Chapter One |The Fall

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It was a  rainy afternoon. Zilxian was sitting on the edge of his window, counting the drops go by. I mean he practically had nothing better else to do. He didn't feel like making any more connections with people, not after the countless of deaths he's witnessed over the years- decades..? How long has it been-? He had pondered for a while. "How long has it been since I've had an actual human interaction." He wasn't all that alone, he had his cats. Yin and Yang and he loved them dearly since they've also had the curse on them. 

One of the cats then arched its back, his fur bristling. "Yang.. what wrong?" It pointed his head towards the downstairs area when suddenly... RING!! RING!!! ..

It was a human.

He started freaking, "I-I haven't even touched a door since since- twelve years ago??" He said with a panicked low raspy voice. He eventually calmed himself down and went downstairs, he had on pj's, a long black comfortable pants and a shirt that was so tight it squeezed against his body. He answered through a small crack in the door.

"H-Hello how..." He froze up "How m-m-...may i help you?" He finally managed to choke out. "Hi my name is Phoebe!" She had opened the door all the way, she was a very bouncy energetic person. "I'm new to the neighborhood and I thought to stop by and hand out gifts!" She said excitedly. Confused, he nodded slowly. "Whats- no no what am I saying- Uh- thank you-?" She was now a bit confused herself but more curious than anything, "Soooo- whats you name?" He couldn't find the words to speak. He took a deep breath, "Z-Z.." Now that he was actually looking at her.. She was beautiful! Short brunette hair, soft silky skin....

"Well are you going to answer Mr?" He snapped out of his trance, "Oh sorry.. My name is Zilxian-" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. But her eyes was sparkling, "That's such a cool name- I cant believe- woah.." She was mesmerized. He was confused but nodded his head. 'You should let her in!' A random thought in his head went off, no- NO! 'I am too socially awkward for that and besid-' His thought process was cut off as she stepped inside, "Cool house sir!"  He had panicked, not knowing if to lead her back outside slowly or to try to entertain her in his house. "Uh- thank you miss.." He smiled nervously.

She had already welcomed herself to the living room couch, "Now then- love the gothic feel!" "Oh yeah.. this house is pretty old- well.. Can I even call it a house-? Its.. its..." She spoke out "A mansion! Oh who am I kidding- A castle! So cool!!" He nodded, Yin and already hid under the couch while Yang was finding himself on Zilxian's shoulder. "Lovely cats- wait.. CATS!!" She bounced up and started approaching ZIlxian in a hurry to pet the cat, and that's exactly when Zilxian collapsed on the floor. "Oh gosh-" She had started to panick- "N-Nine one-" She had practically leaped towards her phone and called the ER.

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