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"The Clock"

Lincoln smiled at your response and stood up from his seat. "good, we'll go out in a few hours to get Alex from his room. But first, help us make your weapon." He held his hand to you to help you stand up from your place.

Lincoln commanded you to look for sharp items like knives and razors to remove them from its handle, leaving the sharp part out. 

You handed him all the sharp parts as he made your weapon. Lily grabbed a long mop stick that can be adjusted and handed it out to Lincoln.

After your weapon was made Lincoln added a few more accessories to it to be more functional, like adding a cute keychain and a small pouch attached to it with more weapons just in case.

"Here, you won't be using a gun because I'm pretty sure you don't know how to handle it." He insisted. "pardon me? Hey, I can hold a gun." Lincoln laughed at your response. "mhm if you say so." Lily chuckled behind him teasing you.

"Anyway, you and Aziel will be in charge of close-range combat while me and-" Lincoln looked at your wide-eyed expression. 

"excuse me? Did you say Aziel?" you furrowed your brows as you tightened your grip on the weapon that was handed to you. "um... yeah? Has he not told you? I thought all of those sweet talks from between you he would've mentioned it." He replied.

"no, he didn't." You sink into the couch with pure annoyance in your voice. Why does Aziel have to be here too? WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE?!? An awkward silence deafened the room.

"I see... well now you know." Lincoln coughed to get rid of the awkward silence "As I was saying, you and Aziel will be assigned for close-range combat while Alex and I will be with the guns and explosives." He continued.

  "what about Lily?" you ask. "Oh, I'll be your guy's support, I can handle all types of weapons." Lily winks at you and tilts her head with a smile, Which you find a little creepy...

"so is this just like a game?" you ask again. "I guess you can say that... but once we die in this dimension there's no knowing if we would still be alive in the real world or revive again." His tone suddenly changed. 

"come on cheer up Lin! We have a new person with us today. It's not just the five of us anymore!" Lily spoke to cheer up Lincoln.

"Five? There's another one...?" you ask once again. "yeah, He's with Aziel." Lincoln answered calmly.

  "I see..." You looked down and stared at the floor still trying to progress everything.

This isn't a dream anymore everything feels so real, your wound stings which makes you hiss in pain. You bite your lip to hide your pain from the Twins, The two of them walk away and go deal with their own business. 

Lily plopped back in her bed and started reading a book, while Lincoln started working on electrical which seemed like lights. You also stood up from the couch and approached the window to check what was going on outside.

The clouds were in a dark shade of purple which seemed abnormal, it was one of the proofs that you aren't in the real world. You checked the digital clock on top of the table beside the bunk bed of the Twins, you noticed that it moved to 1 am.

"I got another question..." You raised your hand to get their attention. Lincoln only hummed in response but Lily straightened her back willing to listen to your question.

"if we move things like, like this book and everything else, it won't be moved in the real world, right? Because as far as I can recall, Lincoln mentioned that 1 hour is equivalent to 10 seconds in the real world, so does that mean that it's been 20 seconds in the other dimension...?" You ask.

Lily's eyes lightened and closed her book then answered; "Yes you got it, even if we move things like all this mess in this realm, it won't be moved in the real world. But for the time, time is the only thing that moves in the real world and here." She explained with a smile.

"Oh, I see..." you check the clock once again. Everything is starting to slowly make sense, you check out the window once again and look down. 

You see different variants of monsters outside the building, but almost all of them are similar because they are all black figures. "We call them shifters." Lincoln Spoke, Still buried in his work.

"why shifters?" you ask with one eyebrow raised. "well it's because they can shift, the monsters outside are still not dead, they all probably just exploded into pieces but went back to form into a new and different type of creature."

 Lincoln answered. "It's what I have observed for the past weeks we've been here." He added.

So there's no way to kill them...? Just what are these creatures...

You grip the window frame with your quivering hand, you've never felt fear shower your body like this before. 

All of this new information answering your questions is helping you understand more but it doesn't help you feel better, it just makes it worse. 

A sudden thought came through your mind.

"so where is Aziel and the other one? Have you guys met up?" you question them. "no, but all we know is that Aziel and His cousin are at their place fighting off shifters like us, but their place is safer because it's bigger and has more supplies than these small apartment rooms." Lily replied to your question

Why does everybody keep using the word 'Big' when talking about Aziel's home? Is he really that rich?

"After getting Alex here, our next mission is to get to the nearest store and meet up with Aziel and Trevor, are you up for that, Malice?" 'Trevor'? That blonde man from earlier? 

"y-yes..." you answer with your trembling voice. "it's going to be okay Mal, we're here with you. The three of us." Lily comforted you with a hug.

  "Thank you..." you thank Lily for doing her best to comfort you, Lincoln got up from his work and joined in with a hug.


rrrrrrrrrrrr next part is them dying :3 /jk

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