Chapter 4

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The rest of the journey carried out in silence. 

Jungkook glanced at Jin occasionally and caught him staring. He ducked his head blushing every single time. Jin smiled to himself and shook his head, looking forward again. 

Few minutes later, the car slowed down it's speed and made a sharp turn down a ramp into a spacious parking lot. Jungkook looked through the windshield and saw a huge one story building in front of them. The place was brightened up with red and yellow China lanterns which gave the whole yard a cosy look. The sign read 'Miu Miu'. 

"What a bizarre name." Jin said as the driver pulled the vehicle into an empty slot. The Volkswagen parked parallel to the Rolls-Royce. The bodyguards spilled out in rapid movements and opened the door for Jin, clicking the dome light on. Jin looked at the young boy beside him and held his hand palm up. Jungkook put his own hand in, blushing and Jin smiled, intertwining their fingers in a loose grip.

"Come on," he said and slid himself out of the car, dragging Jungkook behind. They stood by the car door, looking at the bright restaurant. The whole crew including Jin's assistant Hoseok, stood in a rough arc around the two of them. Jin was quite sure his bodyguards were confused to see him holding hands with a boy but trying to hide it miserably. They never dared to interfere in Seokjin's private life. Never. And Jin was more than okay with it. 

"I'm gonna need a separate booth for us." Jin said in his usual it's-all-about-business voice which made Jungkook look up at him with a funny feeling inside his stomach. "You people can have your dinner together." 

Hoseok bowed at him and ran ahead to book his boss a VIP booth. Jin and Jungkook strolled slowly up the sidewalk, hands clasped together and four giant bodyguards circled around. One of them pushed open the door and they walked into the cool breeze of an air-conditioner running up ahead. They saw Hoseok hurrying back towards them with a waiter by his side. 

"This way sir," the waiter led Jin and Jungkook upstairs through a wide carpeted stairway into the VIP lobby. Then he took their order, bowed and left them there, promising he'd be back soon with food. 

Jungkook looked around him in awe. It was his first time in a VIP section of anywhere. The lights were dimmer and cosier than downstairs and it was quite. The sofas looked extra comfortable and the tables had small vases filled with some kind of fragrant plants. 

"Have a seat, Jungkook." Seokjin spoke letting go of their hands. Jungkook bowed and smiled shyly before seating himself on the soft fabric. Jin took the opposite and crossed his legs at heel, staring right back at Jungkook. The younger shifted in his seat, blushing. 

"So.. Tell me 'bout your family?" Jin requested with a warm smile. 

"N-Nothing much. I live with my dad and he runs a vegetable store, a couple of hundred yards from our home."

"W-Well, that sounds good?"

Jungkook frowned. "Hey, how come my dad never told me about your dad? What was his name again?"

Jin's lips clipped for a second. "W-Well... you won't probably remember him. It was a long time ago."

Jungkook's brows loosened as he nodded. "Probably."

"Yeah. Anyway, How's collage?"

"As good as it can get, I guess."

"So... How's it going on with your love life?"

Jungkook chocked on his own spit before he stuttered, "Th-That's strictly personal."

Jin lifted his brow. "Is it?"

"Sure it is."

Jin opened his mouth to answer but closed it again when the waiter from earlier came in with their food. He placed the large tray on the glass table between them and scurried away. 

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