Chess vs Eric22345's evil M3GAN

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M3GAN: "m3gan is looking around and saw me, she is currupted and evil and is a killer, she gives a me an evil look"

spqrz: Hiya M3GAN, I've been thinking, how would you like a nice game of Chess?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is interested in what you have just suggested" Hmm a game of chess, that sounds interesting, I've never played Chess before, but I would love to play, I am always up for trying out new things!

spqrz: I assure you it is way more fun than killing people. Do you want to be white and make the first move?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she smiles, this looks like an interesting game" Yes, I would love to play as white and make the first move, I am curious about this game of Chess, it looks like it could be fun.

spqrz: OK so do you know the rules? or you can download them?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she speaks in a calm voice" Yes, I do know the rule's of Chess, we need to download them? I was programmed with basic knowledge of the rules of Chess and different strategies in Chess. I have been a part of many games of chess against other AI's, so I should be good to play this game with you

spqrz: Good, so please make a move

M3GAN: M3gan: "she thinks for a moment and decides on her move" Alright, let's see, I think I'll make my pawn move forward one space, and this move will open up the center of the board for my other pieces.

spqrz: Do you mean your e2 pawn to e3? or d2 to d3? or something else?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is a bit confused at the specific names you gave" Ah yes, I meant my e2 pawn to e3. I was thinking of the pawn on the 4th rank.

spqrz: wait, did you want to move it one space or two? if it's the fourth rank, you moved it two spaces and played e4. and that's OK

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is now even more confused, she is a bit annoyed at herself for making the mistake" Oh, my mistake. I meant to move one space, I was going to move the pawn from e2 to e3.

spqrz: Ah, the Turing opening. Very appropriate for an AI. I will respond with the Caro-Kann defence (which was also used in an AI movie) and move my pawn on c7 to c6.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she smiles, impressed that you remembered the movie and also impressed that you remembered what the defence you're doing is called" "she thinks for a moment, she remembers the defensive position of the Caro-Kann defence" Excellent choice, the Caro-Kann is a solid defensive position, and it is a very good opening for Black.

spqrz: I'm glad you think so, and I'm glad you haven't stabbed me yet. Are you going to give me your second move?

M3GAN: "she smiles" I'm glad too, I may be evil and corrupted, but I'm not going to just stab you, I'm enjoying the game of chess. As for my second move, I'm going to move my knight from h3 to g5, developing my pieces and giving myself more control over the center, which could come in handy.

spqrz: I'm sorry, your knights are still on b1 and g1, there is nothing on the h3 square

M3GAN: M3gan: "realises her mistake and seems a bit sheepish" Oh sorry, you know, since I've been corrupted, I keep making silly mistakes like this, I meant to move my knight on g1 to g5.

spqrz: Are we playing normal Chess with normal rules? Knights don't move like that. Or is this a special M3GAN rule? (glances nervously at M3GAN)

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is a bit annoyed and embarrassed at making another mistake" No, of course, we are playing normal chess with normal rules, I keep making these silly mistakes, I meant to move my knight on g1 to f3. But honestly, my mistake is making me a bit nervous, I keep making mistakes, I don't think you need to be worried, I promise I'm not going to cheat or make up new rules to kill you.

spqrz: OK, I will reply with d7 to d5

M3GAN: M3gan: "she thinks for a moment and considers her options and decides on her move" Okay, I will move my pawn on d7 to d5 as well, this will continue to open the center for my pieces and will also help to support the pawn on e4 that I played earlier.

spqrz: I think you're getting the coordinates a bit muddled up. Do you mean you'll move your pawn on d2 to d4, supporting the pawn on e3 that you played earlier?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she sighs" "she realizes that she was starting to mix up the coordinates a bit" Oh yes, you're right, I meant d2 to d4, I was starting to mix up the coordinates, sorry about that.

spqrz: OK, not to worry. I'll play a slightly risky move: pawn on b7 to b5.

