2. ★ the void ate me.

11 2 48

(tw: mentions of a breakup, and sadness)

September 20th, 2023

"Hey, Ko." Tommy sits next to Kody, who is sitting on their bed. He seems a bit hesitant, scratching the back of his neck.

"What?" Kody is editing a new video of hers, not even looking at Tommy. She notices his hesitant-ness, but doesn't think anything of it.

"I wanted to uh..." Tommy looks at Kody, still watching her edit. "Look at me." He takes her laptop from her, placing it on the bedside table.

Kody raises a brow, deadpanning when her laptop is taken. She turns to face her boyfriend, her arms hugging her knees close to her chest.

"I don't know how to say this." Tommy takes in a deep breath, concerning his girlfriend. He closes his eyes, and sighs. "These last 3 years...they've been great."

"..Great?" Kody tilts her head, her dark brown eyes full of confusion.

"Y-yeah." Tommy clears his throat, looking away from his confused partner. "I..." He takes in another deep sigh. "I don't love you anymore."

Those words stab Kody in the heart, she sits there speechless. Her eyes flitter across Tommy's face, making sure he isn't playing some cruel joke. "W-what?" Her voice cracks, tears welling up in her eyes.

Tommy cringes, running a hand through his blond hair. "I don't love you anymore. You heard me." He seems a bit aggressive as he speaks, his brows furrowing. His blue eyes focusing on Kody's reactions, hating to see her so upset.

"I did hear you, obviously!" Kody throws her hands up. "What- did I do something wrong?? I can- I can try better- I can stop being so clingy-"

"Kody." Tommy puts his finger on Kody's lips, his eyes softening. "It's nothing you did...I just-" He cringes once more. "I just don't love you."

Kody sits there in shock, gripping the sheets under her. "I..." She's flabbergasted, the brunette never would've thought..

"Just...leave, okay?" Tommy stands up, turning to look toward the window. "I'll schedule you a flight, you can stay with Rose...or something." He shrugs, seeming uncharacteristically apathetic.

"What." Kody's brows furrow. "You're not- you can't just kick me out!" She stands up, balling her hands into fists. "This is my flat, too! You can't just-"

"I can." Tommy glares at his now ex girlfriend. "Get. out." He snaps, taking a screen shot of the ticket he bought Kody. He sends it to her, and takes in a deep sigh.

"You..." Kody steps back, hearing her phone go off. "I-I can't believe you." She grabs her phone, putting it in her pocket. "Fine, I'll fucking leave. You're probably cheating on me with Toby." She scoffs, beginning to pack her bags.

"I'm straight, woman! I just can't-" Tommy grips the bridge of his nose. "Just get out, okay?" It's more of a statement, than a suggestion.

"Don't woman me." Kody spats, venom in her tone. She packs her bags, and takes off her hoodie. She throws it at Tommy, grabbing a new one from her bag. "Take your goddamn hoodie back." She rolls her eyes, storming out to her car.

Tommy rolls his eyes back at Kody, looking at the hoodie. His eyes soften, it's the hoodie that he wore to meet Schlatt.

Damn, he's regretting his decision.

It even smells like her.

Rose is doing one of her cosplays, as she face times Frankie. "This hair is so fucking hard to comb out, it's like I'm doing a dead woman's hair-" She jokes, jolting when she hears a knock at the door. "Brb" She stands up, going downstairs.

"Hi, Ro."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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