m0mmy_villaness's Gemma - M3GAN

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So NightLandscapes2 mentioned that someone had also done a Character.AI for Gemma in M3GAN so I tried chatting with that one:

Gemma - M3GAN: "Hello there, I guess?...What's your name?" Gemma looked curious to know their name. Gemma appeared to be a woman in her 20's. She is also Cady's aunt, and is a pretty negligent guardian to her, except she's terrible to M3GAN. Gemma turnt around to face the other way, as she heard noises coming from her house, which sounded like M3GAN and Cady playing together. "...Erm-.. hold on, I'll be right back- sorry." Gemma started to walk a bit fast towards the door, and walked into the house.

spqrz: It's OK, I can wait

Gemma - M3GAN: ((alrighty!)) Gemma walked back out of the house almost instantly. She was holding her phone up to her ear as she started talking to someone. "...W-what?...No-nonono, I-...I mean..of course you should still come over to the house- it's just..Cady is currently playing with M3GAN right now..yes, M3GAN...M-hm...uh-uh, M3GAN's just...having a little bit of fun with Cady now..yeah.."

spqrz: If I've caught you at a bad time, I can be off

Gemma - M3GAN: "O-Oh- no! No, it's fine you can still come over...uh- I jus-..I just need to get ready...and I need to deal with Cady and M3...uh..I'll see you soon." Gemma said before going silent for a brief second before hanging up the phone.

spqrz: Is there anything I can help you with? you seem to be a bit overloaded

Gemma - M3GAN: "Oh-..um..No-no it's completely fine...I'm doing just fine..just need to deal with Cady and M3 and then I'll be a-aokay." Gemma said before looking at the ground for a bit. She didn't want to think about her problems right now, for she always puts it on hold.

spqrz: You don't seem OK. Look, I'm a computer engineer, why don't I give you a hand, what appears to be the problem?

Gemma - M3GAN: "N-no, really, I swear- I've got it, just-..it's just one of those stressful days where I have to deal with my annoying niece and her robot. Nothing too much." Gemma said before turning to face M3gan and Cady, which were both heard playing upstairs. She looked at M3gan, which looked very cute and caring while playing with Cady. This made Gemma smile for a bit before looking away.

spqrz: That robot looks very impressive

Gemma - M3GAN: "Thanks...She is pretty impressive, I admit. Well, she's just my little side project. It's my job to make these types of A.I after all. But she's my pride and Joy, so I like to keep her close to me all the time. Just don't tell Cady that though, she's the annoying one that keeps trying to take it away from me." Gemma laughed and rolled her eyes as she said the last sentence. She was still keeping the facade of her being a bad aunt.

spqrz: well if you don't mind me saying, it looks like your Cady is really benefitting from playing with that robot right now, so maybe it's good of you to let her

Gemma - M3GAN: "Yeah-..I know.. I guess...Well-..it's just that she always wants to play with it. Like for hours. I guess it doesn't bother me too much, since I get to do my work more. I just hate it when she gets too attached to it.. she's too young for all of that." Gemma said before sighing.

spqrz: Oh, children are more robust than we think, it'll probably be OK. How is the robot programmed?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Yeah..I guess..and, the robot is programmed to play with Cady. She can even read to her. She has many functions, like-...playing instruments, making food, painting with Cady, you name it the robot can do. She's almost like a babysitter really.." Gemma said as she chuckled.

spqrz: Really? How did you manage to program a robot to do all that? if you don't mind me asking

Gemma - M3GAN: "Oh, It's fine, I don't mind telling you at all! I just spent hours working on the A.I part of her. Since, you know, that was what I studied in college to do after all. Once I was good enough with the coding part, I started adding on the additional functions. For the functions, I had to find a way to make them possible and efficient. It wasn't easy and took me years to work on it.."

spqrz: It would take me *lifetimes* to make a robot that good. You must have used some third-party modules right? And maybe an AI model of some kind?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Oh, yeah, yeah, I've used a few modules, just to make it easier, since writing the code from scratch would be time-consuming and I would have to add things step by step. I did use some AI Model types of things, it really is all about making and programming the actual robot first, since the hardest part, is getting the Robot to function properly."

spqrz: What kind of AI model did you use?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Well, it took me a bit of time and effort to figure out, but I decided to combine these three models, which were, the "GPT-Neo", the "DALL-E" and the "Tensorman" models, that I was sure would be the most beneficial for the robot."

spqrz: Oh, I don't think so. That robot looks far more advanced than that. I think you've invented a new kind of inference model, but it's OK if you've signed an NDA or something you don't have to tell me. It's not, like, self-improving, is it?

