Chapter 2

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Seokjin was sipping his morning coffee inside the personal cabin when his secretary Jung Hoseok came inside with his ipad. 

"Did you find where they live?" Seokjin questioned, nudging at the pad. Hoseok nodded and slightly pushed the tab over the desk towards the chairman. 

"It's a rural area in Busan. Suan-Dong. Moreover, this Jeon kid works part-time at a nearby bar after university. Do you want me to arrange anything for a drive-over, sir?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving by 4.00 p.m. It's almost a four hour drive, right?"

"Maybe I can book you private plane sir? It'll probably take you there in thirty minutes."

"No, I'm not in a mood to fly right now. Just reschedule my appointments for the day." 

"You're not staying there for the night, sir? I can check in with the hotels if-"

"No, I'm not staying. I'll give him a cheque and that's it. Job's done."

Hoseok bowed him and strolled out of the room. 

Seokjin got up and walked over to the floor-to-celling-high glass windows. He looked outside at the busy view of the Seoul city beneath him and took another sip from his coffee. 

"Jeon Jungkook" he mumbled. 

A few hours later, Kim Seokjin was on his way over to Busan in his black Phantom Rolls-Royce. Behind him an equally large Volkswagen tried to keep up with the speed. The young businessman was drowned in his custom-issued iphone as usual. 

"How long?" he asked briefly and the driver immediately answered, "A couple of miles, sir."

Seokjin checked his watch and saw it's almost 7 in the evening. They've arrived earlier than he expected. He ran his hand under the coat and pulled out an envelope. Unfolded and fished a neat cheque out of it. He examined it for a minute.

"You think fifteen million wons would be enough for person to have his studies completed?" he asked from his secretary beside him. 

"Of course, sir." Jung Hoseok answered with a smile. "It's so kind of you to help this kid. Any particular reason?"

"This was my dad's last wish." Seokjin said, putting the envelope back in his inside pocket. 

Hoseok nodded with a strange look on his face. "I bet you miss him sir. Even it's gone a week since he left us. I'm sorry-"

"Enough questions Hoseok." Seokjin sighed. "I'm in no mood to go all over it once again."

"Sorry sir." Hoseok bowed and looked ahead of him at the back of the passenger seat. The rest of the drive went in silence. The two luxurious vehicles drove off the highway and turned left into a slightly narrow blacktop. It stretched on for a few miles and swivelled right to a road which was filled with stones and little rocks along. The headlights bounced up and down as the two cars drove across it. Half a mile later, the car stopped in front of an old two-storied building which had a dull neon board nailed to the top of the ground floor roof saying, 'Min's Diner.' The upstairs was engulfed in complete darkness but the ground floor seemed to occupied by people. The parking lot had a single stationary wagon parked in. 

"This is welcoming" Seokjin shook his head and got out of the car, not waiting for a bodyguard to open the door for him. Jung Hoseok sprinted across the hood and joined him by the side. The four bodyguards in the Volkswagen stood around them.  Seokjin chose not  to take any notice of them and started walking towards the bar. He pushed the tinted glass door and stepped into a big space crowded with chattering people. It was nothing like the super-luxury bars he visited in Seoul. Not even a bit.

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