Next Worst Nightmare

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     Regina said it was time for another fight night.

A few days ago when I got the pain killer and the  antibiotic I started healing up pretty fast. So much that I couldnt get let off of fight night anymore. And she said a month. How aggravating.

Regina was so admient about how everyone has been anxiously waiting, that everyone's so excited. She said it was going to be even bigger and better then before. When she said that I tried not to look frightened but I'm pretty sure I turned green.

I was now walking to perimeter work. Eventually they stopped having a guard direct me and I just listened for that shout early in the morning, "TO WORK EVERYONE!" like everyone else.

Im not sure if they started to trust me or if the guards were just getting sick of babysitting me. Either way I'm glad I can walk myself places. There's guards are basically everywhere so all we do is what we are told.

I got to perimeter and painted the blood onto the gap of the wall and got to stabbing. Harper eventually joined me a bit late.

"Hey," I said quietly and turned away from the guards. "Saved a spot for you." I scooted over welcoming like.

"Oh how kind of you." she smiled and grabbed a spear and got to work beside me.

"You were a bit late, everthing good?" I asked.

"Yeah...uh Nate and I just lost track of time." I tried not to scrunch my face but I must've because she giggled.

I kept trying to keep my mind off of having to fight after this. I'd get my mind onto something else and then all of the sudden I get this feeling in my chest of impending doom.

My lungs felt covered with water and my stomach had moths flipping around avidly. I kept trying to pretend my hands weren't shaking anxiously.

"Hey." I looked over at Harper realizing I had zoned out. "Whatever happens, you got this. I'm here for you, alright?" I smiled and nodded even though it didn't slow the shake in my hands.

"Thank you..Im here for you too Harper, always." she smiled sincerely.

"Everyone go get ready for fight night!" one of the guards said. Everyone dropped their spears and headed to their rooms.  My heart dropped. Harper gave me an encouraging smile as she departed and I tried to do the same. As I walked to my room I heard snarky comments like Dont die.

      I got cleaned up and waited for someone to drag me to my next worst nightmare. I wanted it to end already. I wanted to go. I just cant bring myself to let go.

The door clanked open and Regina stood with a jean skirt and off the shoulder clubbing type shirt. She looked ridiculous as usual.

Her smile seemed extra devious today. "Well lets get goin. Don't want to disappoint your-" she stopped for a minute, "-our fans."

I didnt say anything. I just followed them to that same mudroom setting that forces images, scents, and phantom feelings as soon as you enter it. 

A guard suddenly grabbed my arms roughly and cuffed my hands behind my back. I felt the creeping panic. "Goodluck." Regina said as she strutted away.

"Nails, Glass, fire, you name it she can tame it. The one you've all been waiting for... Echo!"

I want to kill that guy.

The doors opened and I felt like just laying down and ruining the "show" but I cant imagine dying like that. I can't die like that.

The lights blinded me, as the flashlights danced across the ground. There wasn't anything anywhere. Just the ring and the dirt ground. It however didn't make me feel relief in any way. Whatevr she had bragged about could only be in one place. The steel box Regina's stupid face is sitting on.

When the box started slowly opening I immediately got onto the ground to thred my legs through my arms. I got my hands in front of me and got back onto my feet. The lights steadied and the crowd became slightly quieter.

When the box opened I didn't see anything but darkness. I took a step forward and squinted my eyes trying to see.

I heard a gut wrenching, strained, scream. A walked jumped out and RAN at me.

It bolted toward me, its bones moving like they weren't rotted at all. I threw myself to the side letting the runner faceplant into the steel doors.


It turned around. It's face was scarred not rotted, like it had been healing. Did she create this??

It suddenly bolted at me again and I jumped up the fence despite the fear of getting shot by an arrow. It crawled up after me.  I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I dropped back onto the ground my ankles buckling.

I turned to see it. It crawled along the fence eyeing me like prey.

"He's got the weapon Echo just get it for christ sake!" I sneer at Regina's unfazed voice. I was confused until I saw the large peice of glass sticking out of the side of this monster.

It screamed and growled then jumped onto me. I pushed the chain of my cuffs into its neck holding it away from my face. I kept my arms wide to keep it from tearing me apart with its claws. It was drooling and foaming at the mouth like it had rabies.

My grip slipped slightly.I felt it as it reached and scratched across my face with its nails. I felt the cold blood leaking down my face.


I  kicked the beast to the side flipping around and wrapping the chain of the cuffs aroud it's neck. I put my boot onto its back pushing its neck into the chain. It hissed and clawed.

Im stuck. How the hell am I supposed to grab the weapon?!? Suddenly the creature got up and my leg slipped off its back. I pushed my wrists together trying to keep my grip. It spun a few times angry I was on its back. It screamed retchingly and smashed me up against the cage knocking the air out me.

I slid down the fence and gasped for air. It was like someone had taken my lungs from me. It lunged at me and I threw myself out of the way still gasping for air.  I stood to my feet still longing for air and ran to the other side of the ring.

My heart raced and pounded loudly. My hands trembled. My unsteady breathing was the main distinction of my fear.

It planted its feet and glared at me. It screamed and began to run at me. I wanted to freeze but I couldn't let myself. I bolted toward it.

It put its arms wide out ready to grab me. I dropped and slid on my knees. I yanked the glass out of its side. It hissed almost falling forward.

I turned and tripped. It landed face first and jumped onto its back so it couldn't get up. I stabbed it in the head but it only went in a centimeter and slice my hand open deep.

The smell of blood made it start thrashing around violently. Thinking fast I stomped the peice of glass in with my boot. The glass went down into its skull and also up into my foot; stopping at the top of the inside of my shoe. The glass then broke in half.

It stopped thrashing and I fell over flat on my back breathing unsteady and ragged. Staring into the cool night feeling completely gone.

EchoOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara