Chapter 1

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Im Ava Foster, this is the story of my life, and afterwards is my journey from a sad story.

2012- when we met. I was 9.
Im currently 19 years old, I'm at my best friends funeral..

"I, uhm, just wanted to thank everyone for coming.." I started as everyone looked devastated glancing up at me. "I know this is extremely hard for everyone, Emily, was an amazing person, I wish she could be here with us, sh- she uhm, was my best friend." I said which made me cry.

"I-I mean we would sneak each other over to our houses, we would skip class together, we did everything together, she made me feel l-loved.. I-im sorry I can't do this!" I said full on crying and running out of the room.

Later that night..

"Hey, honey, how you holding up?" Emily's aunt asked as she walked in my room. I started to tear up, "I can't do it,"

"I just can't" my voice cracked as i cried more "hey.." she said hugging me as I put my head into the crook of her neck.

"Ava Grace Foster! How could you be so selfish!?" My mom yelled slamming open the door. "I'll leave you two alone.." Emilys aunt said standing up walking out.


"Selfish, mom? Seriously, you want to talk about being selfish!?" I asked "You can't call me selfish, you have no idea what its like!" My voice cracked.

"To loose your best friend, a sister, you're world! Also the Johnson family has been more of a family to me then you or dad, in my whole life!" I yelled

"So DO NOT tell ME I'm being selfish for once in my life, when you've been selfish my whole life!" I cried, and in that moment I felt a sting on my face, as I grabbed it immediately.

"Don't ever say that again!" She demanded, as she opened the door as slammed it closed. I started crying even more.

As I started to think,

I lost my best friend, my parents, but they've never been there in the first place, the Johnsons might as well stop talking to me, I had no other friends, Emily was the only one I had...

I guess I haven't really explained what happened the night she committed..

Breef description of what happened that day;

Emily reluctance to pursue her dream of joining the army, with Ava pushing her to follow her passion while Emily struggled with doubts and fears about leaving their hometown and loved ones behind. This conflict could have escalated into a tense confrontation, leaving both friends feeling hurt and misunderstood before Emily's tragic decision.

It was any other day, I stayed the night with Emily at her house. It was around 10 when I woke up as Emily greeted me like usual, "Morning, V"

"Morning, E"  I smiled. I got up and used the bathroom, afterwards I headed downstairs.

"Morning, mom." I greeted to Emilys mom. Let me tell you something about both of our families, so Emilys family has always been rich, but her parents aren't usually around also there favorite child was her older brother, Daniel. My family, was poor and still is. But my parents are always around but they're both abusive or an alcoholic, and they just don't care for any children they have, so I took on the role to take care of my younger sister, Mia.

𝓑𝓮𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 Where stories live. Discover now