How could I ever love someone? - (6)

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"Kunikida-san, do you think he is ok? He hasn't moved from that place for hours now " a boy with a farmer's hat asked.

"I don't know Kenji, he won't let go of her hand and is not even speaking" Kunikida said looking at the man sitting beside a women, tightly holding her hand.

"Oi, Dazai you have to let Yosano treat her" Kunikida said looking at Dazai who had refused to let Yosano treat the women.

"No...she doesn't like pain...and she just needs to sleep for a while until she heals" Dazai said still not looking at Kunikida.

Y/N pov:

I looked around me, dark. There was no light, everything was pitch dark. Suddenly blood stains painted the dark room, laughter filled the whole room.

"You don't deserve to live you monster" I saw a man kicking a little girl in her stomach.

"I-I'm sorry father!" the little girl cried out of pain. "Father...?" I though looking at the little girl and the man realising that that is me and that man was my father.

"Don't call me father!" the man agai kicked her, making her cough blood.

"NO! Don't hurt her!!" I screamed feeling the pain in my bones every time he kicked, watching the little me cry for forgiveness.

Just then the man and the girl disappeared, now the room filling with horrific screams. A bloody mess appeared in-front of me. People with blood dripping from their neck slowly came towards me screaming.



They slowly came forward, both screams and laughter filling the bloody room.

"! DON'T CLOSER!" I tried crawling back but found myself chained with iron chains.



"No!! You're wrong, he forgave me! D-Dazai...DAZAI!!" I screamed his name, terrified of not being forgiven.

Suddenly a faint voice called out my name, "Y/N-chan!!" It's his voice, it's him!

"Dazai! Dazai!, please don't leave me!" I screamed closing my eyes as I felt the the voices slowly disappearing. 

I slowly opened my eyes as the bright light blinded my eyes. I hurriedly sat up straight calling out for him, "Dazai, D-dazai! Where are you? Da---" Suddenly a warm feeling engulfed my heart as I felt someone pulling me into a hug, that familiar fragrance, "Shhh, shhh. I am right here, I am not leaving"

Writer pov:

The whole Agency watched worriedly as the women screamed in her sleep. "Y/N-chan, Y/N-chan!!"

"Dazai! Dazai, please don't leave me!" the women cried calling out for Dazai, who was trying his best to wake her up, "Please wake up, I won't leave you!" Dazai shaked Y/N trying to wake her up from the nightmare, tightly holding her hand. Ranpo sat beside him, spraying water on her to wake her up.

"Oi, Dazai, we have to let her feel some pain to wake her up." Kunikida said worried looking at the situation.

"NO! I-I have to wake her up myself. I don't want her to feel pain anymore!" Dazai said declining Kunikida's advise.

Suddenly the women opened her eyes, sitting up straight still calling out for Dazai looking around frantically. Dazai quickly pulled her towards him, embracing her in his arms, "Shhh, shhh. I am right here, I am not leaving." Dazai tried calming her, slowly caressing her hair.

'Reason To Live' - Osamu Dazai x OC (BSD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora