9. The Pool Party

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Lucy was straddling Tim when she reached into his pants. She heard his little moans. She felt his hands squeezing and grabbing her wildly. She tasted his hot swollen lips mixed with something salty. She saw his completely black eyes and burning, pleasure-filled expression.

And then she woke up.

She blamed sleeping in Tim's flannel again, his scent steadily floating into her nostrils, as the reason for her sexy dream, but whatever caused it was insignificant in comparison to the additional, more impassioned desire to be more intimate with him. The wetness between her thighs that she woke up to reminded her that when he actually touched her, the intensity was tenfold. Without a doubt in her mind, Lucy was ready for the next time she would get Tim alone; she meant it when she told him she was not ready for them to have sex, but she was ready for him to start mapping her bare skin, and if he allowed it, for her to start getting acquainted with his length.

It had never been so fast or so strong, but every cell in her body was screaming for more of Tim, and she needed to answer the call. If only they were able to spend their day off from filming as usual, but he warned her that their plans for the day were different, and Lucy was both disappointed in the fact that their precious time together was being ripped away and also that she would not have a chance to compare her dream to real life quite yet.

Unbeknownst to her, across the orange grove, Tim woke up flushed and almost fully hard, because he had a similar dream of kissing down Lucy's naked body and pumping his fingers into her softness until she cried his name. He hated that he was not going to spend the whole day alone with the woman driving his mind and body wild.


John rehearsed his important announcement in his head multiple times before entering the mansion's kitchen and facing all of the women. "Good morning, ladies. I have some great news. Today, Tim is coming over for a pool party. This will give you an extra chance to connect with him this week. Put on some sunblock and get ready for a day of fun."

While the other women were all excited about having an additional opportunity to see Tim during the week, Lucy was annoyed that an off day that was supposed to be quality alone time with him was being hijacked for a classic "The Bachelor" pool party meant to be drama-filled where all of the women were supposed to get into arguments over the bachelor while wearing bikinis. She had completely forgotten about that particular staple in every season, and she was definitely not looking forward to a whole day of sharing her man with nineteen other women.

Noah greeted Tim at the front door of the mansion. "Okay, the women are all ready in the backyard by the pool. Go out there, smile, and be charming today. Keep your side of the deal."

"Fine. I trust you to keep yours."

"I'm a jackass, but I'm not a total monster. My word is my bond."

"Thank you."

"Thank me by getting me good ratings."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"I better see sparks fly between you and Lucy on that one on one date tomorrow."

"That won't be a problem." There was never a shortage of sparks between them, or perhaps it was bordering on explosive flames.

"Great. Don't keep the ladies waiting."

With an exhale, Tim walked into the mansion and followed the sounds of the women talking outside onto the patio. He barely took a step before women started swarming, vying for his attention. Of course, the only person whose attention he wanted was not one of the many greeting him. He scanned until his eyes met hers. As much as he wanted to shoulder past everyone else and go to her, he merely flashed Lucy an apologetic look before forcing a smile on his face and allowed himself to be dragged over to a chaise to speak with Ashley M.

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