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Only a week left and summer vacation is about to end, you rummage around the boxes that are in your room, looking for something.

"Where is it..!"

you figured that maybe your mom put it away before you. "Mom! Did you move my stuff again?". you didn't get an answer. you called out once more in case your mom just didn't hear it. for the second time, she didn't answer. 

out of curiosity, you decided to check up on her just to see her making food in the kitchen

"Mom? Did you move my stuff earlier?" you ask for the third time. She hummed in confusion, "What was it dear? Sorry I had my earplugs on." well that explains it, you hid your laugh and asked her for the fourth time.

 "Well? did you move my stuff earlier? I can't find my documents" you politely answered "oh! yes I did, I was arranging it because it was a mess, I placed it on your dad's work station and put it in a folder to avoid the mess." she replied humming to her music as she continues to arrange the plates.

You walked over to your dad's workplace and looked around for the "folder". you found it lying on his desk and took it, you checked again just in case some of it were missing. 

They were documents for the new school you'll be attending. before leaving you noticed his workplace was a mess as well, you can't just leave it looking like it went through World War 3.. so you started rearranging the papers unplugged all the plugs that weren't being used, and left.

you went back to your room to finalize packing and left it near the front door. you're moving to a new town where your school is supposed to be. knowing that it's going to be hard adjusting to the new environment, especially because you'll be moving in without your parents nor any family members you know. 

you took a deep breath and tried encouraging yourself to ease your mind.

"I can do this" (wow very encouraging Reader -Author :3)

Lord, that's cringe, anyway... you decided to walk out of the town and walk around for the last time since you will be moving out soon and you probably won't be able to see it again in a few years.

you roamed around the town shops and bought some food along the way, won't harm you with a few snacks.. right???? you had like 3 filled plastic bags full of snacks. just as you walk down the streets, some weirdo in roller skates runs you over.



you shouted in pain. "I-I'm so sorry Miss!" The boy apologizes as he picks up your snacks and tries putting them back in the torn-out plastic bags. "Sir it's okay! really, and please putting those snacks back is useless. the plastic is torn doofus" 

he stopped when he realized and let out an awkward laugh. "well u-uhm.. can I treat you for a treat..? As an apology of course!" he awkwardly waved both of his hands to reassure you. "My Name is Alex, and please" 

he stood up from the ground and handed his hand out to you. "allow me to help you up." he held your hand and guided you to stand up.

he took off his rollers and walked with you to a nearby milkshake shop, he bought 4 milkshakes. "Whoa there buddy, I don't have that much of an appetite for dairy okay? I may eat a lot but I get diarrhea from too much dairy-"

He laughed at you. "oh no no you got it wrong, the other 3 are for my friends, and don't worry about it miss..?" he gave you a look that was asking for your name. "its Malice, sorry I wasn't able to tell you earlier" he pasted a warm smiled at you. "Miss Malice."

after a few laughs and conversations finishing your drinks, he gave you a paper bag for your snacks so it won't easily rip off with the amount of snacks you have in yours and his arm.

He bid farewell and left with his roller skates after you waved him goodbye. I guess you won't be seeing him again but he's one of the last people that you got to talk to in this town.

you sighed and muttered, "I'm gonna miss this Town."

(another cringe line :sob: - Author :3)

You walked off and went back to go home, with snacks around your arms. your parents weren't even surprised with the amount you have. they were just unbothered and kept doing whatever they were doing.



Anyway this story is just for funnies and a reason to get out from my homework 😞but I'm hoping that someone would actually be intrigued to read it :cheer:

- Author :3

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