Drunk? (Awsten :| )

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*Cassidy's POV (OC)*

Me, Awsten, Geoff and Otto were sitting on the couch at a house party we were invited to. I noticed Awsten started to look kinda pale and spacey.

“Hey babe, are you feeling okay?” I asked softly.

He just nodded before standing up and stumbling away mumbling something about having to use the bathroom.

After a few minutes there was no return from Awsten and we started getting a little worried.

“Where's Awsten? He normally doesn't leave us at a party for this long..” Geoff mumbled.

We shrugged and waited for a few minutes before I had enough.

“I'm gonna go find him.” I waved as I set off.
I quickly made my way up the stairs to the second floor before seeing Caira pushing Awsten against the wall, her lips pressed against his.

Awsten saw me out of the corner of his eye and continued to try and push her off.
I quickly pulled the bitch off of him before he slid to the floor.

I crouched down next to him before being impaled by the smell of alcohol coming off of him. “Let's get you out of here, love.” I say as I help him stand.

I quickly pulled Awsten along to the front door. Thankfully Otto saw me across the room before seeing we were leaving, he grabbed Geoff and quickly followed us out.

“Why does it smell like vodka?” Otto asked once we got into the car, me and Awsten in the back, him in the driver's seat and Geoff in the passenger seat.

“I think Awsten had some, he's not in his head.” I spoke.

“I don't drink silly.” Awsten giggled.

“Don't lie, we can smell it.” Geoff said.

“But-” Awsten was cut off by Otto.

“We're not mad, just worried. You said you'd never drink and here you are reeking of vodka and clearly drunk.”

Awsten just turned away from us, facing out the window.

When we got home Awsten stumbled away from us and nearly collapsed on the porch. Me and Otto ran to help him into the house. We lay him on his bed before joining Geoff in the living room.

“What are we gonna do about him?” I asked when I heard snoring coming from Awstens room. He never snores.

“I don't know but we need to find out why the fuck he was drinking vodka.” Geoff said.

“Wait, call me crazy but what if someone changed his drink, or took the wrong one? He probably wouldn't have noticed.” Otto said.

“How? He's not stupid.” Geoff said.

“I mean his allergies have been weird lately and none of us drink vodka so he wouldn't know the difference without smell.” I suggest.

“Let's just hope what that is, we'll ask him when he's sober and fully awake.” Otto said before we all went our separate ways to bed.

Normally I would sleep with Awsten but considering what happened it might be best if we slept separately tonight.

I woke up to the sound of vomiting. I shot out of bed rushing to the bathroom to see Awsten hunched over the toilet emptying his stomach. I knelt down next to him and rubbed his back.

“Hey there,” I whispered, once he finished.

“H-hi,” He stuttered.

Even without him looking at me I knew there were tears rolling down his face.

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