Chapter 1 - Sunday

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I don't have much story experience, so sorry if this is bad.


You go to your office, and then sit down in the CEO chair, your assistant comes in with your wife, and then says your wife needs to tell you something important, its 


"Ngh...... Stupid alarm clock." You say, rudely awoken from a dream.

*you slowly get out of bed, finally realizing why you set the alarm,*

"OH WAIT-" Realizing your final job interview is soon.

*Rushing to your ca- wait, nevermind, you don't have a job, how in the ever loving hell could you get a car, you couldn't get one even if its end was bashed in millions of times.*

*Anyways, You rush to get your running shoes, the place is pretty far.*

*Gasping and Wheezing after running 10 whole miles just to get there, no wonder you set the alarm so early.*

*You practically bash inside after running 10 miles straight into the door.*

"Am I late?!" You practically yelled.

*the office was quiet, oh right, you forgot, this was a school job, you just ran in the school, and bashed in the principles office, Embarrassing.*

"No, you're early." A woman says, sitting in the chair.

*the woman has white hair in a ponytail with two clips, she also has black horns (one broken), a paper with a crossed triangle on one horn, a monocle, and green eyes partly obscured by bangs. Wearing a green suit with a black tie, black hands and legs, and pointed feet.*

"A bit, too early." She says.

*you look at her clock, its, 4:30 am!?*

*and to burn the wound even more, you check your watch, 4:31 now.*

*Then you check your phone alarm, 2:50, What?!*

"Dang it, I set my alarm two whole Hours early." You say, mumbling to yourself.

"Welp, looks like ill just wait outside, since the interview is at 6 Am."

*I'm lazy Right now so Timeskip time!*

"Looks like its time for the interview." You mumble

*You walk back into the office, it's not as messy as when you were in there earlier. *

"Welcome back, Its a pleasure to meet a future teacher." She says.

"Thank you, My name is (Y/N), What's yours?"

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), my name is Miss Grace." She says.

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