Heartbeat, Then Heartbreak

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Jarod's move to Hawaii ended up being the best decision he ever made. He rented a charming thatched-roof house not far from Callista's and they began spending more time together. They went to the beach, enjoyed ice cream, and even went on romantic sailboat rides. A year later, Jarod was the chairman of the sailboat racing board and decided to use this platform to profess his love for Callista. In front of a gathered crowd, he delivered a heartwarming speech about her beauty, kindness, and wonderful personality. The speech culminated in a beautiful diamond engagement ring which he presented to Callista. Overwhelmed with emotion, she answered with a resounding "yes!" and the two shared a passionate kiss while the crowd cheered and applauded. It was a moment that neither of them would ever forget. Everybody cheered, except for one man.

Brian Rivers was a man not to be messed with. He had a deep-seated hatred for Jarod and was envious of his popularity and successful engagement to Callista. Brian came from the same hometown as Jarod, but his life had taken a much darker turn. He was not only a bully but also a serial killer and womanizer with a sordid past. He had recently been fired from his job as a therapist due to several reports of sexual abuse against him, and he was now on the run from the police in several states and countries. Despite all this, he was fixated on Callista, and the thought of her being engaged to Jarod made him seethe with anger and envy. He knew he had to act fast and get rid of Jarod, so he could have Callista all to himself. The darkness in Brian's mind was truly terrifying, and it was only a matter of time before he would make his move.

Jarod's heart was racing as he stood in Callista's apartment, surrounded by the chaos left by her mysterious abductor. Clothes were strewn across the floor, furniture was overturned, and even the photos on the wall had been viciously slashed. His mind was racing with fear and anxiety as he searched for any clues that might help him find her. But as he tried to phone for help, panic set in when he realized the phone was dead and he was trapped with no way to call for assistance. With no other options, he rushed downstairs to the clerk, heart pounding in his chest, begging for help in finding his beloved Callista.

Meanwhile, Brian Rivers, the notorious kidnapper of Callista Ramirez and her beloved cat Marcionne, was in his dark and dingy hideout with his family, all of them in deep trouble. Michelle Rivers, Brian's mother, had committed a heinous crime in the past, murdering her honest husband, and was now facing a life sentence in prison. Blake Rivers, Brian's brother, was a world-renowned hacker who had stolen billions of dollars in 100 different currencies, making him a wanted man by law enforcement agencies all over the world. And Kerry Rivers, Brian's sister, was infamous for masterminding massive robberies of all sorts with her mother Michelle and brothers Blake and Brian, from money to jewels to even rare children's toys.

Recently, Kerry had stolen something else: Books on hypnotism. She had given them to Brian as part of their wicked scheme to turn Callista Ramirez from a confident and independent woman into a helpless and obedient mind slave. Poor Callista was being held hostage in a cramped closet, shaking in fear, and had once called out fearfully for her soul mate Jarod. But Blake Rivers had pounded on the door, shouting, "Shut up! Your boyfriend ain't comin' for ya, and he never will get the chance!" laughing maniacally. Now she was crying, wondering what she had done to deserve such a cruel fate.

Meanwhile, Kerry was trying in vain to contain Marcionne the cat, who was bravely putting up a fight. Marcionne had even scared off their vicious dog, a massive bloodthirsty mastiff named Rudy. But Kerry was not one to be defeated easily. She was a ruthless criminal who had no qualms about causing harm to innocent beings. Eventually, Kerry exclaimed in disgust, saying, "I'm not putting myself through this. I'm gonna let it go." and she released Marcionne--a move that would prove to be the start of their downfall.

Little did they know that their actions would have severe consequences. The law was closing in on them, and their days of terrorizing innocent people were numbered. The fate of Callista and Marcionne hung in the balance as the Rivers family's evil deeds caught up to them.

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