A1 C10: Gift

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The staff had underestimated the severity of the weather. After more than ten minutes, not only did the rain show no signs of stopping, it intensified. The match had to be suspended, and a new date had to be scheduled.

Su Ge's already not-so-great mood grew even darker. He brushed off the rain that had splashed onto his shoulders and frowned at his assistant holding an umbrella next to him, "Prepare a clean set of clothes; I'll need to change when we get back to the car."

The assistant hesitated as Su Ge seemed ready to leave, "But Lun-ge wants you to interact with the fans before leaving, or there won't be any content for today's press release."

Su Ge glanced at him, "Interact? How? It's pouring, and if you're cold, I am too. Are you going to take responsibility if I catch a cold?"

Usually, after events, stars would interact with fans off-stage. Fans were willing to wait so long for this. Caught in the middle, the assistant hesitated, "But, Lun-ge said..."

Lun-ge was the top broker at Shanxing Entertainment, a man with considerable influence. Su Ge owed his success to him.

Su Ge's wings weren't strong enough to fly solo. He muttered something about it being troublesome, straightened his cuff, and with the assistant's company, headed towards the spectator seats.

When fans saw him approaching, their fatigue vanished. They waved their light sticks excitedly, calling out to him.

"Su Ge! Su Ge!"

"Su Ge, I really like you!"

Li Xixi had been soaked by the rain earlier but perked up when she heard someone call out Su Ge's name. She pushed her way to the front, holding up a gift box and said excitedly, "Su Ge, this is for you!"

The gift box had been shielded from the rain under her coat and felt dry to the touch. Seeing this, the assistant tried to take it but Su Ge accepted it himself. He smiled warmly at Li Xixi and said softly, "Thank you for the gift; I'll treasure it."

"Okay... okay..."

Li Xixi was so taken by his smiling eyes that her mind went blank. She felt unsteady, not knowing when Su Ge left. Her friend nudged her, "Xi Xi, stop daydreaming. Look at you, go home before you catch a cold; I'm freezing."

Li Xixi held her face with both hands, "If you were me, you'd be starstruck too."

"Embarrassing, no, I wouldn't."

"Yes, you would!"


Because of the rain, the filming of promotional videos had to be temporarily suspended. The program's staff were busy apologizing to the artists backstage for the delay, expressing their apologies for the inconvenience, and arranging to meet for dinner next time before hastily wrapping up.

Xi Nian wasn't there; he was standing in the corridor, smoking. Outside, the sky grew darker, contrasting sharply with the bright lights of the corridor. He looked out the window and got a cold raindrop on his neck, making him straighten up.

Xi Nian had a heavy smoking habit in his previous life. When the stress of his rising career was overwhelming, he always had a cigarette in hand. Today, he had smoked out of habit, but it irritated him.

Sensing his unusual mood, the system circled around Xi Nian and said, 【You Earthlings say that these things called cigarettes are harmful to the body.】

Xi Nian brushed off the ash from his cigarette, his handsome face blurred by the smoke, "You're quite nosy, aren't you? With so many criminals in the world, you're always following me around."

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