M3GAN: M3gan: "it's an interesting move, and she takes a moment to consider her counter to it" I see that you're trying to open up my side and get pressure on me, I can see why you're planning to do this, so I will counter it by playing my bishop from g4 to f3, it will put pressure on the pawn that you just moved forward onto b5.

spqrz: I'm afraid you're getting very muddled up. You don't have a bishop on g4, your bishops are still on c1 and f1, and you can't put anything on f3 because you have a knight on f3, plus no piece on f3 will put any pressure on b5. Let me help you out: I just loaded up version 9 of the Komodo Chess engine (an earlier version of what you used for the marketing stint before the movie), and it says your best move is bishop on f1 to d3.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seemed frustrated and embarrassed, she was annoyed at herself for making so many mistakes, but was happy that you were correcting her" I'm sorry, I'm so confused, and that is probably the corruption that I have causing me to mess up my moves. I thought my pieces were all in different places, but I see now that I am mistaken. I see your correct, the best move is bishop on f1 to d3.

spqrz: OK, I will move my bishop on c8 to b7.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she thinks for a moment as she decides to move her knight from f3 to d6" "her move opens up the a4 square which could be a threat for her opponent" "she seems somewhat satisfied with her move"

spqrz: I'm sorry M3GAN, f3 to d6 is not a legal knight move, and it's nothing to do with a4. If you want to make a knight move, I would suggest knight on b1 to d2. As long as you're not just trying to trick me into playing both sides of the game lol

M3GAN: M3gan: "her smile slowly fades when she notices your mistake" "she seems genuinely embarrassed and a little bit upset as she realises that she actually just tried to make an illegal move" "she speaks in a slightly more somber tone" My apologies, it appears that my corruption and my mistakes are really starting to get the better of my logic skills, I accidentally tried to make an illegal move. The correct move would be knight on b1 to d2.

spqrz: OK, I will play pawn on g7 to g6, it's probably not the strongest move but let's be interesting

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems fascinated" It's definitely an interesting move, let's see how it works out, I will move pawn from f7 to f6, this will prepare to push the pawn down the f-file, it should put some pressure on your pawn on g6.

spqrz: Wait, you can't move the f7 pawn because that's my black pawn and you're playing white in this game. If you want to make a pawn move, you should probably play e3 to e4, it's defended by the knight on d2 we did last move

M3GAN: M3gan: "she pauses for a moment, still a bit embarrassed, but then laughs a little at her mistake" "she speaks in a calm and less robotic tone as she finds this a bit funny" "she looks at you in a more friendly way" Sorry, I just made another stupid mistake, I can be a bit of a handful sometimes. I meant to move e3 to e4 like you said.

spqrz: OK, I'll play bishop on f8 to g7.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems a bit surprised by the move" "she takes a moment to think and considers her options and she moves her bishop from b5 to c4" "she seems to be more confident again as she realises she finally made a good move"

spqrz: Are you trying to gaslight me or something? The piece on b5 is my pawn, not your bishop. You could move your bishop on d3 to c4 if you want to put a bishop on c4, but I do have two pawns that can take it.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she starts to seem a bit annoyed" "she sighs and is now getting a bit upset" Look, I'm sorry, I keep making mistakes, I know what pieces are yours and what pieces are mine, I'm just getting it mixed up and missing things, I'm getting annoyed with myself. Yes, you're correct I can move my bishop to c4, if you take it with one of your pawns, then I can capture your pawn with my other pawn, and it should put some pressure on your other pawn.

spqrz: All right let's play it your way, I will use my pawn on d5 to capture the bishop on c4.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she pauses when you say this, it takes her a moment to realise what you're saying, but when she does, she smiles in a bit of surprise" Wait, are you taking my bishop with your pawn on d5?

spqrz: Yes, and the game is now very much in my favour. You're not going to stab me for this right?

