Return to Hood Hollow

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Ramona walked with her roommate Justine Dancer to class. The two were pretty good friends and Justine was now slowly meeting the others, but she was usually busy with her dance classes which she taught right after Dutchess got done with hers. But seeing the two together often resulted in confused looks. They looked vastly different from one another to the point you would think they would never even talk to each other, much less be friends.

Regardless, Ramona was on the hunt for a little pick me up before class began. And no one has better coffee than the Ozzians. Their coffee beans and roast were legend across the lands. And now that the farm lands were now being used with more and more people flocking to Oz for one reason or another, there was plenty to go around.

She remembered you even mentioned being in the talks with Hocus Latte about letting them use Ozzian roast. But until then, she had to go right to the source. And said source was currently checking his phone. Probably hexting Lizzie.

Ramona: Yo, Ozzie.

She and Justine approched you, only for you to turn around confused. That was when she realized her mistake. Cause, dear reader, you're not in this chapter. Get punked, dweeb.

Ramona: Oh, Oswalt.

Oswalt: Did you just call me....

Ramona: You two look identical.

Oswalt raised a brow. He was taller than you by an inch or so, and his hair was brown.

Oswalt: Well, we're twins.

He then nodded towards Justine.

Oswalt: Lo.

Justine hid her laugh with her hand.

Justine: It's "yo", Walt.

Oswalt: R-Right. Sorry.

Ramona raised a brow and looked between the two of them. They knew each other? Before she could ask, she heard a noise. She then witnessed as a smaller head appeared from Oswalt's shoulder. She jumped behind Justine.


Oswalt and Justine watched as she peeked out from behind Justine. It was a second head, but it wasn't a human. It was a dog.

Toto had his tounge out and she could hear his tail thumping against something. Was he in his backpack?

Justine: Hi, Toto!

She reached over and started to scratch his sweet spot under his chin. Toto barked, but Oswalt quickly sushed him.

Oswalt: Keep it quiet, Toto. If any of the teachers see you we'll get in trouble.

Ramona's ear twitched.

Ramona: Wait, are you always sneaking him to class?

Oswalt's cheeks flushed a bit as he started to pet Toto over his shoulder.

Oswalt: Sometimes. He makes bad days a bit more....bearable.

Ramona: Bad days?

Oswalt: The days where I feel a bit off. Like...

He shook his head, cutting himself off.

Oswalt: Doesn't matter. But, he's also my business partner.

Justine: Business partner?

Just then, a shorter figure wearing a deep red trench coat, some large sunglasses, and a red brim hat approched the three. Ramona recognized the scenet. Smelt like...roses?

Lizzie: Do you got the product?

Oswalt held up his hand and Toto dissappeared back into the backpack only to re-emerge now holding a shirt in his mouth. Oswalt took it and handed it to who was obviously Lizzie who in turn handed him some money. She then walked off without sparing so much as a glance to Ramona or Justine.

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