Chapter 48.

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'Please.' I whimper.

I need him more than anything. I've never needed anything more than I need Riley to mark and mate me, again.

'I love you, Riley Thomas.' I whisper in his ear as I pull him close so our bodies are as close as they can be. 'Claim what is yours.'

With a groan from him, I reach for his belt. This time he doesn't try to stop me when I go to undo it. Thank the goddesses.

Riley is kissing down my neck and all over my chest while I make quick work of removing his bottoms enough to get what's mine.

As soon as the cool club air hits my man's shaft, he slams into me with immense force.

'Fuck. I'm sorry, baby girl.' He pants out in a ragged voice. 'I am not going to last, at all. I have been waiting for what feels like eternity to be with you again.'

My lips are captured in a heated and expressive kiss. All the love Riley Thomas Hampton has for me is poured into my body and I can't fight the buzzing.

'Ahhhh, FUCK!' I moan as we continue to hump the ever loving shit out of each other.

'I'm gonna cum, Agnes. Are you sure you want this?' He attempts to plead or reason with me before I suddenly reach my climax and sink my teeth into Riley's neck remarking him as my mate.

The orgasm we shared is absolutely phenomenal. I don't even notice that Riley marked me until I feel his teeth release from my neck.

I grab Riley's head and force him into another euphoric kiss.

'So. Worth. The wait.' I hear panted through the mind link. A giggle escapes my mouth as I break our kiss and look into the loving eyes of my long lost mate.

With new tears cascading down his cheeks, Riley tucks some hair behind my ear as we share an emotional moment.

All too quickly we are interrupted by Briggs.

'Riley.' He asks with an astonished tone. 'Is that really you, brother?' Briggs whispers.

Only a nod of the head is received because Riley is still staring at me.

'Ya'll can catch up later, we need to go before Agnes' heat flares.' Xave tells us moments later as he approaches and pats Riley on the back.

'Glad to have you home, brother.' Xave tells him with a smile. But Riley is still looking at me.

'Ok, baby. We will have more time together when we get home. Xave is right, my heat was starting right before I found you.

Oh, yeah.

I was avoiding you two assholes. Well, now I can spend this heat with Riley instead of suffering through the pain like I was planning, alone.

I think we all have a lot to talk about. Let's fucking go.'

I tell these three huge men as I make sure my dress is pulled down and walk away.

Not even looking to see if they are following me, I hit the front door and take a deep breath in.



'Over here!'

I hear the crowd shouting for me. I stop quickly and pose for one photo op, as I'm entering the car. The door closes as I sit on the seat and relax my muscles a little.

Suddenly, the door opens again and causes me to almost fall out.

'Sorry, darlin. Can you please scoot over?' Briggs says as he stabilizes me with his big warm hands.

Puffing out a groan with an eye roll, I comply and see Xave entering from the other side. Ready to be smashed between these men, but Briggs closes the door after him.

'Riley is going to ride his bike home.' Briggs tells me.

'No.' I shake my head.

'Baby, you will come with me in the car. You can have one of the guards take your bike home.' I link Riley, hoping he is not going to fight me on this.

'Ummmm. Ok, sweetheart. But can I bring my dog?' He reluctantly asks me.

With a smile I answer him. 'Of course, love. I can't wait to meet them.'

'We will be waiting for Riley.' I state with no room for discussion.

Or so I thought when I hear Briggs next to me. 'I don't want that dog riding with you, Agnes. We don't know it and what if it attacks you?'

I just look at him with eyes that say it all Really? before I look away.

After about a minute of waiting, the back is opened and the most beautiful Belgian Malinois jumps up and sits down as Riley directed.

'Hi sweetheart

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'Hi sweetheart. What is your name?' I ask in a sweet babyish voice as I turn in my seat and reached over to pet the baby's head. With a long swipe of their tongue over my cheek, I giggle at receiving that lovely kiss.

'Sam. That's enough.' Riley says as he joins us in the back seat, next to Briggs.

I give the dog a kiss on the nose and sit back into my seat, smashed between Briggs and Xave.

'Her name is Samantha.' Riley tells us after a moment as the car starts driving.

'Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' I say as I look over the back of the seat and watch as Samantha looks out the back window.

After being on the freeway way for a few miles, the dog stands up and starts growling.

'Sam, what could possibly be out there?' Riley asks as all 4 of us turn our heads to see what has Samantha upset.

Hmm, we don't see anything but we are totally wrong.

Before I can even turn back around to the face the front, I feel the impact coming from the drivers side. My body is being pulled this way and that way. It feels like the car flipped over.

Maybe a few times.

'Ahhhhh!' I scream as I feel something sharp go through my abdomen.

There is noise and commotion but I can barely hear anything over the ringing in my ears. I don't feel well.

Then, the moment stops.

The ringing stops.

And everything goes black.


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