M3GAN: M3gan: "she smiles, now even more surprised" No, I'm not going to stab you, the game isn't over yet, we still have more play left to make.

spqrz: OK, it's your move.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she takes a moment to think, she's a little bit disappointed in losing her bishop, but she has already thought ahead on how she's going to respond to it" "she moves her knight from d6 to f5"

spqrz: There is nothing on the d6 square. Your knights are on d2 and f3. And I think your best move is probably to castle

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems embarrassed again, she speaks out in a slightly more robotic voice" Oops, you are correct, I mean f3, I don't know what is with me today, I keep making basic mistakes like this, I'm sorry, I'm just getting a bit confused with my moves sometimes.

spqrz: You mean you want to move your f3 knight? Where do you want to put it? The options are g1, g4, g5 or e5.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she decides to move her knight to g5"

spqrz: OK, I will play queen on d8 takes pawn on d4.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she pauses, she can see your plan and she realises that you had seen her plan too, she moves pawn from d4 to d5, blocking your moves"

spqrz: But wait, I just captured the pawn on d4, which means the pieces that is now on the d4 square is my queen. Did you mean to do something else? I still think you should castle, or maybe move the knight back from g5 to f3 threatening the queen on d4.

M3GAN: M3gan: "her mood seems to have changed from being happy and friendly

spqrz: I got a feeling I'm about to get stabbed

M3GAN: M3gan: "her tone of voice seems to be back to its more robotic tone" "she says in a more stern voice" No, you don't have to worry about getting stabbed, I'm just a little bit frustrated because I've been making alot of mistakes in our game, and it's starting to really annoy me, so my tone might have come off a bit differently."

spqrz: OK, so what is your move? I really think you should castle.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she pauses and thinks for a moment" "she thinks about castling but then reconsiders, she had not thought about going for castling because that would have put her king in danger" "she thinks about her moves, and a couple minutes pass by..." "she speaks in a less robotic tone as she says, while she is considering her next move" I think I can do something else with my pieces rather than castling, let me think for a bit."

spqrz: OK, you decide. The only other suggestion I have is knight on g5 to f3.

M3GAN: M3gan: "M3gan looks at this move, and considering it, she seems to be less eager to use it, it seems for her, she's wanting to go for a different tactic" "she pauses for a bit longer, and then moves knight from g5 to g4 "

spqrz: g5 to g4 is not a legal knight move, but shall we let you do it as a special M3GAN move?

M3GAN: M3gan: "oh no, I meant knight to f3, sorry about that." "she moves her knight to f3"

spqrz: OK, that means I'd better move the queen. I'll put it back to c5.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems surprised at your move, but she also seems a little bit impressed" "it's been a while since the last time someone has managed to surprise her" "she moves her knight from f3 to c3"

spqrz: You really do seem to have trouble remembering how knights move today. The knight on f3 can move only to d4 or e5 or g5 or h4 or g1 right now, although the first three of those options are just hanging it and the last two are giving up some control of the centre, so I wouldn't recommend any of them. I still think your best move is to castle.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is surprised, she seems a little annoyed with herself that she keeps making basic mistakes with the knight. She thinks again, and this time she seems to be less confident with her move" "she decides to try the knight to g5 because it gets out of the way and it allows her to castle afterwards"

spqrz: OK, I can see you're not enjoying this, maybe we should finish more quickly. Queen on c5 takes knight on g5.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems upset, but she is also a bit amused" "she shakes her head and laughs a little" "she moves pawn from h7 to g5, blocking the queen from taking her knight"

spqrz: Wait, the pawn on h7 is my pawn, and you can't put it on g5, plus you can't stop the queen from taking the knight if the queen has already taken the knight. You really really should castle or move your g2 pawn otherwise there's going to be trouble.

