Chapter 3

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   "What did you just say Doctor?" Mr. Andreas asked.
"Your son is suffering from Cardiac Amyloidosis, basically meaning there's build-up of abnormal -"
"Yes yes build-up of abnormal protein in the heart I know." Mr. Andreas interrupted. "My uncle had the same condition, but he was in his sixties, Vince is only eighteen." Mr. Andreas stared at the doctor waiting for a response.
The doctor looked overly stressed with bags under her eyes and lines stretched across her face. She was also at least six months pregnant or probably even more.
"Well there's always exceptions, sometimes in rare cases teenagers may also suffer from Cardiac Amyloidosis."
   Melanie wasn't allowed inside Vincent's room so she had to sit outside patiently taking deep breaths trying to hide her fear. Unfortunately her constant feet tapping said otherwise.
"What's wrong with him now?" A familiar voice said exhaustingly.
"Why do you have to say it like that? He's your TWIN brother, can't you be a bit concerned?" She said with a bit of disgust.
"Yeah I know he's my brother, so what? It's not like you're the one who's gonna be poked with needles and probably cut open and treated like spare parts." He threw himself in the chair right next to her and made a Bronx cheer.
"Hey Melanie, what happened to my brother? Hey Melanie how is he doing? I'm so very concerned." She said in a mocking tone of what she hoped he'd say.

   "Okay, I'm really sorry. I'm just..." "It's okay I understand you're stressed...just forget it."
An awkward silence struck between them.
"I'm really sorry you and Vincent have to constantly go through this."
"And I'm sorry you constantly get pulled in Meli."
As Dominic and Melanie sympathised with eachother a nurse walked out of the room. He took one look at Dominic widened his eyes, he then made a facial expression that was between confusion and amazement.
"You must be Mr. Andreas' brother." He said in a sassy tone. "Yep that's me, you can't miss."
The nurse explained that Vincent needed blood and Dominic was the best candidate, especially given he was his usual donor. Dominic was even Vincent's kidney donor. He was literally used as spare parts.

   Dominic and Vincent were twin brothers named after St. Dominic and St. Vincent respectfully. In a way the names were given appropriately. Dominic had a liking to sciences and especially astronomy. Vincent loved giving to those less fortunate and helping those in need. The nurse instantly recognised Dominic because not only were they twins, they were identical twins. They were a reflection of eachother in every single way. Except for the eyes. Vincent had beautiful nordic blue eyes while Dominic's eyes were so dark you could barely tell it was brown and not black.

   Both boys were generically handsome and muscular standing at 170cm. They often attract many girls and even women older than them. It's mostly because they looked older than their age. Vincent never entertained these girls but Dominic definitely did. Despite only being eighteen he was strangely promiscuous. At the young age of fifteen Dominic lost his virginity. His life was filled with many hookups and not much love. He brought much shame to their family. Paoulo almost disowned Dominic once. He kicked him out and took his name off the Will. No son of his impregnates anyone at such a young age. But that issue went away on its own.

   The flamboyant nurse carried Dominic to the phlebotomy room.
"Okay, just relax. This won't hurt much." A female voice said in a relaxing and smooth voice.
"Yeah yeah I know how this goes."
He flexed his muscles and his veins revealed itself quite nicely. The nurse looked stunned, she was impressed. She couldn't fight the urge to smile at the muscular veiny arms that made her job so much easier.
"Okay well this is going to be fast and easy." The nurse said with a slight laugh. Dominic has the ability to make any woman smile.

   "And we're done, you can go back to your brother." The nurse said with deep sympathy. As Dominic walked down the corridors a chill overtook him and his head was suddenly filled with horrible thoughts. On the outside he seemed cold and emotionless but on the inside it was the complete opposite. A storm formed in his mind. His thoughts were extremely loud, it felt like even those outside could hear. Everyone just ignored him and passed by unbothered. But to him they were staring and talking about him. He couldn't control his thoughts, he couldn't control his feelings, he couldn't control his body.

   Melanie got a bit hungry so she decided to find a place to eat or at least something to drink.
"Hey! Sorry to interrupt but does anyone want something to eat? I'm gonna buy food for myself and I thought I should ask." Vincent layed on the bed motionless attached to many machines but he was awake eyes wide open or more so half open. Melanie didn't want to look at him in such a state so she instead tried focusing on Mr. and Mrs. Andreas. Mrs. Andreas was turnt around staring out the window and didn't acknowledge Melanie's presence.

   Mr. Andreas walked up to Melanie. "Melanie darling it's past 11pm. Go home, I'm sure your mother is worried."
"Can I come tomorrow?"
"Of course Melanie, you're family. You can come everyday if you want but go home for now."
Melanie smiled and walked off.
"Wait... where's Dominic? Did he get lost? Or probably found a new girlfriend." She thought as she rolled her eyes. "Huh? Is that him? Why is he just standing there?" She then proceeded to call him.
"Nic! You ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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