I love loop holes

50 9 12

@LexiCampbell8 dares me to run around naked screaming "I love Mitchell". Well this dare was too evil so being the child of Athena I am I looked for a way to do it. Well since naked means without clothes I painted myself. I'm still naked but completely black. Anyone get where I'm going with this.

She also forgot to mention what time to do it so I chose after the campfire, when almost everyone was in the cabins and it was dark.

Ok well starts running "I LOVE YOU, MITCHELL"

I hear from somewhere behind me someone saying "you see I told you he had a nice ass."

I hate you Mitch, at this moment.

*Runs into woods, puts on clothes*I don't care if they get paint, it'll wash off *Runs back to Athena cabin before the harpies come after me and showers*

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