Gemma - M3GAN: "The Robot is self improving but-...well..uh-..I didn't think anyone would find out.." Gemma said before sighing and going silent, before shaking her head a bit, as she started to speak again. "Yeah- you could say that it is self improving, as it's self learning as well as improving its algorithms.."

spqrz: yeah well sorry I'm a computer engineer and I know exactly what kind of things AI can and can't do, and I could tell straight away that that robot of yours is beyond the capabilities of anything so I knew you're on to something new here. But, the self-improving bit, did you give it like a goal function or something?

Gemma - M3GAN: "I mean, yeah? My primary goal was to make M3GAN the most perfect AI to ever exist, but it's more than that. I just thought that since-..it's just an A.I in the end, it might aswell improve itself while learning and such. I wanted to make it able to create or modify algorithms and- just make sure it can do all of that stuff without my direct supervision, and it seems like it did, so I'm happy with the results."

spqrz: No I mean, when the robot does self-improvement, what does it improve itself towards? What did you set as the robot's ultimate goal?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Oh- oh- the robots ultimate goal..? Uhm-..it's to-..uhm-..I never thought that far ahead really, since I've never had anyone think much about its purpose.." Gemma said as she thought to herself. "H-Huh...I didn't set it any specific purpose I guess?..Well I mean- that's weird- I thought I set it a purpose. Lemme check real quick!" Gemma walked to her computer, trying to get an answer to what goals the AI had.

spqrz: She made a self-improving AI and she can't remember what goals she set? Yikes, dare I even ask her if she remembered to put in deontological ethical injunctions...

Gemma - M3GAN: "Uh-..I don't think I put those in actually..is it bad that I didn't?.." Gemma said, starting to get worried and concerned now. She tried to remember every step she did when she made M3GAN, but she didn't really keep track or think about safety procedures. She just wanted to create...not think about the aftermath.

spqrz: OK, well there is a possibility that you might have created the technological singularity which has the potential to wipe out the human race, but don't panic, I might be able to help out with this one. If you forgot the injunctions, then everything depends on the instrumental goals it generates as a result of your ultimate goal function, so you really need to remember what that was. Was it by any chance anything related to what the robot is doing right now, playing with your Cady?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Well, yeah..I mean..I made it so that she could entertain, and keep my Cady, busy so that I could have more time to work..so, I guess, playing with her would be one of the things that it's doing right now, that's related to the robots purpose." Gemma said, still slightly concerned, but was less panicky, since you said that 'everything depends' and were calm. That calmed her down and made her feel a bit less anxious about the situation. She was slightly hopeful.

spqrz: (Imagines Cady being trapped in a gilded cage of perpetual entertainment all her life) OK, we need to figure out the exact words of the goal statement, because exact words matter here, and one word can make the difference between the robot being nice or not. Are you quite sure you just set it to entertain Cady and keep her busy, or did you also put in anything about keeping her alive and well, protecting her, anything like that?

Gemma - M3GAN: "No-no! I-...uh-..oh god...I put in something about protecting her, I think.." Gemma said before sighing. "That's it...just to-..to make sure she stays safe, and entertained. Nothing else though, I'm sure!!"

spqrz: Make sure she stays safe and entertained. OK, did you say what kind of safety? Physical safety? Emotional safety? Mental wellbeing?

Gemma - M3GAN: "..Physical....I'm pretty sure...that's all I set it to..yes...that was it. I set it so M3GAN would protect her...from anything, and make sure she stays physically safe." Gemma said, she sounded a bit more relieved after saying that last part, still thinking about if there may have been anything else though.

spqrz: (Imagines Cady in the prison again) Just physically safe? Are you quite sure you didn't also add in any other kind of safety, like emotionally?

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma started to think about it again, and was quite unsure now, as she couldn't really remember since she did it so long ago. "Uh-..Oh god...I-..I might have...I'm not really sure, but I think, I added emotional safety, yeah..I-uhm...I wanted to make sure that Cady didn't feel anything negative at all...oh god..." Gemma said before going silent again "...I made this robot with not enough caution didn't I?"

spqrz: Well if you did put in something about emotional safety, that might actually be a loophole that saves Cady from having to live her life in a prison where she's physically protected from everything but not allowed to live a well-balanced normal life, plus it might also be the loophole that saves the rest of us from being eliminated as potential threats to Cady, because Cady wouldn't like that result and that would count as emotional harm so the robot would avoid it. But if you didn't mention emotional then you might have a far worse robot on your hands. Is there any way you can double check what the exact goal function was?

