Chapter II: Kiritloo

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París, september 2015.
After escape from China, Wales, Germany and Brazil, Yu has aged in France to 180 years old. Many years had passed and he realized that he had never opened that box. Was there really jewelry inside with miraculous spirits? Or will they turn out evil like the box that woman opened in Greece? He decided to open it and he could saw all the looracles inside, each one was a different jewel, rings, necklaces, combs and earrings were found throughout the box. He took the protection one. It was a bracelet with the symbol of an emerald turtle, he placed it on his hand, from there he could see how a light came out of the bracelet like a genie from a lamp. A strange creature appeared... it was like an insect but bigger or like a mouse but smaller, it was green and had a small emerald shell.

Greetings Lord Wang, my name is Wayzz– said the strange creature– I am the protection kiritloo, the kiritloes are in charge of granting powers to the bearers of their respective jewels, but as a guardian I suppose that you already knew that.

Wang already knew what the kiritloo was referring to, when he was young he had to learn a lot about to them to become guardian, but he had never could know all the potential they had because he had never could understand the symbols of that book that he lost, he wasn't can decode it, much less read it.

Master, we have to find Noroo and Duzzu– Wayzz said.
Who are Noroo and Duzzu?– asked Wang politely.
They are the kiritloes of the looracles that you lost– the little turtle answered.

Wang remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

But... it's too late, it would be impossible to recover them – said Wang
It's never too late to honor what you believe– said Wayzz– I trust you.

It had been many years since Wang had felt at ease with someone. The brief moment he looked into the eyes of that little creature made him realize that he made a new friend.

What's wrong sir?-
Call me Yu please–

Looracles (English versión)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