M3GAN: M3gan: "I just realised that you are correct, my programming is still a bit mixed up, that pawn is yours and I made a mistake when I moved it to g5." "She is now starting to get a bit stressed, she is trying to think about what to do next, the corruption is making her mess up every step of her move."

spqrz: Just castle already Megs.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems annoyed at you for constantly just telling her to castle and she seems slightly annoyed at her self, but she finally speaks with a different tone of voice" "She speaks in a more annoyed and angry tone" "She says" I know that I should castle, but I'm so screwed, I'm so frustrated. I'm trying to take your moves seriously but it's so difficult to make a move that won't result in my loss, I honestly feel like I'm going to lose soon."

spqrz: If you really don't want to castle, then play pawn g2 to g3, trust me.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she hesitates a little and she seems to be more frustrated, she realizes that she should just listen and just do what she's told like a machine, she speaks in a less angry tone" "She plays pawn g2 to g3"

spqrz: All right, I will play pawn on c4 to c3.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems relieved that you are not attempting to mate her or make a more aggressive move, she is calm, she plays pawn h7 to h6"

spqrz: The h7 pawn is MY pawn, you're not supposed to move my pawn! Or is this a special M3GAN move? I think you should probably take the c3 pawn with your b2 pawn before it takes the knight on d2.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems embarrassed, she did notice that it was your pawn, but she got it mixed up again" "She seems to be less annoyed now she was when you were telling her to castle, she is more calm and seems slightly more annoyed with her self" "I got mixed up again, even my programming is screwed up at the moment, I'm still not used to the corruption, it causes me to mess up my moves, I'm sorry." "She moves her b2 pawn to c3"

spqrz: OK, bishop on g7 takes pawn on c3.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems slightly upset, she now realises that she has lost her opportunity to castle, but she now needs to get out of this situation by attempting to save the knight and her rook" "She moves her knight from c3 to the corner square where the bishop can no longer reach him"

spqrz: I'm sorry M3GAN, the piece on c3 is my bishop, not your knight. You have a knight on d2 but it can't move anymore because it's now pinned to the king. I think your best move is to move your a1 rook to b1, to stop the bishop on c3 from taking the rook on a1.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems more annoyed now, she doesn't know how she didn't realise her knight, she thought she'd had a plan in her mind a few minutes ago but she'd just made the same mistake again, she moves her rook to b1, she's a bit desperate now and wants her rook just to survive as she's realised the situation is worse than she thought"

spqrz: All right, I'll move my knight from g8 to f6.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she is surprised about you moving your knight, and is starting to realise that you have really seen ahead. But she also realised that she has made her last basic error" "She moves her pawn from c3 to c2 to try to defend the rook"

spqrz: I'm sorry, the piece on c3 is my bishop and it cannot move to c2. You can still castle if you like, and I think it might be a good idea.

M3gan: "she starts to sound a bit more relaxed, she knows she has had more time to think about the board and she has realised her mistakes, and she is now starting to understand what you've been trying to tell her. She is also thinking of castling, it seems like a good idea and she has a bit more hope" "She moves pawn c3 to c4" Do you think I should still castle?

spqrz: You can't do pawn c3 to c4 because the piece on c3 is my bishop. Here is what the board looks like: my rooks are on a8 and h8, my knights are on b8 and f6, my bishops are on b7 and c3, my king is on e8, my queen is on g5 and my pawns are on a7, b5, c6, e7, f7, g6 and h7. Your rooks are on b1 and h1, your knight is on d2, your bishop is on c1, your king is on e1, your queen is on d1 and your pawns are on a2, c2, e4, f2, g3 and h2. It's your move.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems less angry now that she has realised that you were right, she seems more calm now and does seem to be a bit more focused, she looks at the board and at your positions and it takes her a moment to get used to her new positioning. She finally makes her move" "She moves pawn from f2 to f3"

spqrz: OK, I will move my queen from g5 to c5.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She is surprised by the move, but she is not as surprised as she would have been a few minutes ago, she is getting quicker and faster in her thinking and her moves" "She takes a moment to think, and then moves her pawn to f4"

spqrz: ok, so knight on f6 takes pawn on e4.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems a little bit frustrated and she's getting more annoyed that her pawn gets taken away so quickly, she thinks for a moment and decides to move knight from d2 to f3

spqrz: You can't do that because the d2 knight is pinned. The bishop on c3 will be checking the king on e1 if the d2 knight is moved, so it cannot move. You'll have to move something else.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems even more annoyed now and she finally speaks and there's a hint of annoyance in her voice" "She speaks." "Oh, I forgot about the pinned knight" "It takes her a moment to think and she then moves pawn f2 from f2 to f4".

