Chapter 1 - Kim Relish

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I don't like how the prologue came out. So I may go back on it and change it sometime. 

Also a reminder for names, T/n is the teacher's name and S/n is the student's name. Also when text is written like this in a non-third person POV, that is the thoughts of the person.

"-Nene Yashiro?" A teacher at Kamome Academy said, doing attendance for all the students in homeroom. The beginning of second marking period had just begun, and everybody was back from break. Every student was back in school, every school wonder was back at work. 

"Nene Yashiro?" The teacher repeated in a louder tone.

A girl with big magenta eyes lifted her head from a romance novel. "Huh? O-Oh! I'm here, T/n-sensei!" She said. 

The teacher nodded his head and scratched a name off his clipboard. He continued calling out names until he was finished. He sighed. 

???'s POV

Alright, it's been a long time since I've done this but I need to do this. Just remember the promise and what he said. You got this. Don't be scared. Don't be nervous. Don't. Be. Afraid.

I stood outside in the hallway, waiting for the signal for the teacher to come in. I wished this day would just be over. 

Remember your role. Don't be weird. Don't be-

"Alright, kids. Before we begin, there is a new student." The teacher said.

That's my signal. 

I walked into the classroom, opening the door softly to see all of my new classmates in the classroom. 

Third person POV

"Whoa! She's kind of pretty..." A male student muttered under his breath.

"She looks so cool!" A female student whispered.

"I hope she becomes my friend." Another female classmate whispered.

Students started whispering to their friends and muttering under their breath about the new student who stood in front of the classroom. A girl with dark brown and long straight hair that went down to about halfway down her back. Her hair also had light brown highlights on her fringe bangs. She had beautiful white glasses and the usual school uniform, too along with everything.

"Go ahead. Introduce yourself. We don't have all day, you know." The teacher said. The new female student flinched at the sudden voice of the teacher. It was no secret she was anxious about this.

"My name is Kim Relish. I'm a transfer from America." Kim said in a soft tone of voice. Her volume in voice was quiet but audible for everyone to hear. "A-And I'm really looking forward to getting to know you."

"Very good, Kim. Now go sit next to Mrs. Yashiro over there by the window."

The new classmate nodded and walked over to the seat by the light cream-colored-haired girl. Kim sat down, her body shaking a little bit by all of the pressure she felt. Kim felt like everyone was staring at her, judging her, and thinking bad things about her.

The light cream-haired girl shifted her pupils at her, and her smile widened a little. "Hey! You're Kim, right? My name is Nene Yashiro!" She said with a soft and excited tone of voice.

"Hm? O-Oh! Yes. It's nice to meet you, Yashiro-San." Kim said with a shaky voice.

"O-Oh, don't be like that! Just call me Nene." She extended her hand out to Kim. "Can we be friends?" Nene asked.

A gleam appeared in Kim's eyes. "R-Really? I-I mean yes!" She said in a louder volume of voice.

Nene chuckled softly. "Amazing!" 

Nene Yashiro's POV

Wow...this new girl is so pretty. And of course, her legs are better than mine. I can't catch a break.

What if I become this girl's friend? She's beautiful and probably good with boys! If I become her friend, then maybe I'll finally get a good and hot boyfriend!! Eeeek! Yes! Perfect plan!

W-Wait. No. That would be mean- I'm still gonna be her friend, though!

Third Person POV

After class, the teacher let all the students go to gym period. All the students rushed out of the classroom to head to the changing rooms. "Oh, Nene-Kun, I need to use the bathroom. Be right back!" Kim said, then running off in the other direction. They were on the second floor of the school, and the bathroom she was heading for was the boundary of the 7th wonder, Hanako-San.

"W-Wait, what!?" Nene said, then turning back to see which direction Kim was running off to. "K-KIM! W-WAIT!" She yelled, trying to get her attention.

Kim didn't listen and kept running towards the girl's bathroom.

"A-Aoi! Tell the gym teacher we'll be running a bit late!" Nene Yashiro said to her friend, Aoi. She nodded. Yashiro ran after Kim. 

Kim was surprisingly fast. Nene could barely catch up to her.

Kim went inside the girl's bathroom, which was also Hanako-Kuns boundary.

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