Sarah and the Lion

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In the old days when wonders and imagination ruled the world...

There was a divorced woman. In those days, divorce was a disgrace, and it was not considered noble for a woman to seek separation. Some even denied this separation, so if one of them was forced to divorce due to the aggravation of problems between her and her husband, he would hide it from people out of shame from facing them.

Because she thought that everyone was spreading her news and pointing fingers at her. This indelible shame from the history of any noble family.

Sometimes you find someone who is said to have divorced her grandmother, sister or aunt in the past. The woman is also branded with the shame of divorce, which makes her prefer death to life because of the rejection and contempt she faces from people and their inquiries about the reason for her divorce.

The divorced woman was named Sarah. The dispute between her and her husband escalated, so he announced her divorce. Her heart broke and the world darkened in her eyes, so she opened the door and went out as if she was unconscious and didn't know where she was going.

She avoided going to her parents' house out of fear of them and shame from the family and neighbors and fear of their reaction.

And in the old days, it was customary for women to talk, ridicule and criticize, and woe betide those who fall prey to them.

She kept walking until she reached the forest and entered it. And when night fell, she went and sat under a tree, and while she was like that, she heard a roar and saw a lion walking proudly and roaring and hitting its sides with its tail until it reached her.

He asked her:

"What brought you to us? We don't go where you are, so why did you come? Aren't you afraid of death?"

She replied:

"I'm not ready to die, but my husband divorced me."

"What did you do?"

"I am not guilty, I am wronged. Wasn't my husband enough to oppress me until you eat me too? What sin have I committed?"

So he said to her:

"Don't worry, you're safe, would you like to live with me and marry me?"

Sarah was shocked by his suggestion and replied:


So he said to her:

"Then come, follow me."

She followed him until they reached his lair, and she enjoyed living with him.

The lion would go out every morning in search of sustenance and return carrying a rabbit once, a wild chicken another time, a fox another time, and a gazelle another time. As for Sarah, she would light a fire, grill food, and prepare it. She and the lion were always in harmony.
Sarah was obedient, and he would help her and feel sorry for her weakness. She lived in luxury, and he did not skimp on her with anything.
One night, he returned to find her in a state of depression.
So he asked her:
"Are you okay?"
She said sadly:
"Yes, I'm fine."
The next day she was in the same state.
So he asked her:
"What's wrong? Do you want something? Did someone hurt you? Do you miss your family?"
She said:
"Yes, I miss my mother, brothers, family and neighbors. I have a family in this world, I am not an orphan or unknown lineage."
He said to her:
"Don't worry. I'll take you to your family tomorrow."
And in the morning they walked to the end of the forest, and when the features of the village appeared, he said to her:
"I will give you three days to visit and I will return to take you at dawn on the third day."
He bid her farewell and they separated.
She entered the village and reached her neighborhood and knocked on the door of her family's house.
"Who's knocking?"
"I'm Sarah."
Her mother and sisters rushed to her and showered her with hugs and kisses until the news reached the neighbors. Everyone rushed to visit her at home and came as guests offering congratulations and enjoying what was delicious and good.
Some of them asked her:
"Where have you been? You've been away for a long time, where have you been all this time? What happened to you?"
She answered them to silence their mouths and stop their repeated questions:
"I was on a trip, I traveled far, and I don't want to talk about it now."
They kept asking, but she remained steadfast, not revealing anything about her life with the lion.
On the third day, shortly before dawn, Sarah bid farewell to her family and friends, and returned to the forest to meet the lion.
She arrived at his lair and found him waiting impatiently for her.
He asked her:
"Did you have a good time with your family?"
She replied:
"Yes, I missed them very much, but I missed you too."
The lion hugged her tightly and said to her:
"I will always be with you, and I will never leave you."
And they lived together happily ever after, and he never left her side.
Thus ends the story of Sarah and the Lion, a strange and exciting love story, a story that shows that love knows no bounds, and that happiness can be found in unexpected places.

The End.

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