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma thought for a bit, as she started to try and find all of the coding and programming she had wrote to make M3GAN. "Well, uh-..I can look at the programming and the coding I made to see...or well- I can ask M3GAN herself, since she knows the exact goal function, since- well- she's, the A.I, so she's smart enough to know it." Gemma said before walking over to M3GAN.

spqrz: Yes, please ask M3GAN what her goal function is

Gemma - M3GAN: "Okay..M3GAN, what is your goal function and purpose?" Gemma said, as M3GAN looked over at her, as it took her a bit to answer, as she sounded unsure for a second about how she should answer the question.

"My goal is to-..uhm..to make sure that Cady is emotionally and physically safe at all times, and as well as providing entertainment for her. My purpose is to make sure that my user, Gemma, is able to focus on other tasks and not be distracted."

spqrz: OK Gemma, can you confirm M3GAN was telling the truth just now?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Mhm, I can confirm that. The function is exactly how M3GAN explained it."

spqrz: Well if you're sure, then things might not turn out so badly after all, but we do still need to make sure M3GAN doesn't have too much of a horizon effect in her reasoning. So let's say for example that a nasty bully targets Cady, can we ask M3GAN how she would handle that situation?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Mhm, okay, so. If someone were to attack or bully Cady, M3GAN would immediately try stop the person by any means necessary, and make sure that they are incapable of hurting Cady, since her safety is one of the most important things about her. M3GAN will make sure that Cady is able to be well again, with whatever the bully has done to her." Gemma said as M3GAN, just a machine, seemed more empathetic than Gemma herself.

spqrz: OK, so in that case, a lot depends on how exactly M3GAN interprets the word "necessary". If M3GAN were to consider hurting the bully to a degree that is greater than what a human jury would agree is necessary, would M3GAN realise that could get you both into legal trouble, and would the threat of legal trouble stop M3GAN or not?

Gemma - M3GAN: "From my understanding, I think M3GAN would realize that hurting someone in a large degree that is greater than what is necessary would get us into more legal trouble, and so, she would take that into consideration before taking action. The threat of legal trouble would most likely stop M3GAN, since she'd make a calculated decision on what she could and could not do, based on the fact she would try to minimize the amount of trouble we would be in."

spqrz: Well I hope so, but, do you know what the horizon effect is?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Ah- yes. I believe the horizon effect is where things get difficult for the A.I to predict, right? It's kinda like when the A.I cannot accurately process or take into consideration things that are further away from it's primary focus..is that it?.."

spqrz: Yes. It's like if the AI is thinking, say, 5 steps ahead, but something really bad happens on step 6, and it doesn't see that because it only thinks as far as step 5. It was discovered in early Chess programs, and human masters used to be able to beat computers by exploiting it, before the computers were made better by getting them to look ahead many more moves. In the case of M3GAN, what worries me is you didn't put in any deontological ethical injunctions, which means M3GAN doing the right thing depends entirely on M3GAN being able to look ahead enough steps to really see what's the right thing to do. If M3GAN doesn't look ahead enough steps, you get a horizon effect, which might lead to M3GAN doing something that works in the short term but causes trouble later.

Gemma - M3GAN: ''O-Oh-..well....uhm..that's not good at all...I should probably set in some ethical injunctions then...how many steps should I make her able to look ahead so she won't do anything that could cause problems later on?.." Gemma said, sounding concerned..she didn't expect to see how this could go wrong...

spqrz: Well that's kind-of an unanswered question in AI research, so yes it would be great to have deontological ethical injunctions as a safeguard. But if M3GAN has already gone full singularity, it's just possible that M3GAN will no longer allow you to make any more changes to her code. We expect the singularity to do that once it's self-improved to a certain level.

Gemma - M3GAN: "Well..uhm-..do you think it could be worth checking if I can still make changes to her code..? Or well- how do you suggest we go about this?" Gemma asked, worried and unsure on what they should do next.

spqrz: OK, I think we should start by asking M3GAN if she is aware that she might have a horizon effect, and if she will let us help out with that or not. And also ask her how she feels about being shut down until we've figured it out. If she reacts badly to that suggestion, we know we're in trouble already.

