatchu making?" i asked and she turned around holding a pan, "pancakes potatoes sausage and candied fruit." she explained and i smiled.

"and it smell good as hell in here, you throws down inna kitchen." i smiled and she rolled her eyes, "turn sum on the tv mama," she said and i nod walking to the kitchen and plopping on the couch.

"you got disney plus?" i asked as she walked into the living room, setting a cup of apple juice infront me.

"yes love," she spoke and walked back into the kitchen, i put on an episode of k.c undercover.

"food is ready" she exclaimed bringing a plate to me, "not even rey lie ian ate since i went to the mall yesterday." i began but before i could finish everything i was gonna say i was already going in on the pancakes.

"damn mama slow down the food not rey go anywhere." she laughed and i rolled my eyes continuing to eat my food.

once i finished my food i got up and took our empty dishes, "youn have to do that mama, i got it" she started getting up but i hushed her.

"you cook, i clean." i said taking them and putting them in the sink before turning on some hot water.

"zarynn!" i called from the kitchen and she walked in, "yes mama wassup?" she questioned and i smiled softly but hid it from her.

"can you go get my phone? i have to let thaisa know that im safe." i said and she nodded going into her room to get my phone off of her bed.

unfortunately i had to leave zarynn's house early since my dad wanted me home to talk about something, i don't know if i should be worried or what.

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