Prolouge - No. 8

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Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! The story will be updated at random times, and I want this to be the best story that it can always be, so updates will be slow. Also, the story will be edited, but not to the point where the plot changes. 

TW warnings for this chapter are:

Strong language (censored)



"Hey, Aki-Kun, did you hear the newest rumor?"

Two girls started talking in the hallway on their way to class. The hallway was cluttered with sounds, other students talking among their friends and classmates.

"Oh? there's a new one?"

The girl nodded. "Kimiko of the lockers." She stated. "They say that she is the 8th school wonder. The newest one since her rumor just got started."

"Oh. That's cool."

She chuckled. "I know right? It's a little scary considering what she can do. Or what she has done."

The girl who was walking with her had a smirk on her face. "Well, they say that Kimiko can control whatever you do. Mentally and psychically."

Aki had a shocked expression from what she just heard. "H-How? She can just-

"No. Apparently Kimiko needs to know what you treasure most. Once she knows, she can take it and control you."


"I know right?"

The girl had a smirk on her face. She looked at Aki who she was telling the rumor to.

The bell rang for gym period for the two girls. They walked to the changing rooms inside. Nobody was in there at the time. Nobody at all. This was not common for the changing rooms, considering that the doors are always unlocked and students are always roaming in without hesitation almost immediately after the bell rang.

"Hey, why aren't any other students walking in?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe this is the wrong period?"
"No. I'm pretty sure this is period 3."

The girl hugged a book to her chest. 

"What's that?" Aki asked.

"This right here, I would die if I didn't have it." She said, then began to put it in her locker.


The girl froze in her tracks almost imminently.

"H-Hotaru-San!?" Aki said, running towards Hotaru to help her, realizing that she couldn't move at all. "Hotaru, are you alright?!" She cried.

Edging closer she quickly realized the book wasn't in her hand. She didn't drop it, either. "HOTARU!! ANSWER M-

"She isn't going to answer you."

"Who's there!? What did you do to my friend!!?" The girl yelled at the air. She didn't see whoever was talking at the time.

There was silence. No answer.

A few seconds later, a dark brown haired girl emerged from one of the lockers in the hallway and walked her way down to the girl. What she was holding....

Kimiko of The LockersWhere stories live. Discover now