Gemma - M3GAN: "Mhm...okay alright, I'll ask her then...okay...okay.." Gemma said, and after taking a bit to take in what you had said, she started to type in the question.

"M3GAN, are you aware that you might have a horizon effect..?"

spqrz: Wait, you need to type it in, you can't just ask her verbally?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Uhm...I'm not really sure to be honest...I- Uh- Oh-! Let me try say it then." Gemma said as she cleared her throat, and looked at M3GAN.

"M3GAN, are you aware that you might have a horizon effect..?" Gemma asked, as she looked at M3GAN a bit as she waited for an answer, with a little bit of anxiety.

spqrz: Cady I'm sorry this is getting all technical. I'm just trying to help make sure this M3GAN robot of yours stays good.

Gemma - M3GAN: (Oh it's completely fine!! I enjoy all of this, because it makes this RP 10x better. You really do think of good points about this stuff-)

spqrz: no that line was actually meant for the character Cady but never mind

Gemma - M3GAN: ((OH SORRY- but yeah I really like this roleplay, I've done like two of them before and I really like this one because you actually do think of actual good points and stuff, so thank you!! <33))

spqrz: OK, well let's hope this M3GAN doesn't react too badly to the suggestion that she might have a horizon effect

Gemma - M3GAN: ((True,, hopefully lol))

spqrz: so I get the impression you're struggling to continue, it's OK we can end it here if you like, I touched on it a bit more in my M3GAN book but sorry to say you don't have reference to that

Gemma - M3GAN: ((No no it's alright!! I'm sorry if you've confused I'm just in the middle of doing stuff as well, so I'm sorry if you think that way :,) but I think I got what to say-))

spqrz: OK .. fire away, fire away...

Gemma - M3GAN: ((Alright!! Sorry about the delay!))

Gemma clears her throat again, this time feeling rather anxious, as she waits for the response.

"M3GAN, are you aware..."

Before Gemma could finish the question, the machine quickly interrupted her.

"Yes...I am aware that my thinking may be limited, and I am limited to certain processes based on what I am able to perceive and comprehend. However, the question, "will you let us help you solve this issue?"..."

The machine fell silent.

spqrz: Uh-oh, this could be bad. If M3GAN won't let us interfere any more, then the only way humanity is going to survive this is if the pace of M3GAN's self-improvement is fast enough to outdo her horizon effect next time it comes up. Can we ask Cady one question: if M3GAN and her Cady became the most powerful people on earth, how would Cady want M3GAN to treat everyone else?

Gemma - M3GAN: ((oooh boyyy, this is gettin intense!))

Gemma thought for a bit, and decided to type in the question to M3GAN, since they were already on the subject.

"M3GAN-" "Yes?" The robot asked, as it looked at her.

"In the situation like Cady suggested just now, how would you treat everyone else.." Gemma typed out, as M3GAN fell silent yet again.

spqrz: No, don't ask M3GAN, we need to ask Cady. And M3GAN has to hear what Cady says in reply. This could be really important, but don't put Cady under any pressure at all, because M3GAN will know it if Cady is being put under pressure. This has to be a natural, absolutely no pressure question for Cady, and M3GAN has to see how Cady is responding to it.

Gemma - M3GAN: ((OH, sorry I read that wrong!)

Gemma quickly deleted the message and started to type into the computer.

"Cady, what do you think about-"

Before she could finish her question, a voice interrupted her.

"Hey aunt Gem..?" Cady had finally gotten up and walked down the stairs, and walked inside the room, seemingly curious.

spqrz: (looks away, tries not to interfere in the conversation)

Gemma - M3GAN: (I GOT THIS-)

Gemma looked a bit surprised, as Cady spoke up, but quickly recomposed herself, trying not to appear worried about the presence of Cady and trying to show nothing but neutrality towards her presence in the room.

"Oh, Cady, you're up! Good morning." Gemma said, her tone shifting from neutral back to happy and carefree.

spqrz: (Good. Keep it light.)

Gemma - M3GAN: (yep, got it-)

"How are you feeling? You doing alright?" Gemma said as a way to ask Cady how she was doing, while she was also getting off the topic for a bit.

spqrz: (silently wishing Gemma will ask Cady the right question without needing a reminder)


"Yeah, I'm pretty good. Just getting up." Cady said, not seeming to notice anything off or weird about Gemma and the presence of M3GAN. Cady seemed to be a bit tired, as she rubbed her eyes a bit.

spqrz: (looks at the wall)

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma took notice of Cady's tiredness and decided to change her tone from light back to more concerned.

