Chapter 1

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It was almost completely silent inside the particular VIP hospital suit on the eighteenth floor. Just the soft humming of the air conditioner, dripping of the IV and ticking of the machinery occupied the atmosphere. 

An old man in his late sixties sat on the adjustable bed with his gaze far away on the muted television. It was turned into a business channel and the screen switched through some latest video clips of a young man standing next to Tim Cook. A small smile crept into the man's lips and disappeared in a second, probably because it made him tired. 

He heard the sound of the door sliding open and a nurse walking in. He waited until she stood before him. 

"Mr.Kim," she talked with a bright smile. As if she wasn't aware about his condition or pretending not to. "Time for the medicines."

The man nodded and turned the tv off with the remote. He watched the nurse go back out and stroll in with the huge steel trolley. God knows how much he hated it.

"I-I need to-" he coughed twice before starting again. "I need to see my son."

The lady bit her lips with discomfort as she parked the trolley beside his bed. She went quiet for a beat then spoke with a small voice. 

"I'll try, Mr.Kim."

The old man watched her arranging the pills for a few seconds. 

"I said, I need to see my son." he said again, hoping to put more authority to his words. But the nurse looked calm and contained. She must've gone through a dozen situations like this before. Old people demanding to see their children or grandchildren while nearing the death. 

She put the tray on his lap and filled a glass with water, then carefully handed it to him. 

"I promise I'll try." she said with a kind smile. 

The old man stared at the different coloured pills for a long minute. Then he kept the glass back on the trolley and leaned back, getting comfortable over the pillow. 

"I need to see my son." he insisted for the third time and closed his eyes. This time, the nurse knew that's it. There's no way this stubborn man's gonna swallow down his pain killers. No way. Not until he gets what he wants.  

He had been asking for the same thing for weeks, over and over again but it wasn't like she could grant his wish. She'd tried her best to contact the old man's son but all she got in return was a couple of 'Mr.Kim will call you later' s from his assistant. Although he never called later. 

The nurse put the tray back on the trolley and wheeled it away. Closed the door behind her and left the eerie silence engulf the room once again. The old man sighed and opened his eyes again. He reached out to the nightstand and picked up his phone. It wasn't like he knew his son's personal phone number. It had been months since he talked with him. 

He knew it was completely his fault. After divorcing his wife, his son became a totally different man. A cold, quiet character. 

He knew it's impossible for him to forgive him. Not after what he'd done. But now that he's gonna die, he wanted so desperately to see his son and ask for the forgiveness. He couldn't leave the world before setting things straight. Even though he knew it's very unlikely for his son to visit him once again, a small part of his heart expected the opposite. He secretly wished his son would come before it's too late.

And it was his lucky day. An hour later, the door slid open once again, revealing his handsome son, Kim Seokjin. The world famous business tycoon. The C.E.O of Kim Axiata. 

He was standing there like a wax figure, hands in his thousand dollar trouser pockets, face blank as ice and eyes piercing like a hawk. He watched his dad for a few seconds and walked inside in elegant strides. He sat on the velvet cushioned stool and crossed his arms across the chest.

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