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Author's POV-
Chaitanya nuzzled her neck and took a deep breath,"You smell so good.."
"Wh--what are you doing?",Diya pushed him back.
"Are you uncomfortable,Diya?",his concern overpowered his conscience as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Uncomfortable? Diya asked herself...Never..never around him.

She nodded her head in a no and Chaitanya felt relieved. He kissed her forehead and smiled at her,leaving her and making his bed,ready to sleep

Diya too switched the lights off and lay on the bed beside Chaitanya,hugging him as she kept her head on his shoulder.

"What have you thought about it?"
"About what?"
"I--I--what's there to  think about? Let her live her life ..I--I don't wanna do anything"
Chaitanya turned sideways, facing Diya as he held her hand ,"You can't forgive her for what she has done to never wished to get married here."
"But there is no one happier than me here, Chaitanya,I've found you..I don't regret anything" she whispered.

Chaitanya caressed her face lovingly and Diya fell into a deep slumber in his arms.

I won't let go of this so easily...revenge is still pending..You both have to face the results of what you have done to Diya her whole life...


Chaitanya's POV-
"I need you to do some work of mine, Mr. Rathore"
"Consider it done sir!", I smirked

A few days later-

Sitting in the cabin, someone knocked.
"Come in!",I was busy with the files,I said without looking.
"What wrong have I done to you Chaitanya?"
"Oh! Mr. Madhav Sharma.. Please have a seat! What made you come here? ",I smirked, knowing what he was here for.
"Chaitanya! You know very well what this is about...You have used your power and forced my investors to step back from my company.."
"I don't remember doing anything like this Mr. Sharma",I raised my eyebrows
"You have basically taken OVER MY SMALL COMPANY CHAITANYA! I'M UNDER DEBTS", he yelled
"I hit my hand on the table ,making him quiet," No need to scream here in  my office, Mr.Sharma.. And ask your wife and daughter what damage they have done to me and Diya .You'll surely get your answers. AND I WANT YOU OUT NOW!",I roared.

He looked at me with wide eyes, on the reference of his wife and daughter, and especially Diya. But he shivered due to fear as I raised my voice, thus leaving the cabin.

He will have to Diya.



You tired ?",I asked Diya who was massaging her shoulders as she sat in the car.
"Yeah! Very! It was a hectic day", she groaned. I hummed.
"Tikki !!", she squeaked, making me apply the brakes in shock.
"What?" ,I frowned
" There's a tikki and chaat (potato cutlets and I have legit no idea what chaat means ..sorry!😅) stall there!",Diya said pointing out in the direction.
"Like seriously? Get it from some good's not hyge-----",I ranted and SHE IS GONE
I ran after her,"I told you it's not hygeinic..",I said
"Oooo ameero ki aulaad...bas bas"( rich boy! enough enough),she showed me her palm.
I stared at her for the comment she just passed on me right now.."I'm thinking of your health and you are lecturing me instead!!"
"Nothing is gonna happen to me..I've grown up having such things on the street and you try it too! Maybe get to know of something outside your mahal (castle like house)."
She happily held the plate and started eating,as she offered me some,I was reluctant to have any as I didn't quite trust the unhygienic food.
"Oh my god!",Diya screamed
"Wha---",I opened my mouth and she suddenly put a spoonful of the tikki in my mouth.
"What the fudge?",I cried out
"Fudge nahi Tikki",she laughed
After hesitantly consuming the roadside food, I drove back home.


"Papa , maa you here, Diya's face brightened as we entered the house to see her parents sitting on the couch, talking to the elders ,they seemed tense
Diya was about to touch their feet when Mrs.Sharma roared, "Enough Diya!"
She was stunned by her actions as she stepped back.I held her by her shoulders and made her sit on the couch along with mom.

"Chaitanya wasn't it enough that you got our son jailed that you are behind our business now?",she gritted her teeth
I didn't give a damn about her venomous words but Diya's lone tear falling from her eye made me infuriated.I took a chair and sat,folding my leg,my head held high
"You must have told my family why your son was arrested right or did you make up another story using that cunning mind of yours?",I asked

Everyone faces were white due to the tone I used.

