Inter-dimensional Show-And-Tell

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▶ 【Kalos】



Kalos has been selected!

Samuel Oak woke up to see his own grandson rushing around like he did yesterday, grabbing as many pens and pencils as possible while balancing some paper in his arms

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Samuel Oak woke up to see his own grandson rushing around like he did yesterday, grabbing as many pens and pencils as possible while balancing some paper in his arms.

"What's the rush, sonny?"

Gary slammed down the utensils, then reached out to adjust his webcam. "NEW- ugh, stay still- KUKUI!" He coughed, trying to clean up his workspace even quicker. "KUKUI FOUND ANOTHER SOURCE!"

Professor Oak's mind blanked for a moment. "Source... what source?"

"SOURCE- source for the not-Pokemon!"

"NOT POKEMON!?" Gary jumped. "What do you mean, not Pokemon!?"

Sitting down, Gary hastily pulled up the group chat and joined the other professors, who were once again bickering. "Gary! What- you still haven't anwered my question!"

"I'm getting there, Gramps!"

Kukui perked up at the sight of the duo. "Ah! Gary! Sam! You're both here!" The arguing paused for a moment as all of the other members said hello, then resumed again back in full force. Oak could hear snippets of the match.

"Of course they're Pokemon, what else-"


"The Ultra Beasts were still Pokemon!"

A crash in the background as some equipment was knocked over. "They clearly don't display aura at all! This is a new life-form!"

"NEW LIFE FORM MY ASS! You said Spiritomb was 'a new life-form', if I recall!"




The call suddenly muted as Kukui uncharacteristically simmered. He looked pissed.

"We are world-renowned professors, for Arceus' sake! Act like it!"

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