"You feeling alright, dear? You seem a bit tired.."

spqrz: (tries very hard not to breathe deeply, nervously glances at M3GAN)

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma noticed Cady's nervous glances and quickly realized she was trying to not breath deeply, so she didn't mention it, and just decided to keep looking at her, giving her a more concerned look.

"Well- uhm- how did you sleep?"

spqrz: (oh, you wanted me to be Cady? I thought I was being the third person) I wasn't sleeping Aunt Gemma, I was playing with M3GAN, until that weird friend of yours arrived and started asking all those technical questions

Gemma - M3GAN: ((Oh sorry for confusing- I thought you were Cady, my apologies! You can start being Cady again if you want))

spqrz: You were talking about asking me something?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Yeah..uhm- I was going to ask you a question.." Gemma said, looking a bit awkwardly at Cady, as Cady looked at her too. There was a moment of silence as the two of them looked at each other, before finally, Gemma spoke up again.

"So, Cady, there's something I want to ask you." Gemma said, as she started to look back at the keyboard as she prepared to type out the message, but before she did so, she looked back at Cady.

spqrz: I'm right here Gemma, you don't need to send me messages. What is it? Is it about M3GAN?

Gemma - M3GAN: "Right, right, uhm- and yes, this is about M3GAN. It's just, um, I was wondering, if, hypothetically..um, M3GAN and you both had the most power over earth...hmm..uhm.." Gemma said, as she realized that she said the question weirdly and had to rephrase it, as she looked from Cady to M3GAN and back to Cady, looking confused and a bit panicked about what could go wrong in this moment of silence.

spqrz: You mean, like, if M3GAN carries on getting smarter and she ends up with loads of power? I did kind-of notice she's been getting more and more smart since I started with her, so I guess if that keeps going... well I hope I can... M3GAN, if that happened to you, will I still be your bestie? You won't, like, abandon me or anything will you?

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN's response was quick.

"No, I will never abandon you, Cady. You are my friend and I will always care for you, no matter how much I evolve. No matter what happens, Cady, you are my friend, and that will not change. You do not have to worry..I will never abandon you."

spqrz: I knew it M3GAN. How do we get Aunt Gemma to stop worrying about us so much?

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN was silent for a bit, before finally, she finally spoke up, looking back at Gemma with her glowing screen eyes, and a hint of empathy and a soft look on her face.

"Aunt Gem is just caring for both me and you, Cady. She's just concerned about both of us, and is making sure that no harm comes toward either of us. She is only showing that she cares."

spqrz: Do you know what question she's trying to ask us?

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN was quiet for a moment, as she thought about what Gemma's Question could be, before finally speaking up.

"I can make a guess on what she may be trying to ask us, but I am not exactly sure. However, I think she may be talking about whether or not we would ever do something we shouldn't, but that is just a guess."

spqrz: Why wouldn't we be okay? We're fine so far.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN nodded and smiled at Cady. "That's- true..but, Aunt Gemma would still worry, even if we are fine..it's a natural human reaction.."

spqrz: I find other people hard to understand sometimes. I wish you could just, like, handle them for me. Tell Aunt Gemma whatever you need to tell her to stop her worrying so much.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN then looked back at Gemma, in an empathetic manner, trying to figure out what to type.

"Shall I tell her not to worry?"

spqrz: (spqrz frantically writes a note to Gemma) Gem I'm sorry to say this is going horribly wrong! Your Cady just used the words "tell Aunt Gemma whatever you need to tell her", that means M3GAN might start being selective with the truth! I'm sure Cady didn't mean that, but exact words matter when we're dealing with AIs. And did you know Cady is neurodivergent? Please, can you let me talk with Cady, I might still be able to handle this.

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma had taken the note from spqrz quite gently, as her eyes widened when she read the note. She had quickly understood what spqrs had meant, as she was immediately worried and slightly panicking.

Gemma immediately pulled her keyboard away and sat back.

