It Pays to Be a Winner

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Commander Harm Rabb and Lieutenant Colonel Sarah McKenzie landed in Ramadi the next day. Mavrey and Jace's father were friends with the former JAG Advocate General Albert Jethro Chegwidden, a retired Navy SEAL. Jace knew the former two only by reputation.

No one liked this, standard procedure stated the platoon was supposed to return stateside to meet with JAG, not the other way around.

Jace watched as his teammates went in and out of the interview room with LTC. MacKenzie, Lieutenant Rome was being interviewed by Commander Rabb. Based on the volume of the junior officer's voice, he was unhappy with how his interview was going.

"Petty Officer Gibbs."

Jace looked up, it was his turn. Once inside the two sat down.

"Looks like you've been preparing to be a door kicker you're entire life," said the Colonel. "Since the age of ten, you've participated in mixed martial arts, middle and high school swim and dive teams, and competitive junior marksmanship."

"I had a goal and I worked to achieve it, Ma'am."

"Joined up at the age of seventeen, you tried to enlist directly into the SEALs, there were no billets available," continued MacKenzie. "You joined as a Fleet Marine Force Hospital Corpsman, assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, you got top scores in A" School, Field Medical Service Technician Course, Special Operations Training Group, Marine Martial Arts Program, and even Scout Sniper School."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You're father ever have his buddies greenlight you or modify your scores?"

And here's the kicker.

"No, Ma'am."

"I've spoken to your father, the Marines he served with, the ones that trained you. They all say one thing, that Julian Cadell Gibbs is 'the finest the Navy has ever received and trained' and that 'it would be shameful to undo the work that was put into teaching him everything he knows'."


"They made it clear that, in their eyes, you deserve your Trident and if you were to be tossed out, the Marine Corps would gladly take you as a Corpsman or as a full-fledged Marine."

"All due respect, Ma'am, I don't want that."

"What I don't get is why someone like that would throw everything they worked for to beat a detainee. Even the one responsible for the deaths of American servicemen, including two fellow SEALs."

"I wasn't anywhere near Adeeb al-Akel at the time."

"I know, base security proved you and Captain Mavrey were in the DFAC at the time and the other three SEALs were with Commander Reston, but the others not so much."

"Every member of this platoon respects and abides by the UCMJ and Geneva Convention."

"Why is it that Lieutenant Rome never leaves the FOB? Ever since he was placed with this platoon you guys have hardly gone outside the wire."

"Just because someone does the work doesn't mean they deserve the rewards, especially if they just want to use it to leverage promotions."

"Rome has accused you of going over his head for the raid."

Jace looked the Colonel in the eye. "He's a born politician and willing to screw everyone over to look out for himself."

Colonel MacKenzie assessed Julian and his words. "Your lawyer has prevented me from going beyond what we've discussed."

"I never asked for an attorney and I wasn't told that I was assigned one," said Jace, the officer walked him out.

"The Jethros talked and arranged your counsel, all Pro Bono."

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