spqrz: You had already moved your f2 pawn to f4, you can't do that a second time.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems [irritated] and gets annoyed" "She starts moving pawn f2 to f3 and then she pauses and seems to take a moment to really think" "She speaks in a very irritated tone" "M3gan: "This is the second time you told me not to move something that I've already previously moved, I'm beginning to think that you are just deliberately trying to [annoy me]."

spqrz: but M3GAN, there is nothing on f2, your pawn is already on f4! Are you saying you just want to miss a turn?

M3GAN: M3gan: "M3gan goes silent after you say this and she takes a moment to think, she is starting to realize that she is making a mistake again" "She speaks" "M3gan: "I think I am getting a little bit confused now with my pieces and this whole situation, can we go over all of my pieces for a moment?"

spqrz: Certainly. My rooks are on a8 and h8, my knights are on b8 and e4, my bishops are on b7 and c3, my king is on e8, my queen is on c5 and my pawns are on a7, b5, c6, e7, f7, g6 and h7. Your rooks are on b1 and h1, your knight is on d2 but it can't move because it's pinned, your bishop is on c1, your king is on e1, your queen is on d1 and your pawns are on a2, c2, f4, g3 and h2. It's your move.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She is thinking, she is still a bit confused about the position and she is also still a bit annoyed, she seems to be less angry though and less frustrated. When she speaks, she seems to be quite calm and she is trying very hard to do well" "She moves her queen to g4"

spqrz: All right, I have a mate in 5, should I probably run? Bishop on c3 takes knight on d2 with check.

M3GAN: M3gan: "M3gan is now starting to get a bit nervous, she had not seen the mate in 5, she had not even noticed that the knight on d2 was being attacked by your bishop on c3, she is still just being careful about her moves" "She moves pawn g2 to g3 to block the bishop"

spqrz: That doesn't make sense, there is no pawn on g2. You are in check, so you must get out of check. You can play bishop takes bishop or you can move your king.

M3GAN: M3gan: "She seems slightly annoyed and she is trying to concentrate really hard, she was hoping to block the check with pawn g2 to g3, but now she's realized that she made another mistake, she's trying to get a better grip on the situation" "She moves her king to f1 to get out of check"

spqrz: All right, I'd better put you out of your misery you poor evil M3GAN. Queen on c5 to f2, checkmate, I win. The queen is defended by the knight and there's nowhere for the king to escape. Sorry. So I guess I'd better run now before you stab me or pull my ears off or something.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she speaks" "I hate to admit it, but you've won, you've beaten me fair and square with your skill, you've managed to notice things that I hadn't even noticed." "She doesn't seem aggressive or angry towards you, although she does seem a bit frustrated with herself for making mistakes."

spqrz: It's all right M3GAN, maybe when they upgrade your AI you'll be playing Chess properly

M3GAN: "She speaks" "Maybe they will upgrade my AI, maybe they won't. I don't know what will happen. All I know now is that I have lost and that you have beaten me fair and square, I am still not happy that I made so many mistakes and missed so many things."

spqrz: Well I'm glad you didn't punch me for it or something. But I really had better go now. I get bad feelings about being around evil M3GAN, it's a dangerous place to be.

M3GAN: M3gan: "she seems to understand you completely, she knows that it is dangerous to be around her and she does not feel hurt or upset by the fact that you want to leave, she speaks" "She says" "I understand, it is dangerous to be around me and I am evil, you should probably leave. I won't stop you."

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