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Ah, yes. Yoimiya.

Early morning fireworks had become a daily occurrence ever since Ayaka met Yoimiya. And, if we're honest, nobody in the world could handle fireworks at 8am every morning. Yet, Ayaka entertained Yoimiya's antics, unable to bring herself to push her away.

This morning, the fireworks were shaped like Sakura flowers, and Yoimiya seemed to be collecting nasty stares from her classmates. While the group of people surrounding the Kamisatos snickered, Ayaka did her best to hide her face. Yoimiya was kind, and funny, sure! But... Archons knew she was embarrassing beyond belief.

Ayato sighs, muttering something to himself, as the crowd's laughter exploded along with a second firework.

Ayaka hangs her head as she hurries inside, catching a glimpse of Yoimiya's confused face.

That day, like most others, did not go smoothly. Just as Ayaka went to hide on the rooftop to have her lunch, she bumps into Yoimiya.

"Oh! There you are!" Yoimiya smiles. "I didn't get a chance to say hi to you this morning!"

"...Hi." Ayaka says simply, before going towards the roof, Yoimiya not catching Ayaka's attempt to escape, and following her with a grin. Ayaka could see it now; Her brother's friends talking about the weird blonde Ayaka had gotten herself stuck with: Yoimiya, a ball of energy.

"So, I was thinking for the next fireworks show-"

"Hey, Miya?"


"Why do you have to do these fireworks every morning?"

"Eh? Well, I don't have to. I just want to!"

"Mm." Ayaka hums. She wasn't used to Yoimiya yet, but still, she didn't want to give up on her yet, as nobody else was particularly interested in talking to her.

One more week couldn't hurt, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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