I. Greetings.

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If you've clicked on this book I'm very glad! I'm your friendly neighborhood author; Lumi! I'm sure you have quite a few questions.

    "What is this book going to be about?"
    It's basically going to be a retelling of the original story with a few changes! The largest one being the inclusion of my own original character, who you will meet soon!

    "Have you written before? Why did you write this?"
    I've written causally in the past and to close friends, though I'd like to push myself further! That's half of why I wanted to write this, the other half being I've found so many of my close friends loved this story I had planned that I think you'd like it as well!

    "Are there any ships in this book? If so, who?"
    Most of the basic ships in the Daganronpa fandom will be here! ( Ishimondo is a favorite of mine, of course I'd write them in! ) Though some won't happen, and there is also some OcxCanon within this book! If you get upset over this or don't like that kinda stuff, please feel free to exit now! No shame here.

    "Will there be any sensitive topics? How will you warn us?"
    There will be some sensitive topics talked about here, though I will be sure to write a warning at every chapter and state when it occurs and when to start reading again! I'll do my best to make sure everything is handled as professionally as possible and not make fun of any trauma.

"How many Oc's are being added? Any changes to the main cast? Are all the deaths the same?"
    There will only be a few Oc's besides my main character and many won't have a significant part of the story, but there are a few changes to some of the characters! ( Toko and Hifumi were my top priority to change and I'm doing my best to make things as accurate as possible for Toko and Syo! )
As for deaths, you'll just have to read and see! ^_^

"Is this going to be multiple books? How many games will be added?"
My plot for this story follows Trigger Happy Havoc, Ultra Despair Girls, and Goodbye Despair! Killing Harmony would be fun to add but lore-wise it makes no sense, if anyone wanted a V3 inspired story though I'd be happy to write one!
As for the amount of books I'll see how it plays out with posting chapter by chapter! I'd hope to get at least two popular books from this but beggars can't be choosers.

    "How accurate will everyone be?"
    For the most part I'll do my best to stick to the original personalities and lore of the characters, but if any need to be changed for the better I'll be sure to do it in a tasteful manner! I'd like to make this as accurate to the main material as possible while still being fun to read!

    "Who's your favorite character?"
    If I had to be honest I've always been a fan of both the Antags and Supports of every game; their personalities being as unhinged and complex as they were made me want to know more about them! Call be basic if you'd like but you just can't go wrong with the antagonists!

    "How long do you plan this story to be chapter wise?"
    I haven't actually figured that out yet! I'd hope to at least have 10-15 chapters per book but it's possible I'll go over that.

If anyone has any other question's for me please feel free to ask me in the comments! I'll do my best to reply to them all, and I'll be happy to answer any! ( As long as they don't spoil my story! ^_^ )
I'll see you all in the next chapter! We're going to learn about this books protagonist! ( Sorry Makoto. )

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