Chapter 25

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Author's pov.

As Abhimaan headed back towards his room, reaching infront of the door of his room, he was about to enter when his eyes landed on a maid standing five feet away from him probably fearing to go anywhere near him
Abhimaan frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair and said


On hearing his voice lace in sheer coldness, the poor maid jolted.
Not wanting to irritate him further with her presence, she immediately spoke

"S-Sushma-a ma'am a-asked me to call e-everyone for d-dinner"
The maid replied lowering her head as she thought the only thing that could calm her down at this moment was to refrain from looking at the man infront of her.

"Hm" saying that only, he went inside his room.
Because of the noise of opening and closing of the door Aisha stirred in her sleep but her body resisted the urge to wake up

As soon as Abhimaan entered inside his room, his eyes straight away landed on his wife, who was lying down on the farthest corner of the bed
She was lying in such a position that if she moved even an inch in the wrong direction, she would straight away land on the floor

But then suddenly, a thought gripped his brain
He had gotten to know from his mother when he was still in Europe, that his family visited Himachal once after he was married, and that included Aisha.
'Did something happened between them (Aisha and Shivansh)?' Only the thought was enough to mess up with his whole system.

Suddenly his phone rang loudly which again made Aisha stir in her sleep and as he answered the call, his raspy voice startled the poor girl laid on the bed to the verge that made
Aisha open her eyes in a jolt, hearing his voice,
it was surprising enough that other than her husband's voice, everything else made little difference to disturb her sleep.

Abhimaan, on picking up the call turned his head towards the other side still looking at her form with the corner of his eyes, who was now wearing a scared face and trying to sit up with the support of her left arm while her right hand pushed back the cloth over her left shoulder which was slipping down, all the while looking at his actions, who did nothing except standing there talking to someone while his gaze held her hostage

"What?" Abhimaan said to the person on the other side of the phone

"Sir, we've got to know who was registered as the owner of that penthouse" the man said from the other side taking all of Abhimaan's attention which seemed like a golden opportunity to Aisha as she scooted away to the bathroom hurriedly

"Who is it?" Abhimaan said still holding his composure, even though a storm was going on inside him with impatience

"It's someone named Sanjay Singh...I'll email you all the other details sir" he said and Abhimaan closed his eyes hearing that familiar named once again after so long, there was no way in the hell he could forget this name
He remembers each and every name as well as their face, who were present on that fateful day
And he sworn to befall hell on each and every one of them

Abhimaan opened his eyes with blazing rage in them
He hummed on the phone and declined the call putting it on the table where his laptop and some files already laid messed up.

After that he went to the closet to put on something more comfortable.

A few minutes later, Aisha peeked from the bathroom door to see if he was still in the room
Not finding him there, she stepped inside the room, sighing in relief
She looked at the time in surprise as it was almost time for dinner and she though she should be there before her absence give someone to talk shit about her behind her back.

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