Fujikawa Y/N - (4)

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"So people overseas drink from electrolytic to kill themselves, huh? But those who do have their organs melted while they're still alive. Yuck. Glad I didn't try that one." Dazai said looking at the abandoned city in-front of him. 

"Maybe, I should just kill you myself using this method" Y/N said looking at the boy beside her.

"Eww! NO!" visible disgust spread on Dazai's face making the girl chuckle.

"Oh! Look a black cat and so pretty!!" Y/N suddenly started chasing the cat, leaving Dazai and and a adult man behind.

"Oi Y/N-chan! Don't go far, ok?" Dazai shouted looking at the girl running away like a child and sighed.

With Y/N and the cat:

"Hora-Hora, Neko-chan!~ let me play with you, will ya?" Y/N said catching the cat, smiling smugly at them.

"Oi, oi, let me go!! You human!" the cat screamed at Y/N making her shocked.

"Wait...what? You..................................................are a MALE?" Y/N said flipping the cat on it's stomach and analyzing it's *Cough* you know 'body part', "Ohhh, it looks like a small male part"

"Oi! You shameless human! Ofc I'm a male, can't you hear my voice?! I know you can, even though I don't know how! Put me down and what do you even know a male's private part?!" the cat screeched at Y/N, trying to get free.

"Oh, this? Umm, I know a little about it, I have seen it a couple times." Y/N said pointing at the cat's private part.

"W-what.....?" the cat suddenly stopped fighting back and stared at her, horrified.

"Ummm...yes, you heard me, right? No? I said I have se--"

"Shut up! shut up! I get it, no need not repeat yourself. I have sharp ears." the cat screamed trying to scratch Y/N's hand. Y/N smirked to herself seeing the cat's reaction, oh how she loved the horrified look on it's face.


"Kunikida-san, where are Tanizaki-san and Naomi-san?!" Atsushi said as soon as he woke up.

"Calm down. They're both okay" Kunikida said not taking his eyes off of his book.

"I-I was saved..." Atsushi said recalling the incident

"By who?" all of a sudden Dazai was sitting on the bed with a really serious expression on his face.

"H-heh? Oh, Dazai-san you're here too..." Atsushi asked shocked at his sudden appearance.

"Did you see that person?" Kunikida asked as Dazai got up and sat on the chair next to him.

"No...but I heard her. A sword came and blocked Akutagawa's attack, saving me" Atsushi remembered a sword saving him from Akutagawa's attack.

"What did she say?" Dazai asked leaning back on the chair, closing his eyes.

"Oi, Kid. Get up and fight, I didn't here come to save you. You have to save your friends or are you gonna let them die because you were weak?" Atsushi tried mimicking her voice making Kunikida and Dazai sweat drop.

"Atsushi-kun, you sound weird" Dazai said as he got up from his chair.

"O-oh, is that so? But Dazai-san who was she, do you know her? She was talking with Akutagawa but I can't quite remember what she said" Atsushi asked curious.

'Reason To Live' - Osamu Dazai x OC (BSD)Where stories live. Discover now