Chapter 1

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       Angel gets back from the studio tired as usual.
"Not going to grab a drink?" husk says, As Angel almost always gets a drink after work.
Angel ignores his question and heads up stairs.
Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the couch, confused on why he's so down. He was just fine this morning.

Vaggie looks at husk "Do you have any clue what the hell is wrong with him?"
He shrugs and continues what he's doing.
"Maybe we should go check on him? Maybe we could make it better?" Charlie says in an enthusiastic tone that only she is capable of reaching.
"I think it's better to leave him alone Hunny, angel has never really been the talking type." Vaggie says trying to make sure Charlie doesn't get ahead of herself.

       Angel slumps into his bed, holding fat nugget close as he sighs. He try's to hold back tears as he takes in all that happened today. Of course he's used to it, but he just thinks about how he shouldn't be used to this. Why does HE have to do this? Why can Valentino just let him go, find another soul... Any soul but him. Why him...

      Suddenly there is a knock on the door, angel sits up fast and wipes his tears "The fuck you want?" He says in the most put together voice he possibly can muster up.

"I made you a drink, leavin it out the door if you gonna drink it." Husk replies, he dropped the glass and walks back downstairs to attend to whatever shit show Alastor needs him to help with.

Angel gets up and gets the glass, he sits back on his bed and drinks it. It's exactly like he likes it, Angel has no clue how husk knows exactly what to make at any time, but he does. Angels' mood is uplifted a bit. Husk is always good at making him feel somewhat like someone cares, but his mood drops again as he gets a text from Val, He throws the phone without reading the text, he already knows what it's about... He either had a complaint, or he's going to have to work more. Either way it's never good... nothing about Val is ever good.

He sighs and goes downstairs, leaving his phone in his room so that he can have even a moment of peace, it might make things harder, but he just wants time at the hotel for a little bit of time.

Charlie runs up to him "Hey angel!! We are doing an activity. Do you wanna join?". He looks over, seems like it's some kinda drawing activity, he shrugs and walks over there. His anxiety over Valentinos texts filling every moment. His mask slips for a sec, long enough for Charlie to notice, for some damn reason she ALWAYS notices. 

"Angel you ok?" she says going up to him. 

"Jesus why is everyone thinkin something is wrong, I'm perfectly fucking fine." He says in his usual tone, he gets up and head to his room "This shit is lame anyway". He shuts his door and slumps on his bed, he opens Vals voice notes. One by one he read them, filled with a mix of insults, sweettalk and threats.

"I know you hear my texts angel."

"You better fucking answer me."

"Come on babe, I just need to talk to you."


Angel sighs, he grabs his stuff and heads out. The hotel is confused cuz he just got back not even 3 hours ago, but with how angel was acting nobody wanted to risk pissing him off again.

Charlie watches him leave "he always looks sad when he leaves for work.". Vaggie pulls her back into the cuddle they were previously very content with, "Nobody wants to work char, he's probably just tired.". Charlie lays down, still having a gut feeling something is wrong.

Angel heads to the studio, he's immediately dragged by his coat into the private room, Val slaps him across the face. "Do you think you can just ignore me? do you forget who owns you?". Angel tries to calm him down, but it just makes everything worse. "Val I'm sorry my phone was dead an-", Valentino grabs angel by the neck and holds him up, "Don't even try lying to me, I know damn well what happened. Do you think your better than me? Huh?" "I. No v..Val.." angel says threw gasps. "Good, now get ready, you're not leaving this studio tonight. " He drops angel and walks off. 

Valentino has been more pissy lately, making shit harder for angel. The job is already hard enough, why do people keep having to push Vals buttons. Angel gathers himself, puts on a smile and heads to Val, trying to ready himself, a practically impossible thing to do.

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