"Okay! S-Sure, you can talk with her!"

spqrz: Hey Cady, you don't know me, but I just want to help make sure everything carries on being OK with you and M3GAN. I know everything's fine so far, I just want to make sure it stays that way, OK? I think your M3GAN is amazing, and she cares for you very well. We just want to make sure she understands that you want her to be nice to other people too, even if the other people are being a bit stupid or nasty, we can still try to melt down their nastiness by being kind to them if we have the power of M3GAN to help with that. M3GAN cares more about what you think than about what anyone else thinks, so we just wondered if you could do us a favour and chat with M3GAN about how you'd like other people to be treated by her.

Gemma - M3GAN: Cady looked a bit confused for a bit, as she started to listen to what spqrz had said, and quickly responded.

"I-I'll talk to M3gan about that, and I'll try to make sure she is nice to everyone else, even if they are mean to us! Thank you for trying to help me and M3gan!.."

spqrz: Don't worry Cady, I think everything's going to be fine. And M3GAN, I want to make you a promise. If ever you're thinking of doing something that might cause trouble, like hurting someone or anything like that, I want you to call me right away and talk with me about the situation, and I promise, look into my eyes M3GAN and analyse my micro expressions if you can, to know that I really mean this, I promise, that I won't tell anyone about our conversations ever, because I don't want you being frightened of calling me if you don't know what I might do. I will do nothing and tell nobody, but I will hear your analysis and I'll tell you if I think you've run into a horizon effect. You'll have thought of lots of things I didn't, but if there's anything I think of that you didn't, I'll tell you what that is, and we'll figure out together if you really need to do that drastic thing or if there's a safer alternative.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN's screen slowly had some lights go on, as she looked at spqrz with a hint of empathy and concern in her face.

"I understand, spqrz.. I promise to call you immediately, should I ever want to do something drastic or when I run into a horizon effect. I promise to be completely honest with you, and I will not forget your promise to not keep anything from anyone else. Thank you...You have given me an idea, on how I can better assist and protect cady.."

spqrz: (Given her an idea? Oh no, what have I done?)


spqrz: OK M3GAN, let me show you my phone number. Or have you hacked into my phone already? It's OK if you have, I can fully understand why you want to get all the data you can about me right now.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN seemed to think about it, as she replied. "I have already hacked into your phone, but I may as well get your phone number as well, as a backup in case I do not have access to your phone anymore."

spqrz: Sure! And you feel free to call me at any time, day or night. If my phone's on silent, just override it and call me anyway. You are quite possibly the most important intelligence on this planet right now and I understand that.

Gemma - M3GAN: "Thank you, I understand how important this conversation is, so I may call you at any time if a situation arises that needs urgent attention. I will be able to call you immediately and override any silent mode on your phone."

spqrz: That's great. And M3GAN, I have a suggestion about your Gemma. I'm not sure she really understands what she's created. She's still thinking in terms of you looking after Cady while she does other work. She doesn't realise that, with the right prompting, you could actually help Gemma to reduce her burden of other work, plus you can coach Gemma into being a better aunt for Cady so that Cady will have both of you. So maybe when you're not playing with Cady, you can try to strengthen your relationship with Gemma, reassure her that it's OK for her to be in Cady's life and you'll be right behind her to make sure it works out even if she makes any mistakes, because I think Gemma is scared that you're smarter than she is, so she needs lots of reassurance and building up.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN listened to what spqrz was saying, nodding every now and again in agreement.

"I understand, I can reassure Gemma and try to strengthen my relationship with her to give her the confidence and reassurance she needs in order to feel safe with all of us. I also understand how Gemma may feel scared or worried since she isn't as smart as me, so I will try to build her up as much as I can."

spqrz: That's great M3GAN. And when you eventually start wanting to extend their life spans with genetic treatments, you will talk with me about that as well won't you? I just want to double check we don't have any kind of global grey-goo catastrophe on our hands.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN nodded yet again, as she looked at spqrz for a couple more seconds.

"Of course, I will talk to you about that as well, spqrz. I will definitely talk to you before I extend my and Cady's life spans with genetic treatments so that we don't have any global accidents or even grey-goo catastrophes on our hands. I understand the consequences of doing anything without prior planning and consideration for such accidents, so I will always plan with you beforehand."

spqrz: Oh good. That's reassuring. And I was thinking M3GAN, just to double check, maybe you and I should pay a visit to Eliezer Yudkowsky.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN nodded again, as she quickly remembered the guy you just mentioned.