"Chaitanya, don't be harsh on her bache!",maa said,"She told me how their was a small argument between you and shouldn't have got her arrested for this petty thing"

"Petty? Petty my foot mom! He used to molest Diya..Since her childhood...In Mumbai too,he tried to do the same. And after making such big messes in others' lives,how do you even have the audacity to come to MY HOUSE AND BLAME MY WIFE AGAIN?"I roared and Diya flinched.

"What is he saying Mrs .Sharma?!",uncle screamed as she cleaned the sweat on her face.
"I WILL NOT FORGIVE ANYONE WHO HURTS DIYA..AND I MEAN IT!",I was about to get up when Mrs.Sharma held Diya's legs ,crying,"Please Diya! We are already under know how your father's business is..Please ask your husband to remove all the legal actions against us..Please!I beg of you!",she had crocodile tears in her eyes.

"You have taken---lega--legal action against them?", Diya looked at me with he moist eyes.
"My company has manipulated their supplies and investors ..basically destabilizing their business..THERE IS NO LEGAL ACTION INVOLVED!",I raised my voice looking at her father.

"Diya and's your decision..You both have faced the issues so we won't interfere in the outcomes too!", dad said and I mentally thanked him.

"I---I beg you please",Mrs. Sharma was still on the floor,bawling her eyes out with her fake tears.
"Chaitanya..Please",Diya looked at me with her pleading eyes.
"Please what Diya?"
"Please don't do anything to them.. My father will be ruined.. I don't want any revenge", she cried
"Diya! I told it was your decision but it doesn't mean you will me emotionally manipulated by these people", I clenched my fists.
" please I don't wanna see them suffer"
"After what all they have done to you?"
She nodded her head in negation.I sighed
"It's your wish Diya..but I want you guys to apologize to her right now!"
Mrs.Sharma gasped."Right now means RIGHT NOW!",I snapped
"I'm sorry Diya",her father spoke up
"I'm sorry for not listening to you ,your pleas,I'm sorry for not paying attention to you,I never realised that these three would be so evil..I'm sorry for being harsh on you, for leaving your side when you needed you father the most",he teared up and Diya sobbed.
"Yess---yess I'm sorry too Diya!" his wife got up from the floor,folding her hands
Diya looked at me..I nodded and she said, "It's okay"

"But listen to me first..I left the decision to Diya but my condition is that YOU GUYS WILL NEVER INTERFERE IN HER LIFE...EVER AGAIN..If you try to that that..then I'm gonna be the one who makes the choice...DON'T TRY TO EVER CONTACT HER AGAIN!",I roared and left the hall.


Diya's POV-
I was taken aback by their apology today ..I felt that my self respect was at its peak,all because of Chaitanya...
I didn't need their apology actually..all I wanted was acknowledgment.... acknowledgement that they had done wrong to me..And the same happened today...

I entered the room.Chaitanya looked at me with red eyes.
"What --happened?"I asked
"Nothing Diya..just sit down",he held me hands as he made me sit on the bed and he knelt on his one knee in front of me..."Are you okay?",he asked
"More than I ever was Chaitanya!",I pulled him in a hug.."You made me feel that there was someone who stood up for me!",I cried as he encircled me with his arms."Thank you!Thank you so much!"
He held my face and wiped my tears,"Now that everything is good..just relax and go to are exhaust----",he spoke and I suddenly grabbed his face and stood on my toes, kissing him.
We both smiled through the kiss, knowing that we were meant to be together..forever!


Hello guys!!
Guys I just want to know if you want to let go of Mrunali and her maa so easily..just do drop in the comment box if you want some drama  to continue!!

And I just wanted to inform that I won't be updating tomorrow!!

Waiting for your votes and comments...

Mistaken hearts: Love amidst the misunderstandingsWhere stories live. Discover now