If School Taught me Anything, It's That Deadlines Suck

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"The rain patterning down on the roof above our heads would have been calming any other time but that night, it felt like an omen."

Episode 3- The Journey Begins
Part 2- If School Taught me Anything, It's That Deadlines Suck

After the long, agonizing silence following Midoryia's time constraint announcement, Kirishima was the first to move, stepping towards me, arms opening into a hug. I stepped back. If someone touched me right now, I'd completely break down, or punch them. Kirishima's face fell and Bakugou's scrunched, staring me down as I wrapped my arms around myself. "Not right now—sorry."

"Well, don't go thinking that we're going to abandon you." Kirishima stated, letting his hands twist together, aimlessly playing with his fingers. "We promised we'd get you back and I'm not going to back out of it." I stared at the ground, what was the point of even starting the mission, how could we get there in time? Would Bakugou and Kirishima leave the second that something went south? Why would Kirishima even want to help me, he doesn't know me, he met me a day ago and suddenly wants to drop his entire life to help me? "Hey, look at me. We'll get you home." Kirishima stepped closer, but I refused to look at him, my head was spinning, mulling over all of the what ifs and worries that the journey could bring us. I glanced up at him when I saw his hand extend, probably trying to touch my face and make me look at him.

I tried to strengthen my voice, attempting to stop it from breaking. "Thanks." Kirishima smiled, but I looked away and made my way to the couch, flopping down into it's overstuffed and indented cushions, tucking my knees to my chest.

Bakugou jumped up from the couch the second I sat down, turning back to Midoryia with a scowl. "If we're going to trek across the damn world then draw us a map to this place." I spun far to quickly, nearly snapping my neck as I gawked at Bakugou. His back was to me as he towered over Midoryia, hands on his hips. "You can't expect us to just wander around the monster-infested mountains looking for some altar in the middle of nowhere." Midoryia tried to look nervous, but he grabbed the roll of parchment and handed it to Bakugou.

"I thought about that, here's a map I drew earlier. I tried to draw everything in a very straightforward path," Bakugou unrolled the scroll and Midoryia shuffled next to him, looking over his shoulder, pointing out a few areas on the map. "I also made sure to lay out towns along the way where you'll be able to resupply should the need arise."

"Thanks Midoryia," An idea sparked in Kirishima's eyes, "you should come with us Midoryia! It would be good for your research, right?"

Bakugou stared at Kirishima, glancing between him and Midoryia. "Oh, hell no. Like having one extra mouth to feed isn't enough of a pain in the ass, you want to bring the damn Deku too?"

As if the look Bakugou was giving the green-haired boy wasn't enough of a reason for Midoryia not to join us, Midoryia shook his head, explaining his other reason with a small stutter, "I would love to Kirishima but, uh, I can't. I have summons from his Royal Highness the youngest Prince."

Kirishima smirked, cocking an eyebrow, "oh really now?" Midoryia turned red, waving his arms in dismissal. "It's not like that," he cleared his throat, trying to force his blush to disappear. "You guys are lucky. I was going to leave for the capitol tomorrow, oh!" He turned to Bakugou, "you guys can absolutely stay the night and take from some of my supplies if you like, I still have that spare short sword laying around if Y/N needs a weapon."

Bakugou turned towards me, "this way you can give shitty scales back his blade." I nodded, trying to keep myself as preoccupied as possible to keep my mind from spinning into overdrive. Unclasping the leather belt from my waist, I quickly handed the sheathed sword to Kirishima, who took it graciously, putting it back around his waist.

The rest of the day was spent sorting through Midoryia's supplies, grabbing enough provisions to supply us until the next town. Almost the entire time we were packing, Bakugou was going on and on about how he was going to hammer some actual skills into my head on the way, he wouldn't have me as dead weight.

Midoryia was the first to go to bed, which left us three downstairs. The blond turned around, going back to packing his bag as Midoryia left up the stairs. "Guess that weakling turned out to be of some use after all."

Kirishima turned incredulously towards Bakugou, "Midoryia has always been helpful, I don't know what you're talking about." I yawned, letting myself sink back into the couch cushions.

"You gonna tap out already?" Bakugou asked me, raising an eyebrow with a smirk at me.

"Fuck you, and yes." Pulling my legs onto the couch and rolling onto my side, purposely turning my back on Bakugou and the dragon as he began to search for their bedrolls.

Bakugou groaned, "Fine, hurry up, Kirishima, I'm exhausted from all your whining today." He turned, eyes wide.

"I didn't whine at all today?" I snorted, shoving my head into the cushions to try and muffle the sound, Bakugou wasn't as tactful and outright laughed at the confused dragon.

"You sure about that?" Kirishima didn't respond, simply continuing to lay out the bed rolls and eventually settle in for the night. The rain that had been battering down on the roof had let up a little, turning into a soft, constant drum of water compared to the earlier rain that was akin to a dozen horses galloping on the roof. I felt a sense of peace I hadn't felt in a while, I had to worry about if I was ever going to see my life again, but I didn't have to worry about exams, or remembering to check my email, or badgering my roommates about doing their forgotten chores. I was at peace in a crazy world that only seemed to want to stop me from getting home.

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