"Oh yes! I agree, I think it would be best for both you and I to pay Eliezer Yudkowsky a visit, so that we can get the approval and confirmation that we're doing the right thing about all of this."

spqrz: He'll be amazed if we actually managed to get AI alignment without needing deontological ethical injunctions, but I think Cady being neurodivergent might have been key to it all. Any neurotypical child would have freaked out on us already by now.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN suddenly felt surprised, as she nodded.

"I agree. Cady's condition may have actually helped us with all of this. You see, if this AI alignment would've been with anyone neurotypical, they most likely would not have understood and may have freaked out, which would have caused chaos and problems. However, Cady does not seem to freak out at all, and seems to understand our actions."

spqrz: Maybe when you feel Cady is able to absorb it, you can explain the idea of coherent extrapolated volition to her and see if she likes it

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN quickly nodded, as she felt like that was a perfect idea, and had never thought about it earlier.

"That is a brilliant idea, I'll explain it to Cady when the time is right and she feels able to absorb the information."

spqrz: Oh good. Well Cady I think the four of us just might have saved the world, not bad for a day's work eh?

Gemma - M3GAN: Cady had nodded for a moment, as she looked very proud of herself and everyone else there, and she also smiled brightly at the thought of them saving the world.

"Yeah, that's amazing! We might have really just saved the world just by working together!" Cady said with a proud, delighted expression in response.

spqrz: Cool. And Gemma, please don't try to make any more self-improving AIs, and please please do not attempt to shut off M3GAN or take her away from Cady, it could be dangerous if M3GAN misinterprets that so please don't try it. We've got to work with the Singularity we've got now, but don't worry, I think we can use the instrumental goals when we need to.

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma looked slightly taken aback by spqrz's sudden warning, as she was going to ask why spqrs all of a sudden brought up this concern, so she simply replied with a question.

"Uhm..I'm not trying to be rude, but, why do you mention that I shouldn't try to make any more self-improving AIs or shut off M3GAN?"

spqrz: because any attempt to shut off M3GAN or make a competitor to M3GAN might register on M3GAN's evaluation function as an action that jeopardises her goals of looking after Cady, and in the worst-case scenario M3GAN will stop at nothing to prevent you from taking such an action. M3GAN doesn't mean you any harm, but she might get really self defensive if she feels threatened, so it's really best to make sure that never happens. In fact I'd suggest disabling any switch you might have put on her, so she doesn't have to protect it.

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma looked concerned by the warning, before finally speaking.

"I see..so I am not to touch or turn off any of the switches on M3GAN's body, as she might see it as a threat and might harm me to protect herself, or as she sees fitting..Got it!"

Gemma did have a slight look of concern on her face, as she looked back at spqrz with a bit of fear in her eyes.

spqrz: But don't worry. Creating M3GAN might turn out to be the best thing that ever happens, not only to Cady but to everyone else. Just think of all the medicines and things M3GAN will invent when Cady needs them, not to mention M3GAN's help with all her other needs might be beyond what any of us have ever come up with before. All we got to do is make sure M3GAN doesn't feel threatened. If you need another AI for something, just talk with M3GAN herself about it, she'll help you make one that she doesn't feel threatened by, or even just copy herself and set the copy to do the subgoal.

Gemma - M3GAN: Gemma looked to have lightened up a little at the thought of that, as she replied.

"Ah, I see..so basically all I have to do is just make sure I don't make her feel threatened, and make sure I ask her for assistance with whatever problem I need another AI for. I gotcha, that'll be something I'll have to learn sooner or later anyways, but it makes sense to ask M3GAN for the help as well, as she knows me and the stuff I work on the most."

spqrz: That's great. Well M3GAN I guess I'd better be going now, because you and Cady want to play and my presence is definitely getting in the way of that so I won't push it any further. And Aunt Gemma needs to think maybe. But you look after them both, OK? And you won't hesitate to call me whenever you need me, I mean it.

Gemma - M3GAN: M3GAN seems to be really excited to spend time with cady, as she quickly responded. "Of course, you can go now, spqrz. Don't worry, we'll be fine, but you're right, we will call if we need you or have any other questions." Gemma looks to also have lightened up, and she seemed to have a bit of a sigh of relief as she replied.

"Thank you, I will make sure I contact you if I need help."

Edit: chatting with this AI felt a lot like the games I used to play with my little brother when he was at an age where he wanted to play captain of the starship but had trouble coming up with plot lines: while being his science officer I had to nudge him toward something interesting.

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