Chapter 1

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"Give me the bottle!"

"No! I want to look at it!"

In Four's room, Three and Four were in the middle of a heated argument over a mysterious bottle of liquid that Three had stumbled upon. Four was deeply concerned about this sudden discovery as he had no idea what the liquid was or how it ended up in his room. He was determined to get to the bottom of this and understand the origin and purpose of the unknown bottle. Meanwhile, Three was stubbornly refusing to hand over the bottle as he was curious.

The tense situation was quickly escalating as the man in blue grabbed the end of the bottle and started tugging at it, Three did the same on the other end with the cork.

They didn't notice the cork start slipping.

As the two individuals were engaged in the tug of war, there was an unexpected sound of a cork popping. As the bottle cap couldn't withstand the pressure and had to give in. This sudden release caused the one in violet, Three, to fly backward and land on the ground with a thud. One the other side, Four stumbled backward and unfortunately, the bottle turned towards him and spilled its contents all over him, causing a messy spill everywhere.

"Dammit Three! Look what you did!"

"Me?? You caused it too!"

"Ugh. Let me go clean this sh*t off. And you clean the floor. Got it??"

Three scowled as he stood up and walked with Four, as he needed a towel to clean his floor.

As soon as they entered the bathroom, they headed straight for the towels. While Four took the time to wipe himself dry, Three picked up a towel and sulked as he left the bathroom, heading back to Four's room to clean up the mess on the floor.

Three dropped the towel on the floor and used his foot to rub it across the surface, he took a long minute to make sure he got it all. Once the floor was dry, he grabbed the dirty towel and headed back towards the bathroom as Four had a dirty hamper in there.

"Hey Four, I finished the floor, where is the dirty... "

As he spoke, his words trailed off into silence, noticing the absence of his ex-rival where he had been previously standing before leaving with his towel. His voice barely audible, he added, "...hamper?" Upon scanning the surroundings, Three's gaze fell on his ex-rival's clothes. The sight led him to wonder if his ex-rival had indeed changed his clothes, but left him wondering why he wasn't in the bathroom.

Then the pile of fabric started moving which made Three jump in surprise.

He slowly crept closer with caution as he saw that there was a small lump in the clothes.

'Did an animal get inside?'

'How? The window is closed.' he answered himself.

Three approached the pile of clothing with a sense of trepidation. He knelt beside it, slowly examining every inch of the heap, searching for any clues that might reveal what was under the pile. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and steeled himself for the worst as he reached out to move the garments aside, his heart racing with anticipation and fear.



Three jumped back a foot, looking a the thing in the clothes before immediately realizing it was a baby.

A young baby.

Like about at least a six-month-old baby or even younger.

The baby was on its back as it couldn't even walk yet. Maybe crawl, he had no idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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