Introduction •

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This is a book about my characters, it can serve as a guide for me and a way for me to remember these characters because my memory is not really that good..

And just in case I need some characters, I can get them from here.

However, I find a possibility that it won't just be characters here but also abilities, outfits, weapons and many others than can be included in the design of the character.

• Just some reminders, these characters are not real, they are just CHARACTERS.
• I used pictures on google or other platforms that shows pictures to describe the characters better. I also edited all those pictures to fit more on the description of the character.

That's a bit of my problem since I can't draw, but I'm working on it, I swear. But since I'm not good at drawing, at least I know how to edit and have a wide imagination and I'm grateful for that. ( ╹▽╹ )

I am giving credit to the artist that actually drew the pictures, I am really sorry for taking your art and even changing it.

That is all. (●´⌓'●)

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