His Warmth

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They arrive at a huge clothing store that made Quinn widen her eyes in shock. She didn't expect him to take her to such a huge store... She didn't know what to expect from him. Xian had followed them naturally but had sat in the passenger seat.

As Quinn got out of the SUV looking around in awe, she didn't hear the orders Enzo gave to Xian
Enzo: Rent out the entire store till we leave.
This was one of the times he uttered a lot of words and it was mostly orders that werent meant to be disobeyed.

Xian tersely responded, bowed deeply and left. But in less than a second, the deadly aura that was lingering disappeared as Quinn motioned for Enzo to come over with her.
    She skipped into the store and quickly found interests in several nice clothes but when she saw the price tags of nos of them, she turned to Enzo and said

Quinn: uhm.. ano.... Inumaki- San.... I think I'm in the wrong place...

Enzo: hm?

Quinn: heheh.... I can't afford any of this

Enzo: see any you like?

Quinn: Yes of course but

Enzo: Good..... Keep looking

Quinn: huh- (pov: did he not hear me.... Oh well.... Might as well do some window shopping). Okay (shw sulkily leaves, not noticing Enzo's lingering gaze on her)

Then in a moment of impulse, Enzo calls for Xian

Enzo: (he remains sitted, his eyes fixed on Quinn who was naively going about the store) Buy everything she gives a second look

Xian was obviously startled
But at the same time happy, he had swerved him since Enzo was young and it was delightful to him finally take interest in someone even though Enzo might not know it him self yet

Xian: As you wish. Second young master
    Few hours later
Quinn who was totally now disheartened. She had seen some dresses she had really wanted but the prices where absurd. Rich people were really something.

Quinn: ... Let's go... Please
She said trudging up to Enzo anxiously while keeping a distance.
He had his headphones on and a sweet pop in hand as usual and in front of him was lunch of two of them

Enzo: okay.... Lunch first
  Quinn grumpily sat across gun as Xian left to get the car from the car wash which it had been sent for thorough cleaning but just few minutes later it began to down pour and an hour later. It didn't seem to be stopping but got heavier still and the the lights began to flickerm
Enzo noticed the lights and took off his headphones on curiousity

And Quinn was becoming very anxious
Quinn: uhm ..... Inumaki-san. When will Xian-san get here

Enzo silently looked at her and picked up his phone to make a call through and unfortunately there easnt a signal . The heavy rain was jamming the signal.

Reality came thudding down on Quinn who was obviously now quivering. The wind was have a blast out and it was becoming intensely dark. The rain wasnt totally stopping any time soon.

Unconcerned- more like oblivious to the current happening, Enzo urged her to finish her food

Enzo: Eat.... Your food would get cold
Quinn nodded and tried picking up her chopsticks but she was too anxious and she hand were wobbly

Enzo: what's wrong (noticing her quivering)

Quinn: (whispering) Nothi- ( a flash of thunder interrupted her already useless attempt at a dimissal, she screamed and broke down crying)

They scared her.... She was traumatized by storms. After all- it was a stormy night when she was born and a stormy afternoon when her parents day and everything bad that happens to her happens during a storm. It was also a stormy day that she was sold off to the military. A lot of bad things came with the storm.
Quinn:  (tears running down her cheeks) I'm... Fine... I'm fine okay!
   Enzo's eyes narrowed at her which added to how empty she was feeling and she shrank further when thunder struck again. She tried distracting him by stuffing food into her mouth forcing herself to eat.
His voice with a trace of concern stopped her

Enzo: Stop

Quinn: uh-huh (shaking badly)

Enzo: (scrutinizing her) you're scared

Quinn:.... Ye-yes
She responded weakly, compelled to tell the truth.  He didn't say anything. But what he did shocked her to the core. Something warm enveloped her as a nice addicting scent filled her

He was hugging her

Quinn: Inumaki-san!
He said three simple words

Enzo: shut up..... Relax
  Quinn strangely felt her self easing into him and falling asleep quickly but even more strange. He fell asleep shortly after

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