Chapter 26:Round Three *Confused Explosions*

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Pichu popped out from his hiding spot, behind a pipe in the corner of the main computer lab. The mouse Pokémon's head darted from side to side, making sure the room was empty before moving forward. Clear, move. He dashed forward, and jumped up onto the desk while using the drawer handles on the left side as a ladder. Ears swiveled and nose twitched as his tiny paws seized their prize, the flash drive that his trainer had left in the plug in. Package safely in hand, he jumped down, scampering down the floor towards the back corner once more.

Hidden behind the pipes and equipment, was a small little vent. Of which its grate was loose on one side. Pichu slipped the flash drive through the metal bars of the grate, before going towards the loose side. It took a little prying and struggle, but the mouse squeezed into the vent with a small tumble. Shaking his head clear, Pichu grabbed the flash drive again and darted through the ventilation system. Thank Arceus, that his trainer had looked up the building specs and made everyone study them before arriving. Pichu would be in real trouble if he didn't know where he was going.

He had a deadline to keep.

The room around her was still, other than the fluorescent light that sometimes flickered overhead. A simple padded bench was beneath her. The walls an eggshell white, and the floor had glossy grey tiles, made to resemble marble but were still far from the real deal. Amanda would call it almost clinical if it weren't for the filthy state of the room.

Umbreon sat at her side, and the young woman reached out a hand to rub her partner's head. The room certainly wasn't built to reduce trainer's anxiety before a battle. Then again, what would a terrorist organization know about trainer psychology. She shouldn't have hurried to arrive here, but it would've looked worse if she didn't fake panic.

The door opened slowly, light slipping into the dark computer terminal. Amanda very quickly shut off the computer screen, but kept the machine running, allowing the download to complete. She held a sigh of relief when she saw the stranger who had walked on her committing digital theft. A janitor. No giant red "R" on his shirt, or weird hat. Just a normal, middle aged, brunette janitor.

He looked at her through thick round glasses. His brown eyes searched her, puzzled.

"What are you doing in here Lil 'miss?" He asked.

Amanda made an over exaggerated surprised face, widening her eyes and bringing a hand to her mouth.

"Oh, I wish I knew. I was trying to get to the arena, but got lost in the crowd," She said with giggle, and bouncy movements, like that of a dumb empty-headed girl, "I thought I could slip the crowds by going up stairs then down. I mistook this for a stair well. I didn't mean to cause any trouble!"

The janitor's face softened, clearly fooled by her act. Hook line and sinker. She still had it.

"Well, c'mon no use staying up here," He said, "Don't worry I'll show you to the stadium."

"Oh, I can't ask you to do that, sir," Amanda said. Refuse all help, citing you don't want to be burden to them. Make them feel selfless. The hero.

"Don't worry about hon."

Amanda twisted a finger into one of her dyed locks, and bit her lip.

She had left Pichu in the room to collect the flash drive after she, Umbreon and Lucario were escorted out. Her little buddy was small and stealthy, and in a room that had a lot of power running into it, if he was caught, they would chalk it up to him being electricity hungry. She pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time.

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